Credits to be earned : 40
Core papers : 20 Credits
Open Elective Paper(s) : 04 Credits
Elective Papers : 16 Credits

Scheme of Study

Sl. No. / Code / Type of the paper / Title of the Paper / Credit Pattern in / Credit
L / T / P
01 / CH C01 / Core / Study of the Old Testament ( Pentateuch) / 2 / 2 / 0 / 4
02 / CH C02 / Core / Gospels of Mathew and Mark / 2 / 2 / 0 / 4
03 / CH C03 / Core / Prophetic and Poetical Writing of Old Testament / 2 / 2 / 0 / 4
04 / CH C04 / Core / Gospels of Luke and John / 2 / 2 / 0 / 4
05 / CH C05 / Core / Comparative Study of Religions / 2 / 1 / 1 / 4
06 / CH OE01 / Open Elective / Sacraments in Christianity and related Samskaras in
Indian Religions / 2 / 1 / 1 / 4
07 / CH OE02 / Open Elective / Spirituality of Bhagavad-Gita and New Testament / 2 / 2 / 0 / 4
08 / CH E01 / Elective / Church in the Modern World / 2 / 2 / 0 / 4
09 / CH E02 / Elective / Christian Perspective of Karma Jnana and Bhakti Margas / 2 / 2 / 0 / 4
10 / CH E03 / Elective / Essentials of Indian Christian Theology / 2 / 2 / 0 / 4
11 / CH E04 / Elective / Communicating in Community / 2 / 1 / 1 / 4
12 / CH E05 / Elective / Religions for Social Harmony and Peace / 2 / 2 / 0 / 4
13 / CH E06 / Elective / Basic Concepts of Indian Philosophy and
Spirituality / 2 / 2 / 0 / 4
14 / CH E07 / Elective / Empowering and Empowered Leadership / 2 / 1 / 1 / 4
15 / CH E08 / Elective / Communication, Spirituality and Theology / 2 / 1 / 1 / 4
16 / CH E09 / Elective / Human Resource Management and Ethics / 2 / 2 / 0 / 4



Credits to be earned : 36
Cumulative total of credits
to be completed : 40 (Honors) + 36 (Masters)
= 76 Credits
Core papers : 12 Credits
Elective Paper(s) : 12 Credits
Open Electives : 04 Credits
Project Work(Dissertation) : 08 Credits

Scheme of Study

Sl. No. / Code / Type of the paper / Title of the Paper / Credit Pattern in / Credit
L / T / P
01 / CH C06 / Core / Theology of Liberation / 2 / 2 / 0 / 4
02 / CH C07 / Core / Pauline Theology and Spirituality / 2 / 2 / 0 / 4
03 / CH C08 / Core / Christianity and Inter-Religious
Dialogue in India / 2 / 1 / 1 / 4
04 / CH C09 / Project Work / Dissertation / 0 / 2 / 6 / 8
05 / CH OE03 / Open Elective / Christian Mysticism in the Indian Context / 2 / 2 / 0 / 4
06 / CH OE04 / Open Elective / Indian Christian Theology / 2 / 2 / 0 / 4
07 / CH E10 / Elective / Research Methodology / 2 / 2 / 0 / 4
08 / CH E11 / Elective / Social Concerns of Christianity / 2 / 2 / 0 / 4
09 / CH E12 / Elective / Culture and Christianity / 2 / 2 / 0 / 4
10 / CH E13 / Elective / Spiritual Integration and life Skills / 2 / 1 / 1 / 4
11 / CH E14 / Elective / Feminism and Social Leadership / 2 / 2 / 0 / 4
12 / CH E15 / Elective / Study of Major World Religions / 2 / 1 / 1 / 4
13 / CH E16 / Elective / Globalisation and Ecology / 2 / 2 / 0 / 4
14 / CH E17 / Elective / Civil and Canon Law Regarding
Marriage in Christianity / 2 / 2 / 0 / 4
15 / CH E18 / Elective / Inculturation in India / 2 / 1 / 1 / 4
16 / CH E19 / Elective / Communication, Media and Values / 2 / 1 / 1 / 4



Credits to be earned : 32
Core papers : 08 Credit
Elective Paper(s) : 08 Credits
Project Work(Dissertation) : 16 Credits
Scheme of Study
Sl.No / Code / Type of the paper / Title of the Paper / Credit Pattern in / Credit Value
L / T / P
01 / CH C10 / Core / Theology of Religions / 1 / 1 / 0 / 2
02 / CH C11 / Core / Biblical Anthropology / 1 / 1 / 0 / 2
04 / CH C12 / Core / Dissertation / 0 / 2 / 6 / 8
05 / CH C13 / Core / Indian Christian Spirituality / 2 / 2 / 0 / 4
06 / CH C14 / Core / Dissertation / 0 / 2 / 6 / 8
07 / CH E20 / Elective / Psychology of Religion / 2 / 2 / 0 / 4
08 / CH E21 / Elective / Background to the Gospels / 2 / 2 / 0 / 4
09 / CH E22 / Elective / Theology of Oriental
Churches / 2 / 2 / 0 / 4
10 / CH E23 / Elective / Theological Methods and
Research Methods in Social
Sciences / 2 / 2 / 0 / 4
11 / CH E24 / Elective / Christian Classics and
Great Christian Thinkers / 2 / 2 / 0 / 4


