Official Mailing Address: P O Box 186, Swanton, Ohio 43558, Indian country
Tel: 402-403-1788
~ Fundamentum iustitiae, primum est ne cui noceatur (Latin) – the first foundation of justice is not to harm others (Cicero, De Officiis 1, 10, 31)
This Constitution and the Code of Conduct (hereinafter CCC) shall be the touchstone for all matters concerning the affairs of the SATTT including the Rules of the SATTT Tribal Court of Equity. The Holy Scriptures shall be the standard under which SATTT shall manage its duties, functions, obligations and general affairs.
SATTT is made up of Tribal Members and Denizens from various Tribes, Bands, Nations, Clans and Communities that have decided to walk away, and stay away, from the unconstitutional, unjust, unfair, unconscionable, illegal and unlawful controls in the form of rules, regulations, directives and laws that are currently exercised by Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) ostensibly inspired by state and federal governments to erode, diminish, impair and otherwise affect tribal immunity, supremacy, sovereignty and suzerainty in direct breach and violation of applicable treaties, constitutions, laws, policy directives, presidential orders, rules and regulations that govern human affairs through established, ordained and organized government.
The existing United States federal Constitution, United States federal laws, State laws and municipal Codes that are known to be anti-Treaty, anti-civilization, anti-democratic, and anti-international law shall be deemed moot and considered non-binding on SATTT which operates and functions under the grand design and doctrine of jus cogens [the principles that form the norms of international law that cannot be set aside], God’s Law, Ancient Tribal Codes, Public Law 97-280 [96 Stat.1211 of 1982 which declared the Holy Bible as the Word of God], and all Treaties concluded between Native American Indigenous Tribes and the United States’ federal and state governments.
Vigilantibus non dormientibus jura subveniunt (Latin) - The laws serve the vigilant, not those who sleep.
i) The Government of the United States, and other relevant European nation-states, and organizations including the United Nations Secretary General will be notified of SATTT’s existence, statehood and operations as contemplated by Article One of the 1933 Montevideo Convention which requires four criteria for recognition as a sovereign nation state. SATTT qualifies as it has its own territorial boundaries supported by 18 United States Code §1151; own population; own branches of government (executive, legislative and judicial); and a veritable capacity to enter into Treaties with other sovereigns and nation states.
ii) Be it understood and known herein that notifying the officers and representatives of the federal and state governments does not in any shape, manner or form signify that SATTT is seeking consent, approval and permission. This is in compliance with a known judicial philosophy that “good fences make good neighbors,” as enunciated by Justice Felix Frankfurter of the U.S. Supreme Court in McCollum v. Board of Education, 333 U.S 203 (1948).
Centra factum non valet argumentum (Latin) – there is no valid argument against a fact.
SATTT shall enter into Treaties of Peace, Partnership and Prosperity with other Indigenous Tribes in North and South America, Aotearoa (“New Zealand”), Australia, India, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste, Africa, Polynesia and Micronesia including the Kingdom of Hawaii. Such Treaties shall also be concluded with other Indigenous Tribes in a global context.
Ad eundum quo nemo ante iit (Latin) – to go boldly where no man has gone before.
For God has given me the power not to fear; but power, love, and to engage in self-discipline (Holy Bible, 2 Timothy 1:7; Psalm 118:6)
SATTT shall designate and identify its Enrolled Tribal Members (ETM) with Tribal Identification Documents claiming, declaring and asserting tribal jurisdiction over all other nontribal meaningless, frivolous, vexatious and fictitious jurisdictions. Such mandates, laws, rules and regulations put forth by municipal, state and federal governments cannot, ought not, should not and must not encumber a free and sovereign people which SATTT exemplifies
Extra territorium jus dicenti impune non paretur (Latin) – he who administers justice outside of his territory is disobeyed with impunity.
SATTT’s ETM have no known contracts, implied or express, with municipal, state or federal governments in the “United States of America” known to have a semi-permanent easement in Indian country according to 18 United States Code § 1151. In this context, SATTT is wary, cautious and doubtful of the claims set forth in the Dawes Act of 1887, also cited as the Indian General Allotment Act, 24 Stat 388 (Indian country and land subject to sale) when seen through the lens of 25 United States Code § 450n (inherent tribal sovereignty and immunity). It is the sine qua non of established and ordained government today in Indian country United States of America that Treaties with Native Americans are recognized more in their breach than in obedience to these compacts between two sovereigns.
When SATTT encourages its Partners in Peace and Prosperity to assert and claim their rights it will be act of patriotism and tribalism to indigenous sovereign rights as validated and mandated under international law.
Ex turpi causa non oritur action (Latin) – a claimant will be unable to pursue a cause of action if it arises in connection with his own illegal act.
