Mrs. Kirk and Mrs. Manderachi

9(3) English

Room: A115

Phone: 610 627-6250

Email: r

Website: Go to to Penncrest to eFaculty to Kirk

Welcome to ninth-grade English!The primary goal of this course is to help you improve your literacy skills. The main components of our course will include:

Literature Study

  • The major works we will study this year include To Kill a Mockingbird, Night, and Romeo and Juliet
  • We will also read various articles, short stories, and poems.
  • You will be required to read one book of your choice outside of class each marking period.
  • ALWAYS read actively and be prepared for quizzes on what you’ve read!

Teen Biz

  • Ten activities must be *successfully completed each marking period.
  • You MUST get 6/8 questions correct on the first try for the article to count. If not, choose another article and try again.

Vocabulary Study

  • 9th grade root word list (5 roots per quarter) and vocabulary workbook
  • Vocabulary selected from class readings, Teen Biz articles, and other lists

Writing, Grammar, and Mechanics

  • You will write various informal and formal essays ranging from one to five paragraphs.
  • Expect to review grammar and mechanics weekly, especially via proofreading activities.
  • You will complete two or more WriteToLearn responses per marking period.

Supplies needed:

  • Three-ring binder for English class only. We will create five dividers.
  • Folder for transporting homework.
  • Charged iPad.
  • Writing instruments (pens and pencils). HAVE ONE WITH YOU EVERY DAY.
  • Highlighter and post-its to use for homework.

Policies and Expectations:

  • Daily procedure: As you walk in, open your binder to the warm-up section and complete the daily warm up posted on the board. You should be working when the bell rings. We will record homework together at the start or end of class. Do not pack up before you’re directed to or line up at the door.
  • Students should abide by the following four rules: be punctual, be prepared, be polite, bepositive. Cell phones should not be seen or heard in class. Please ask us if you need to use it. Likewise, iPads should be away unless we are using them for class activities.
  • If you need to use the bathroom, ask at the beginning or end of the period. Class time is important so do not ask more than once per week.
  • Assignments are due at the beginning of the class period on the announced due date. Late assignments will be penalized or not accepted at all. Students present for any part of the school day are required to submit any assignments due that day to my classroom or faculty mailbox. Computer and/or printer problems do not legitimize lateness. Be resourceful and see me before homeroom if you need help.
  • Absent students will be held responsible for visiting the class website, making arrangements to make up missed work, and taking announced tests and submitting work due during the absence upon their return to school.
  • Students are expected to read and follow the principles of Penncrest’s Academic Integrity policy in the daily planner. Work that violates the policy will receive a zero.
  • We are available after school until at least 2:55 every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and you are encouraged to see us for help whenever you need it. Students who are not keeping up with class work may be asked or required to stay after school to make up missed work or to receive extra help.

Never hesitate to ask for help. We are here for YOU!