

5th Grade

Citizenship: showing concern for the needs of others, such as helping others in school, neighborhood, church, and country

Purpose:By discussing a series of paintings included in The Great Migration by Jacob Lawrence and completing a puzzle, the students are reminded how they can show citizenship in different parts of their life.

GPS: Social Studies and Art Curriculum Guidelines for 5th

S.S.5.4.1, S.S.5.4.3, V.A.5.7, V.A.5.14

Quote: “A community is like a ship; everyone ought to be prepared to take the helm.”

Henrik Ibsen (helm = wheel of a ship)

Masterwork: Copy of art work by Jacob Lawrence - The Great Migration

Background of Art: Jacob Lawrence illustrates the mass exodus of African-Americans between the 1900’s and the 1930’s. These people moved from the South to the North in search of a better life. Lawrence’s parents were actually part of the migration during this time. The Great Migration is a series of paintings that tell the story of this migration. The illustrations included in this lesson are part of the series.

Materials: puzzle, Masterwork


  1. Ask students what they think citizenship is. Then share the above definition with them.
  2. Tell students that people from all over the world migrate to the United States in order to search for a better life and become productive citizens. Part of what makes our country so special is that we are free to practice citizenship and do good things for our community, school, country, etc…
  3. Show students the attached artwork. These are pictures of famous paintings that illustrate a time in our history when African-Americans migrated to the North from the South. They were looking for a better life where they could be more productive citizens.
  4. Ask the following questions about the artwork:
  5. Describe each picture.
  6. What is the setting?
  7. How do the images show citizenship?

Image 1 – This image illustrates that in the North, African-Americans had better educational opportunities. The setting is a school. The idea of citizenship is portrayed because the students are trying to improve their education so that they can be better citizens.

Image 2 – This image illustrates that in the North, African-Americans were able to vote. This image shows a long line of people waiting to vote. The idea of citizenship is portrayed because the adults care about the community and show their interest by voting.

Image 3 - This image illustrates that even though the African-Americans were trying to improve their lives and become productive citizens, there were people who wanted to stop them. Sometimes in order to show citizenship, we have to be persistent if we believe we are doing a good thing for the community.

  1. Ask students how they can show citizenship. Possible responses: working to protect the environment, working with others to solve problems in their school, working with others to take care of their neighborhood, cleaning up the playground, picking up trash around the school, donate goods to a homeless shelter, recycling paper and plastic, etc…
  2. Lastly, have students complete the citizenship puzzle. When students finish, go over the secret message in the puzzle. If there is time left, have students discuss how the words in the puzzle relate to citizenship.
  3. Answers to puzzle: 1 – country 2 – serve 3 – help 4 – flag 5 – kind

6 – free 7 – proud 8 – care 9 – loyal 10 – act

Secret message: I can be a good citizen by helping others.

Concluding Questions:

  1. Why is it important for us to practice citizenship?
  1. What is your opinion about people who do or do not show citizenship?

Image 1

Jacob Lawrence, The Great Migration, 1940-1941

Image 2

Jacob Lawrence, The Great Migration, 1940-1941.

Image 3

Jacob Lawrence, The Great Migration, 1940-1941.

1. CYOTURN __C______N______Y__

20 4 21

2. VEESR __S______E__

24 22 13

3. PELH __H______P__


4. GAFL __F______G__

18 3 7

Directions: Unscramble each of the

5. NIDK __K______words. Then copy the letters that go

1 14 10 with the numbers to fill in the

blanks below. See what the

6. FERE __F______secret message is!


7. PURDO __P______D__

19 23 8

8. CERA __C______

2 17

9. LAYLO __L______L__

9 15 6

10. TAC __A______

11 12


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


11 1 12 1 13 14 15


16 17 18 19 1 14 7 20 21 16 22 23 24

I can help by recycling!

Lesson Plan Evaluation

Character Word______Grade Level______

Objective / Yes / Somewhat / No
Was the lesson easy to read and understand by the teachers?
Was the sequence of the lesson correct?
Were the activities easy to understand?
Were the students engaged throughout the lesson?
Did the students enjoy the activities?
Were the materials easy to use?
Were the visuals appropriate for the learners?
Were there adequate activities planned?
Was the lesson relevant to the learners?


Please return form to Mr. Richardson or Dr. Carsillo