Byzantine Empire / Islam
Mongols / China
Japan / Early Africa
Mauryan Empire / Aryans & DasasCaste System / Chandragupta
- Founder of Mauryan Empire
- Divided empire into provinces
- Grandson of Chandragupta
- Extensive public works builder
- Spread teachings of Buddha
- Benevolent ruler
- Founder of the Gupta empire
Gupta Empire
Byzantine Empire
Constantinople / JustinianTheodora / Hagia Sophia
Nika Rebellion / Justinian’s Code
- The Code (5,000 old Roman laws)
- The Digest (opinions of great legal thinkers)
- The Institutes (textbooks for law students)
- The Novellae (new laws)
Hippodrome / The Great Schism
Roman Catholic Eastern Orthodox
Pope Patriarch
West East
Latin Greek
Early Russia
Slavs / VikingsVladimir
brought Eastern Orthodox Christianity to his empire / Yaroslav the Wise
- destroyed Kiev in the 1200s
- demanded absolute obedience and massive amounts of tribute
Ivan III / Czar
Muhammad / BedouinsAllah / Qur’an
“submission to the will of Allah” / Shari’a
Mecca / Faith, prayer, alms, fasting, hajj
Mosque / Ka’aba
Umma / Dar al Islam
Rightly Guided Caliphs / Ummayyads
Damascus / Baghdad
Sunni / Shia
Ramadan / Muslim
Calligraphy / Hajrah
House of Wisdom
Archipelago / MountainousPeople relied on the sea for food
animistic and polytheistic / Adapted culture from Korea and China
The Tale of Genji
by Lady Murasaki / Yamoto clan
Samurai / Daimyo
Warlords / Feudalism
Small landowners gave portions of their land to powerful warlords in return for protection
Bushido Code / Geishas
Early Africa
Bantu Migrations / Nok peopleIron production / Zimbabwe
Pastoralists / Iron making/mined gold
Great Zimbabwe / Swahili
Kilwa / Mansa Musa
Ghana / Mali
Pastoralists / Asian SteppesGenghis Khan
“universal ruler”
Temujin / Largest land empire in human history
Equestrians / Women enjoyed high status
Khanates / Empire of Great Khan
Chaghadai Khanate / Ilkhanate
Khanate of Golden Horde / Kublai Khan
Marco Polo / Stopped from attacking by Kamikaze (divine wind)
Yurt / Established the Yuan Dynasty in China
Mongol Peace
Tang & Song Dynasties“Golden Age” / Gunpowder, moveable type, paper money, mechanical clock, porcelain, magnetic compass
Developed the greatest navy in the world / Art reflected Daoist focus on nature
Foot binding / Yuan Dynasty
Beijing / Ming Dynasty
Zheng He / The forbidden city
Destroyed navy and adopted a policy of isolationism in mid 15th century / Chinese Junk