Coaching Minor Hockey In Athabasca


The following regulation requirements are based on a team’s categorization prior to December 31 of the current playing year.

Initiation (5-6 years old)

By December 31st of the current playing year, all on ice instructors at the Initiation Level (ages 5-6) must have completed the NCCP Intro to Coach Program.

Novice (7-8 years old)

By December 31, all Head Coaches coaching in the division of Novice must be qualified at the NCCP Coach Level.

It is highly recommended that all Assistant Coaches are qualified in the NCCP Coach Level course.

Atom (9-10 years old)

By December 31, all Head Coaches coaching in the division of Atom must be qualified at the NCCP Coach Level. Completion of the Checking Skills Program is also recommended.

It is recommended that all Assistant Coaches are qualified in the NCCP Coach Level course and have completed the Checking Skills Program.

Pee Wee (11-12 years old)

Teams registered as a Hockey Alberta Non Provincial Team and Provincial Team A, B, C, D

By December 31, all Head Coaches coaching in the division of PeeWee (categories outlined above) are qualified at the NCCP Coach Level and have completed the Checking Skills Program.

It is recommended that all Assistant Coaches are qualified in the NCCP Coach Level course and the Checking Skills Program.

Bantam (13-14 years old)

Teams registered as a Hockey Alberta Bantam Non Provincial Te am and Provincial Team A, B C & D

By December 31, all Head Coaches coaching in the division of Bantam (categories outlined above) are qualified at the NCCP Coach Level and have completed the Checking Skills Program.

It is recommended that all Assistant Coaches are qualified in the NCCP Coach Level course and the Checking Skills Program.

Midget (15-17 years old)

Teams registered as a Hockey Alberta Non Provincial Team and Provincial Team A, B, C & D

By December 31, that all Head Coaches coaching in the division of Midget (categories outlined above) are qualified at the NCCP Coach Level and have completed the Checking Skills Program.

It is recommended that all Assistant Coaches are qualified in the NCCP Coach Level course and the Checking Skills Program.


Hockey Canada Safety Program (HCSP)

All Hockey Alberta teams must have one (1) person registered to their team that has completed the Hockey Canada Safety Program (HCSP) and be at all games.

Teams must have a registered, eligible (as defined below) safety person by December 31 of the current Hockey Season. Teams failing to adhere to this regulation may jeopardize their eligibility for Provincials.

The certification for this program is valid for a period of three (3) hockey seasons from the date of the clinic attended to August 0l of the third hockey season.

Speak Out / Respect In Sport

All Hockey Alberta Teams must have one (1) person registered to their team that has completed the Speak Out Course or Respect in Sport Certification and be on the bench at all games.

Teams must have a registered person by December 31 of the current playing season. Teams failing to adhere to this regulation may jeopardize their eligibility for Provincials.


Currently, coaches attending the in class portion of a Coach level clinic become Coach Qualified only. Coaches are then required to complete the Coach level Post Task to receive Coach Level Certification. In 2010-11 Coaches will no longer receive Coach level qualification by attending any portion of an NCCP Coach level clinic. All coaches who attend both the off ice and on ice portions of a coach clinic will instead receive NCCP Coach Level Certification. Coaches who do not attend 100% of both on ice and off ice portion of the clinic will receive no certification or qualification of any kind.

Coaches that are currently coach qualified may complete the Coach Level post task to receive certification. Coaches will have the 2010-11 season as a grace period. This process must be completed by September 1st 2011

All coaches required to be Qualified at the NCCP Coach Level as per the 2009-

2010 Hockey Alberta Bylaws will now be required to be CERTIFIED at the NCCP

Coach Level as per the 2010-2011 bylaws.


Athabasca and District Minor Hockey Association will reimburse the clinic registration fee to any active coach or assistant coach who attends an applicable coaching clinic.

Coaching clinic dates and locations can be found by following the link on the ADMHA website under the Coaching tab: /

Further information can be obtained from the ADMHA Coaching Director: