Collecting Monthly Report Totals

Each of you will receive an Excel spreadsheet entitled 09-10 Counselor Totals (no student names will be reflected in this report). Please save your excel spreadsheet with your school name/level:

Examples: NorcrossHS



The overall spreadsheet will look like this:

Each shaded section will hold the totals for a different counselor. The counselors must provide you with totals for each of the categories under each tab. Provide each counselor with a copy of the worksheet at the end of these instructions so they will have the proper format.

Ex. Student Contact

You will input the counselors name in the first line of each shaded section. Under each category you will input the total number of sessions (this will not automatically calculate for you), and number of students seen for each category.

Gentle reminder/hint – only the # of sessions for individuals should match the TOTAL number of individuals seen.

The counselors should repeat this for ALL sections (Student Contacts, Parent-Staff-Comm contacts, Tasks & Crisis Intervenions). You will enter their totals for each section into the appropriate table.


Here is what the other tables in the spreadsheet look like:

Parent-Staff-Community Contacts


Crisis Intervention

Wow…that was easy!! Am I done? NO…but there’s just a few more easy steps to nirvana!!!

Keep reading………..

Finalizing Your School Report

After you have entered all the counselor totals into the charts in the appropriate tables, you will then, and ONLY THEN, hit this first table at the bottom of the table labeled “Pivot Table.”

The table, entitle “School-Level Values” on this tab looks like this:

DO NOT PANIC……………. this is a magical (can I use that term?!!) table & you’ll be very happy in a few moments.

There are four (4) tables on this tab. You will place your cursor on a table and click (doesn’t matter where, just somewhere on the table) – this will “activate” that table.

Once you’ve clicked on the table, go to the toolbar at the top and click on this icon:

But wait….I don’t have the icon!! I hear your cry.

If you don’t see this icon, follow these directions:

1)  Go to the “View” toolbar.

2)  Go down to “Toolbars”

3)  Next, be sure “Pivot Table” is checked. (see visual below)

The Pivot Table toolbar will look like this:

And now the icon is there!!!

OK, so back to the table/steps……..let’s repeat:


There are four (4) tables on this tab. You will place your cursor on a table and click (doesn’t matter where, just somewhere on the table) – this will “activate” that table.

Once you’ve clicked on the table, go to the toolbar at the top and click on this icon:

This wonderful icon will pull the data entered on the “Student Contacts” tab and calculate it for you.

Repeat these steps for the other three tabs:

Excel 2007

When using the Excel 2007 version of Microsoft Office, the instructions once you get to the pivot table are a little different. There is no little red exclamation mark in the toolbar, you have to right click on the pivot table, and then click refresh in the drop down box. It imports the numbers the same way it would if there was the little red exclamation mark.

then hit

then hit

then hit

And….voila!! Your tables are calculated and you have your school totals. Wahoo……Nirvana!!!!

After saving this in 40 places on your computer, shared drive, etc… (not literally folks!!) you will then email your completed report to Dianne Thompson & Jim Appleton.

But wait….you want to know how to make all the fancy charts/tables/etc…that you can now do?!! Great – but that handout/tutorial will come later!!!

# of Sessions / Academic / Life Skills / Career / Behavior Interven. / Attend. Interven. / Drop Out Prevention / Other / Total
Individual Counseling
Small Group Counseling/Guidance
(2-9 people)
Classroom Guidance
Large Group Counseling (10+)
# of Sessions / Tasks / # of Participants
GCPS Staff Consultation or Education
Parent Consultation or Education
Community Consultation or Education
Law Enforcement Consultation
Sum. of Minutes / Tasks
Professional Leadership
Program Planning
Staff Development
Fair Share
# of Students / Crisis Intervention Report
Abuse – Neglect
Abuse – Physical
Abuse – Sexual
Self Harm
Student Death (s)
Suicide Attempted


Created 1.2010