INSTRUCTOR: Kelly Putnam
OFFICE HOURS: Monday – Friday 7:45 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.
11:55 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
OFFICE PHONE: 972-377-1753
WEBSITE:; Academic tab, Professor Websites tab
COURSE TITLE: Concepts of Physical Fitness and Wellness
M – F; 8:00 a.m. – 11:55 a.m.
Room A112
TEXTBOOK: Principles and Labs for Fitness and Wellness
Hoeger and Hoeger, 11th edition
SUPPLIES: See Classroom Policy
GENERIC SYLLABUS:; My Courses; Course Tools; Syllabus Depot
Dress: On activity days (every day during a Maymester semester), appropriate clothing for an activity is required. This would include non-restrictive workout clothing and proper footwear (warm-up pants, shorts, t-shirts, and tennis shoes). No jeans, slacks, cutoffs, belts, boots, or sandals will be allowed. If proper attire is not worn, you may not participate, and you will be marked absent from the class. Announcements will be made each class period regarding upcoming “activity” days and times. Therefore, it is the student’s responsibility to come dressed appropriately each day. If you have questions regarding clothing requirement for the day, it is suggested that you wear workout attire, just to be safe.
Supplies: Textbook with included labs and labs printed from website; workout clothes; tennis shoes
* The absence of supplies and proper clothing will impact participation grade.
Daily Sign-in Policy: Attendance is taken at the beginning of each class, and you will be expected to sign the attendance sheet at that time. Upon entering the classroom, please sign the attendance sheet. You are allowed to sign in only when you are prepared to begin class. A “tardy line” will be marked, and all names below the tardy line will be counted late.
Important Dates:
Drop date: May 18, 2012
Final exam: May 29, 2012
Labs 15 points
(each lab carries an individual weight)
It is critical that students are in attendance for each class, as all lab content, explanation, and instruction comes during the class period. If you are absent, there will be no way to make up lab work, and, as a result, lab points will be lost. In order for labs to be accepted for grading, they must be turned in on or before due date. NO LAB WILL BE ACCEPTED LATE, regardless of absences. Most labs will be found in the textbook. However, there are a few labs that will need to be printed out and brought to class on the appropriate day. These labs may be found on my website.
Print out and bring to class:
Chapter 7 – Muscle Man Anterior
Muscle Man Posterior
Labeling Muscle Man Instruction Sheet
Determining 1RM
Training Prescription
Workout Log
Charpter 3 - Protein Requirement
Instructions Sheet for Nutrition Labs
Spreadsheet for Nutritional Analysis
Written Exams
Exam #1 20 points
Exam #2 20 points
Exam #3 15 points
55 points total
Participation 10 points
A zero to 10 point (10 points maximum) participation grade may be earned at the end of the semester. This subjective grade will be based on contribution to class discussions, group activities, individual contribution to group activities, desire to learn and participate in labs, activities, sport games, etc., and the willingness to contribute in a positive manner to the success of the course.
Attendance, Participation, and Punctuality 20 points
Attendance is taken at the beginning of each class and you will be expected to sign the attendance sheet at that time. If you arrive to class one to 10 minutes beyond the scheduled starting time, you will be marked tardy. Three (3) tardies result in one (1) absence. The sign-in sheet is taken up at that time, and arrival any time beyond the ten (10) minute tardy time, you will be marked absent.
A total of 20 points may be earned for attendance and punctuality during the course of the semester. In order to receive attendance credit for the day, you must stay for the entire scheduled time (8:00 a.m. – 11:55 a.m.). If for any reason you leave and do not finish the allotted time period, you will be marked absent for that time period. Because the length of the semester is eleven (11) days, it is essential that you attend class regularly. All absences will be treated the same. There will be no excused absences. Each absence results in a 15 point deduction from the 20 point total. With any additional absences after one (1) absence, the student will not receive credit for the course, and will receive a grade of “F.”
You may repeat this course only once after receiving a grade, including a “Withdrawal” grade.
A = 90 – 100 points
B = 80 – 89 points
C = 70 – 79 points
D = 60 = 69 points
F = 59 points or below
Day #1 Introduction to Course
Fitness Testing
Day #2 Chapter 1 – Physical Fitness and Wellness
Chapter 2 – Behavior Modification
Day #3 Chapter 7 – Muscular Strength and Endurance
Day #4 Chapter 6 – Cardiorespiratory Endurance
Chapter 11 – Preventing Cardiovascular Disease: Begin
Day #5 Chapter 11 – Preventing Cardiovascular Disease: Complete
Day #6 Chapter 8 – Muscular Flexibility
Chapter 9 – Skill Fitness and Fitness Programming
Day #7 Chapter 3 – Nutrition for Wellness
Day #8 Chapter 4 – Body Composition
Chapter 5 – Weight Management
Day #9 Chapter 10 – Stress Management
Day #10 Chapter 12 – Cancer Prevention
Chapter 13 – Addictive Behavior
Chapter 14 – Preventing Sexually Transmitted
Chapter 15 – Lifetime Fitness and Wellness
Day #11 Final Exam
Note: You are expected to attend class regularly. However, if you are unable to complete this course, you must withdraw from it by the withdrawal date of May 18, 2012. Withdrawing from a course is a formal procedure that you must initiate; I cannot do this for you. If you stop attending and do not withdraw, you will receive a performance grade, usually an F. Students sometimes drop courses when help is available to them to continue. I hope you will discuss your plans with me if you are considering withdrawing from this course.