CH C01 Study of the Old Testament (Pentateuch)

Credits taken 2:2:0 = 4

1.  Introduction to the Old Testament

2.  Book of Genesis

3.  Book of Exodus

4.  Covenant Theology


1.  Brueggemann Walter, Old Testament Theology, Fortress Press, 1992.

2.  Ceresko, The Old Testament,-A Liberative Perspective, St. Paul’s Publications, Mumbai, 1993.

3.  Geory Fohrer, Introduction to the Old Testament, London 1975.

4.  Soggin, J.A, Introduction to Old Testament, London 1975.

5.  Stevens, W.W. A Guide to the Old Testament Study, Tennessee, 1974.

CH C02 Gospels of Mark and Matthew

Credits taken 2:2:0 = 4

1.  General Introduction to the Gospels

2.  The Gospel according to Mark

3.  The Gospel according to Matthew .Part- I

4.  The Gospel according to Matthew. Part –II


1.  Anderson, J.C. - Moore, S.D., Mark and Method. New Approaches in Biblical Studies, Minneapolis, Fortress, 1992.

2.  Brown, R.E., An Introduction to the New Testament, ABR Library, Bangalore, TPI, 2001.

3.  Fuller, R.H.: Interpreting the Miracles, London 1963.

4.  Hendrickx, H.: The Parables of Jesus, New York, 1986.

5.  Hendrickx, H.: The Passion Narratives of Synoptic Gospels, Manila, 1977

6.  Hendrickx, H.: The Resurrection Narratives, Manila, 1978

7.  Hendrickx, H.: The Sermon on the Mount, London, 1984.

8.  Kaelber, W.H., Mark’s Story of Jesus, Philadelphia, Fortress, 1979.

9.  Kingsbury, J.D., The Christology of Mark’s Gospel, Philadelphia, Fortress, 1989.

10.  Naluparayil, J.C., The Identity of Jesus in Mark, SBFAn 49, Jerusalem, Franciscan Printing Press, 2000.

11.  Rhoads, D. – Michiel, D., Mark as Story. An Introduction to the Narrative of a Gospel, Philadelphia, Fortress, 1982.

