· Cooking Club – Students will learn how to cook many different foods and have fun eating all their creations. (club sponsor – Mrs. Brito)
· Drama Club – Instead of trying to get people’s attention in the hallways, do it from the stage! The drama club is the perfect place for aspiring actors and actresses to hone their skills. If acting, singing, and dancing aren’t your thing, there are plenty of behind-the-scenes opportunities to get involved in, like directing, building sets, making costumes, stage crew, and promotions. In order to be considered for a role in the spring production, you must be able to commit to all three club sessions. (club sponsor – Mrs. Stanley)
· Club Success– Students in this club are provided an opportunity to receive additional assistance with assignments/subjects they are having difficulty with. The club also provides time for students to get caught up on missing work along with getting current homework completed. Assistance with algebra is included. (club sponsor – Mr. Iacavone and Mrs. Denton)
· Sabrecat Fitness – This club is designed to keep you active and to get you fit. The club will be participating in different exercise activities each week including indoor and outdoor fun. Make sure to wear athletic clothes and tennis shoes as well as having a water bottle to get your SWEAT on. (club sponsor – Mr. O.)
· Builders’ Club – Are you a born leader? Do you like to help others who are in need of assistance? Builders’ Club is sponsored by the Kiwanis Club. It is an international student-led organization providing members with the opportunity to perform service. Students of this club will take pride in facilitating school fundraising activities to help those in the community who are in need. (club sponsor – Mr. Sickels)
· Ted Club – Have you been interested in knowing how portable devices work or how a robot moves? In this club you will learn about the technology that makes all these things happen. You will learn how to build small electronic circuits and then design and build an actually programmable robot or automated system that you can control wirelessly. (club sponsor – Mr. Muradaz)
· Sabrecat Engineers – Do you like to design and build things? Become a Sabrecat Engineer and learn how you can design and build using your own imagination and the latest 3D design software. You will learn to draw up your idea, build a model of it and then demonstrate it to friends and family. (club sponsor – Mr. Muradaz)
· City Engineers – Ever wondered what it’s like to develop a city, skyscraper, sports stadium? In this club you and your team will learn how to design and build a city and all the things that go into building a city by using computer design software. After you design it then you will build it and compete against other teams for the best city design. (club sponsor – Mr. Muradaz)
· Club Animate – Do you like to draw? Have you always wanted to learn how to create your own animations? In this club you will learn how to use graphic design software together with Animation design software to create your very own Manga or 2D cartoons. (club sponsor – Mr. Muradaz)
· Debate – Do you want to know how to argue “smart”? This club will research the pros and cons of district assigned topics and develop arguments for both sides. They will then compete in tournaments against other CCPS middle school Debate teams. (club sponsor – Ms. Thomas)
· Jazz Band – be “COOL” and play Jazz with your music friends. This club needs guitars, piano and drums as well as all the cool wind instruments. You must have played your instrument for at least 6 months. (club sponsor – Mr. Roan)
· Scholar Bowl – Are you looking to be part of a winning team? If so, then Scholar Bowl is the team for you. This team competes with academic teams from all over the district. The team needs experts in all academic areas. So, if you have a passion for history, math, reading, art mythology, or any other area, please join us for the fun. (club sponsor – Mrs. Torres)
· Computer Club – Students will have access to a computer for completing projects, assignments, general learning, and leisure time gaming on DISTRICT approved games. (club sponsor – Ms. Lopez)
· Sabrecat Masters – Do you like socializing with your friends while playing board games? This club is for you! (club sponsor – Mrs. Azua)
· SabreSharks – If you are an inventor or problem solver or you have something you have made or produced and you want the public to know about it, you need to join Sabresharks. This is a club that will help to problem solve, plan, produce, and promote your idea or product. It is all about entrepreneurship (club sponsor – Mr. Sickels)
· Scenic Prep Crew – This crew builds and paints all scenery and properties for the 8th grade dance. Students will work under the guidance of Ms. Saunders and will have a variety of specific duties assigned, depending on the needs of the production. To participate in the club the crew must have the following: artistic and creative ability; is detail oriented; can take direction; can work easily, either independently or with a group; take pride in their work; in good standing academically and behaviorally. (club sponsor – Ms. Saunders)
· Cheerleading – Beginners welcome! The cheer club will focus on proper jump technique and cheerleading motions. Members will learn cheer and dance routines and will perform at select boys’ and girls’ basketball games. (club sponsor – Ms. Williams)
· “The Roar” Newspaper Club – Be a part of CPM history, become a staff member of THE ROAR, the premier student newspaper of the CPM Sabrecats! Let your voice be hears as a staff member of “The Roar”, CPM’s student paper. Columnists, sports’ writers, feature writers, editors, and more are needed to make the news of CPM come live to our school community. In this club staff members work together to write about topics that are happening in the school and community, highlighting the many newsworthy events that happen involving our students and staff. Don’t miss your chance to be a part of the inaugural staff of the voice of CPM, “The Sabrecat Roar”! (club sponsor – Ms. Thomas)