ISBN 327.36-027.511
Assistant Profesor Tatjana Gerginova, PhD
Faculty of security – Skopje
The modern world has shaped the process of globalization, liberalization and technological development. The definition of the term globalization, start from different aspects of global connectivity between people, countries, national and supranational entities in the other half of the XX and the beginning of the XXI century. Interrelation and interdependence are essential elements of globalization, and it can be seen from the economic, military, legal, environmental, cultural, social aspect. Globalization can be defined as the process of economic, political, social and cultural activities at the supranational level, which globally change the existing political, economic (economic), social and cultural relations. The five dimensions of globalization, society, politics, economy, culture and environment, can not be strictly separated from each other, but are connected. Deeper analysis of the essential dimensions of globalization, means abandoning the old way of thinking and ideological dogmas coming from the territorial limits of the ethno-national particularities and reticence. This analysis has in mind that the world stage does not affect only state-national, but also, inter-state and non-state actors, as new entities globally-world relations (transnational companies, transnational technological and traffic units, varied cultures and religious movements, NGOs organizations, international and regional institutions and organizations, large information systems, the Internet, global media, etc.).
In the introductory part of the paper, the author will determine the meaning of the term globalization. Furthermore, the author provides scientific and theoretical determination of the concept of security and at the end of the paper, the author will talk about the need for comprehensive realization of the expanded concept of security in the modern, global world (social, economic, environmental security, information security, etc.).
Keywords: globalization, the concept of security, global security
"This is a time of big corporations and big players, capable to use their power to what they need on a global scale. With that being said, processes of integration and unification are taking place, resulting in creating new ways of conquering, submission and domination".[1]
Globalization, liberalization and the technical development are shaping the modern world. The term ,,globalization” is generally a new term, and has many definitions. Globalization is resulting in creation of enterprise blocks, global companies and global economies. By doing so, the world is becoming one market, available to all. [2] Countries that have used the benefit of globalization, by becoming world powers, can be shown as an example for the developing countries. Globalization, however is not the same as global colonization. It is much more than that, it is an update which broadens the process with the use of politics, culture and social affairs. [3] By the moving of people, goods and information we can connect and interact other areas. By doing so, the process of decentralization and deviation of power and sovereignty of the countries for the national institutions. This process is being accelerated by globalization, setting new rules and regulations, which must be obeyed by the countries in order to succeed.
By conventional definition of globalization we understand the process of opening and liberalization of national financial markets by making them part of the global capital market. The modern definition stands for ,,international integration” of goods, technology, labor and capital. This enables us to broaden our perception of the term globalization. [4]
The term globalization has roots from the English word ,,The Globe” which means Earth, the planet Earth, round cosmic form. Hence, the globalization envelopes all social processes and relations which have planetary character and are influencing the global developments. The term globalization is derived from the word ,,global” which means whole, and the term ,,globalism” is a way of looking and explaining the global developments. We can say that the globalization is a social process which is striving for unity of the modern world. [5] Globalization presents a connection which overcomes the boundaries of the countries, and the goal is to provide growth for the economy and money reserves. ,,Globalization suggests that the world is a unified area in which countries are interdependence with technology, politics, economic and ecologic way. This cancels out the distance between countries, makes democracy the main political system and makes the countries wealthier. “ The main landmark of globalization is the technical revolution, i.e. creating a global culture and economy without boundaries.
Speaking of globalism, we also have the widened theory which defines globalism with elements from the microelectronic revolution. [6] Globalization has influenced humanity in many ways. It has brought us closer to one another, and changed our perception from local to global. Globalization has demands such as: constantly investing in knowledge, technology, market economy, research and development. Lagging in any way will result in staying behind other countries. The modern world Is constantly changing, from local to global, thus “shrinking” in size. We can use the term “global village” to describe the new world.
The idea of globalization refers to the “shrinking” of the world, and by doing so it is changing the way we see the world.( Robertson, quoted by Miloradovic, 1999). The globalization can be seen as the result of development of the knowledge, modern technology, stock economy and democracy. The globalization contributed to the benefit of exchanging capital, stocks, information and people through lifting the borders. The main benefit of globalization can be seen in its political and economical dimension, but in the development of latest events we can also see that globalization is beneficial with its ecological, cultural and social dimension.
Ronald Robertson is the father of the theory of globalization. It all started in the 80ties of the XX century. There are a number of writers which have contributed to the explanation of the theory of globalization, such as Urlich Beck. [7] He divided the theory in 8 parts: [8]
· Lordly type
· Technological type
· Universal values
· Global cultural industry
· Polycentric world politics
· World impoverishment
· Global destruction of the environment
· Transcultural conflict
"Globalization can be defined as a process of economical, political, social and cultural action on a national level, therefore changing the political, economical, social and cultural relations on a global level. One of the important determinants of this process is the technological development which is enabling the spacious and temporal reduction of the world".[9]
In the second half of the 20th century the process of globalization took place. Globalization represents a connection which overcomes the boundaries of nationality and has the goal of producing economical growth.
The five dimensions of globalization are: society, politics, economy, culture and environment can’t be separated one from another, and are therefore connected. This can be seen as the key feature of globalization.
Main economical aspects of the globalization are liberalization and private investments. International corporations have the leading role in economy.
The world is separated in 3 regions. There’s the European union, The Asia-pacific (ASEAN) and the North-American (NAFTA) region.
Deep analysis of the basic dimensions of the globalization means leaving the old fashion way of understanding the ideological dogmas starting from the limits of national differences. This analysis also shows that there are overstate, interstate and anti state subjects influencing the world order. Such as international corporations, cultural and religious movements, NGO, and the global information systems such as the Internet and global media.