12.  Sabourin, L.: The Gospel According to Matthew 2 Vols, Bombay, 1982)

CH C03 Prophetic and Poetical Writings of Old Testament

Credits taken 2:2:0 = 4

1.  History of Prophetic Traditions and Books

2.  Prophetic Literature

3.  Wisdom Literature

4.  Books of Psalms


1.  Allen Leslie C., Word Biblical Commentary, Psalms 101-150, Waco, 1983.

2.  Clements, R.E., Prophecy and Covenant, London, 1965.

3.  Grenshaw, J.L., Old Testament Wisdom, An Introduction, London, 1982.

4.  Lindblom Johannes, Prophecy in Ancient Israel, Philadelphia, 1962.

5.  Scott, R.B.Y., The Relevance of the Prophets, New York, 1978.

6.  Von Rad, Gerhard, The Message of the Prophets, London, 1973.

CH C04 Gospels of Luke and John

Credits taken 2:2:0 = 4

1.  The Gospel according to Luke Part –I

2.  The Gospel according to Luke Part –II

3.  The Gospel according to John Part –I

4.  The Gospel according to John Part –II


1.  Awit, Michel, Follow me, St. Luke’s Teaching, Alexandria, 1979.

2.  Bouyer, L., The Fourth Gospel, Westminster 1964.

3.  Brown, R., The Community of the Beloved Disciple, London 1979.

4.  Conzelmann, Hans, The Theology of Luke, London, 1961.

5.  Ellis, P., The Genius of John, Minnwaor 1985.

6.  Fitzmeyer, Joseph, The Gospel According to Luke, New York 1984.

7.  Flender, Helmut.,St. Luke. Theologian of Redemptive History, London 1967.

8.  Franklin, Eric, Christ the Lord, A Study on the Purpose and Theology of Luke-Acts, London 1975.

9.  Marshall, Howard, The Gospel of Luke, Exeter 1978.

10.  Richardson, Neil, The Panorama of Luke, London 1982.

11.  Temple, W, Reading in St. John’s Gospel, London 1976.

CH C05 Comparative Study of Religions

Credits taken 2:1:1 = 4

1.  The Nature, Scope, Aim, Approaches and Goals of the Comparative Study of Religions

2.  The Basic Features of Religions

3.  The Holy Scriptures and Sacred Writings of Religions

4.  The Beliefs, Rituals, Practices and Festivals in Religions


1.  Christopher Augustus Bixed Tirkey , Major Religions of India, ISPK, 2001.

2.  Issac Padinjarekuttu, Challenges to Religions, Church and theology, St. Paul’s Mumbai, 2008.

3.  James, William, The Varieties of Religions Experience, New York, 1902.

4.  Leonard J Biallas, World, World Religions , A Story Approach, Twenty-Third Publication, Mystic, Connecticut, 1991.

5.  Noss, John.B, Mans, Religions, 6ed. New York, 1980.

6.  S.J. Samartha , One Christ Many religions, New York, Orbis Books, 1991.

7.  T. M. P. Mahadev, Outlines of Hinduism, Chetana Limited, Bombay, India, 1977.

8.  Tiwari, Kedarnath, Comparative Religion, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited, Delhi, 2004.

CH OE01 Sacraments in Christianity and Related Samskaras in Indian Religions

Credits taken 2:1:1 = 4

1.  Sacraments of Initiation and related Samskaras of Other Indian Religions

2.  Sacraments of Reconciliation and related Samskaras in Other Indian Religions

3.  Marriage and Family Life in Christianity and in Other Indian Religions

4.  Anointing of the Sick and the Healing Power of Listening


1.  Paguio, W.C., Notes on Sacraments and Sacramentals, 2nd edition, Philippines. St. Paul Publication, 1991.

2.  Bermgo, Luis M., Towards Christian Union, Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, 1983.

3.  Staney D., Keeping the fire Burning, Basic Books, New York,1988.

4.  Vaillancourt Raymond, Toward a Renewal of Sacramental Theology, The Liturgical Press, Minnesota, 1981.

5.  Westman, W.H., The Sacraments of Orders and the Clerical State, Bangalore, TPI, 1999.

CH OE02 Spirituality of Bhagavad-Gita and New Testament

Credits taken 2:2:0 = 4

1.  Introduction to Spirituality

2.  God experience and Spirituality in the New Testament

3.  Spirituality of Bhagavad-Gita

4.  Comparison of these two Spiritualities


1.  Banarsidass Motilal, Ramanuja on the Bhagavad-Gita, Delhi, 1974.

2.  D.S. Amalorepavadass, Indian Christian Spirituality, NBCLC, Bangalore, 1982.

3.  Grant Sara, Towards an Alternative Theology, ATC Publication, 1991.

4.  Peringloor.J. Salvation through Gita and Gospel.

5.  Sivarman Krishna (ed) Hindu Spirituality Vedas Through Vedanta, Motilal Banarsidass Publications, Delhi, 1989,

6.  Vempeny Ishanand, Krishna and Christ, Gujarat Sahitya Parishat, 1988.

CH E01 Church in the Modern world

Credits taken 2:2:0 = 4

1.  General Understanding of the Church

2.  Models of the Church in History Part-1

3.  Models of the Church in History Part-1I

4.  Church of the Poor and with the Poor


1.  Amalorpavadoss, D., The Indian Church in the Struggle for a New Society, Bangalore,1981

2.  Desrochers, J., The Social Teaching of the Church, Bangalore 1982.

3.  Dorr, D., Option for the Poor, A hundred years of Vatican Social Teaching, Dublin 1983

4.  Dulles, Avery., Models of the Church, New York, 1987.

5.  Kloppenburg, B., Ecclesiology of Vatican II, Chicago, 1974

6.  Rahner, Karl., The Shape of the Church to Come, London, 1974

7.  Robinson, John., On Being the Church in the World, London ,1977

8.  The Dogmatic Constitution of Vatican II, Lumen Gentium.

9.  Tisserabt,E., Eastern Christianity in India, London, 1957.

CH E02 Christian Perspective of Karma, Jnana, and Bhakti Margas

Credits taken 2:2:0 = 4

1.  Karma Marga as a way of life

2.  Jnana Marga and Christianity

3.  Bhakti Marga and its Spirituality

4.  Comparison with Christian way of life


1.  Neuner Joseph, Christology, JDV, Poona, 1984.

2.  Amalorpavadass, Indian Christian Spirituality, NBCLC, Bangalore, 1982.

3.  De Semet (ed), Religions Hinduism,

4.  Neuner Joseph, Christian revelation and world Religions,

5.  Staffner.H., The Significance of Jesus Christ in Asia.

CH E03 Essentials of Indian Christian Theology

Credits taken 2:2:0 = 4

1.  Theology in the History of the Church

2.  Indian Christian Theology

3.  Sources of Theological Tradition

4.  Essential Requirements in the Formulation of Indian Christian Theology.


1.  Amaladoss, T.K.John, Theologizing in India, TPI, Bangalore, 1973.

2.  Boyd Robin, Indian Christian Theology, ISPCK, 1998.

3.  Boyd Robin, Khristadvaita, ClS, 1977.

4.  Neuner Joseph, Walking with Him, GSP, Gujarat, Sahitya Parishat, 1989.

CH E04 Communicating in Community

Credits taken 2:1:1 = 4

1.  History of Human Communication and Mass Communication

2.  Communication Theories and Types

3.  Communication in the Context of Theology