Enrolled Tribal Members shall make any, many, and all efforts to contact tribal governments, their Chiefs and Elders as a show of support for the Common Cause of bringing Indigenous Nations together as an economic force using birth certificates, death certificates, native land titles and tribal judgments as fungible financial instruments in global private placement programs to obviate the need for tribal governments to wait on government aid and assistance.
De nihilo nihil fit (Latin) – you cannot make anything out of nothing.
SATTT shall dedicate its best efforts to secure police power with the banding together of other Indigenous Tribes in North America; to secure international banking imperatives; to secure all resources – marine, wildlife, mineral and agricultural that belong to the Indigenous Tribes of North America prior to European contact and which is still owned by indigenous tribes - above and below their lands and soils.
Cuius est solum, eius est coelum (Latin) – he who owns the soil, owns the sky.
SATTT shall make contact with the governments of Great Britain, Spain, France and The Netherlands to ratify all of its earlier Treaties prior to the “American Revolution” that were ignored after the end of the Revolutionary War with the inception of peace treaties with these nations while embarking on a mission to cede, sell, purchase, barter and exchange territories in Indian country belonging to Native Americans under the universal doctrine of usucapion – Latin – ownership due to lengthened possession.
Usucapion was instituted that there might be an end of lawsuits; the right of property conferred by lengthened possession was introduced, or made law, in order that after a certain term no question should be possible concerning the ownership of property – expressed in Latin: usucapio consttita est it aliquis litium finis esset (Trayner’s Latin Maxims of Law, 9th ed., Universal Law Publishing Co., p. 613)
Damnum non facit qui iure suo uttitur (Latin) – harms no one he who uses his legal rights.
i) SATTT shall make every effort to use gold and silver as a store of value, a medium of exchange, and as money on account. SATTT may use FRN (Federal Reserve Notes) only where applicable and convenient. SATTT is aware that paper money is a constitutional affront;
ii) “The United States Constitution does not mention paper money by that name. Nor does it refer to paper currency or fiat money in those words. There is only one direct reference to the origins of what we, and they, usually call paper money. It is in the limitations on the power of the states in Article I, Section 10. It reads, “No State shall . . . emit Bills of Credit . . . .” Paper that was intended to circulate as money but was not redeemable in gold and silver was technically described as bills of credit at that time. The description was (and is) apt. Such paper is a device for expanding the credit of the issuer. There is also an indirect reference to the practice in the Section 8 of the Constitution. It reads, “No State shall . . . make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts . . . .” Legal tender laws, in practice, are an essential expedient for making unredeemable paper circulate as money. Except for the one direct and one indirect reference to the origin and means for circulating paper money, the Constitution is silent on the question.” (Quoting Dr. Clarence B. Carson [1925 – 2003])
The Founding Members for SATTT are as follows whose names, signatures, email addresses and telephone numbers have ratified this Constitution and Code of Conduct.
Thomas J Widlar
Antoine Davis
Danielle Davis
Antoine Smith
Desiree Roumel
Gita Merritt
Sandy Hancock
Joyce Capello
Rysgard Richard Wikar
Truby Childs
Art Reyes
Brian Sakae
Lorrie Robinson
Duane Gorman
Timothy Cason
Robert M Barber
Julius Thomas
Jerry Cooper
Romessa Griffin
Rowdy Wesley Lavender
Judge Silvercloud Musafir
~ President of the United States,
The White House,
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue,
Indian country Washington D C 20500
~ Senate Indian Affairs Committee
Chairman John Barrasso
838 Hart Senate Office Building
Indian country Washington, D.C. 20510
~ The Director,
Office of Tribal Justice
US Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Indian country Washington D.C. 20530-0001
~ The President,
National American Indian Congress
Embassy of Tribal Nations
1516 P Street NW,
Indian country Washington D.C 20005
~ The Secretary General of the United Nations
United Nations Headquarters
New York City,
New York, Indian country U.S.A.
We/I the undersigned, _______________________________,
representing the _____________________________________
located at ___________________________________________
hereby desire and wish to enter into a Treaty relationship
with the SecAm Tek Tek Tribe (SATTT) based in Indian
country North America for the express purpose of
achieving and accomplishing economic and political
independence using fungible financial instruments such
as native customary land tiles, birth certificates, death
certificates, tribal court judgments, titles to mines and
quarries, precious metals and precious stones, etc., as
contemplated in private placement programs (PPP) using
the definition of deposit and credit multiplier as
stipulated in Barron’s Dictionary of Finance and
Investment Terms.
We do this to unite all Indigenous Tribes in the world so
that we can participate in fulfilling the Great Spirit’s
mandates and commandments; to live peaceful lives
without strife and disease; with good moral conduct; and
to attain the highest educational levels through tribal
colleges and schools of higher learning in order to
maintain and sustain an excellent quality of life and
living conditions.
Signed, sealed and delivered this _______ day of
______________, 201_____.
Pro jure patrio stamus (Latin) – we will defend our rights