College Research PowerPoint Project

Directions: After researching 2-3 of your top college choices you will chose 1 that you will present to the class in a PowerPoint. While working on this project you will receive various grades for research, completing worksheets, and notes that will be worth daily and quiz grades. The final product, PowerPoint will be worth a major grade. Some class time will be given to complete the assignments, but some research and assignments must be completed outside of EXPO. Be sure to check Ms. Baker’s webpage for worksheets and links.

q School Background Information 4

q Admission/Prerequisites 14

q Major/Minor 10

q Course Work (Classes) 10

q Career Options / Salary-optional (3 Minimum) 10

q 3-5 Reasons for Attending 5

q Cost (Compare with other college choices) 16

q Plan for Paying for College 10

q Plan B 8

q High School Preparation 8

q Presentation 5

_______________________________________ ______________ _

Total 100

Tentative Due Dates:

? College Internet Research Notes Printed : Tuesday, January 19, 2016

? Can You Afford That College worksheet : Thursday, January 21, 2016

? High School Planner: Wednesday, January 27, 2016

? PowerPoint Layout: Friday, January 29, 2016

? PowerPoint Presentation s : Thursday, February 4-Wendesday, Feb. 10, 2016