Globalization leads to the creation of global society. It leads to the creation of a "world system" which is based on:
· Technological revolution and the fast pace of the global economy
· Cultural and informational revolution
· On the network of world organizations: UN, EU, NATO, G-8 etc.
According to the Social Science Citation Indexu, the term globalization is one of the most used since 1980ties. [10]
However there are some authors which demise the globalization as a myth. [11] According to them, the globalization is obstructed by the migration of the third world and that the International corporations are rare, exclusive only to the three economical powers : EU, USA and Japan. This calls out for the need of a definition for globalization. In order to discuss about globalization, we have to understand what it means. Some authors haven’t even defined the term. If we understand the globalization as a process, than it can not be demised as a myth. The modern integration of society is confirming the existence of globalization. In order to evade further discussion about the existence of globalization, we must define a single definition.[12]
The word "globalization" first occurs in Webster’s dictionary American English from 1961. The words "global" and "globalism" first occur in 1940. Until 1890 the word "global" was used to describe the Earth, not the World. In a economical sense, the globalization lifts the boundaries between countries, and therefore raises the funds. [13]
Globalization is a social process which strives towards unity of the world. [14]
Z. Paich sees the globalization as a new magical term, as a new all carrying spiritual term fin de sieclea. Critical analysis of the term globalization points out the basic social and cultural changes in the world. [15]
"Globalization is a way of lifting the borders, and by that creating a free flow of people, information, goods".[16]
"Globalization marks the expansion and deepening of the social relations and institutions through time and space, in the midst of everyday activity which is being influenced by the developments from the other side of the world, meaning that the actions of the few, reflect on the global scale".[17]
"Globalization is a process of lordly, social, cultural and political actions which does not abide by the national states".[18]
"Globalization is not a onetime phenomenon. It is a international composition which is shaping the inner and outer politics of almost every country".[19]
"Globalization can be misinterpreted as a process of internationalization, liberalization, universal, westernization etc. All of these are processes which drive the globalization, but are not the same. All these processes occur between states, but the globalization is a super process which is not related between countries, but at the world as a whole".
As follows, "global economy" is not the same as "international economy", and "global politics" is not the same as "international politics". The term super territorial explained by Dr. Jurich[20] is similar to super nationalization described as such by Dr. Puliz:
"Globalization can be defined as a process of rising of the interdependence between people in the key segments of life. It does not only reflect to the global scene, but also it reflects on the regional connection. This can be described as super nationalization, as a term which establishes its self on a multiple national basis providing a base for the functioning of the modern societies". [21]
Robert J. Samuelson in Washington Post writes: "Globalization provides support for single countries, making them vulnerable to others weaknesses. Many countries now are more dependent from the global economy which is based on its vital organs – USA,EU and Japan".[22]
Samuelson, overlook the influence of the national lordly countries (example: Argentina and Thailand), in comparison with the G-3 on which the global economy is based. As we can see in the various definitions, it would be ungrateful to define globalization in one sentence. After defining the difference between globalization, globalism and global, we can move on to the next heading "The positive and negative facts about globalization".
Peace and stability are the basis for the development of the modern world. The Republic of Macedonia is well aware of the influence of the global changes[23] and the irrationality and inefficiency of the closed security system. The security and defense system of the small countries is more affected by the global changes. For that The Republic of Macedonia Is dedicated to building a system of mutual values with a goal of joining the global security system of the NATO and EU.
The Republic of Macedonia is not under direct threat by any country, but this should not be taken as granted. In that sense, RM will stay aware and prepared to deflect any aggression on the security system, meaning that RM will continue to observe the global changes and developments.
The Republic of Macedonia will continue to develop all of her aspects of security, especially men power, social, energetic, economical, ecological and all other factors of national security. Accent should be placed on the development of men power, which will allow the protection of economical, ecological, health and political sectors. The ruling of law, transparency and responsibility are vital to the security of the people. Countries are well aware of the meaning of energy, and the role it has in our everyday lives, meaning that the state should ensure a safe energy system by building infrastructure and production facilities. This is the main factor for ensuring the social development and providing for the needs of the citizens.
According to the changes in security, strategic environment and national interests, every country should determine the content, volume and the way of security organization of the society and the integration of security structures.
"The concept of security is theoretical and practical construction of protection and promotion of reference values and interests of certain categories of objects, objects of security. Concepts Security product, but also means security theory and practice, and their value is conceptually innovative and instrumental. I still call and levels (analysis) security. Occurred on the basis of relevant security practice, primarily with a view to its improvement. Also, there was a need to remove a number of omissions and ambiguities in determining the notion of security".[24]
The issue of "true definition" and building" a substantial affirmative concept "for security, almost impossible". Rather could talk about definitions and theoretical constructs that are more or less useful or relevant, but which cannot be completely accurate or completely inaccurate. The introduction of the term "concept of security " in the scientific literature, is actually the reason to point out that security is an open dynamic system in which it is "conception" or " think safety" expresses a lengthy process, desired state, in terms of needs and values or something that must remain.[25]
Security is a dynamic phenomenon, and change and conceptual determinations with respect to the reference values, dangers that threaten them, and subjects, the manner and means of protecting them. For example, in the so-called center. military cold (state centric – "Vestfalijan") security are: territory and borders of the state; external security of the state; military factors of safety; human factor; relation East - West; willingness of state action and the central role of the states in security. At the heart of the so-called. Post cold security are: individuals and the community; environmental and natural factors (improvement of the environment); global security; preventive and revitalizing role of states, with the emergence of non-state actors of security.[26]