Classroom Procedures Mrs. McCormick 6th Grade English Language Arts


A. Students should show respect to students and teachers.

B. Students should be seated and ready to learn when the bell rings.

C. Students should bring all supplies and books to class each day.


A. Homework assignments will be posted on the board at the beginning of the week. Students will have time in class on the first day of the week to copy assignments.

B. Homework assignments are expected when called for. Work turned in one day late will have

ten points deducted. Any work turned in after one day will receive half credit.

C. Homework is an important daily grade and will have a major impact on your overall grade. Be sure to complete all assignments.

D. ANY homework assignments which receive a D or F as the grade should be corrected (you must redo the entire assignment) , stapled to the original paper, and turned in within one week from the time the paper is handed back in order to receive a new grade. GRADE WILL ONLY BE REPLACED IF ASSIGNMENT IS COMPLETELY REDONE (not just the ones missed), IT IS STAPLED TO THE ORIGINAL ASSIGNMENT, AND TURNED IN WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER PAPER HAS BEEN HANDED BACK TO STUDENT.

E. Each student will be expected to read a MINIMUM of 20 minutes every day.


A. Make-up work is your responsibility. Check the board, assignment notebook, or with the teacher before or after school to see what you have missed.

B. You have two days for each absence to make up work.

C. If you are present when an assignment is given, it is due on the assigned date.

D. Schedule times to take any tests that have been missed. MUST be taken before or after school.


A. Daily assignments will count as one assignment.

B. Tests and projects will count as two assignments

C. Semester tests will count as four assignments.


• 3- Ring binder (This binder will be used in other classes so a 3-inch that zips or velcros would be best.)

• Zippered pencil bag (Put in binder)

• Wide-ruled loose-leaf notebook paper (stock up while it’s on sale. ) Students need paper in binders at all times, plus one extra package in locker. The rest of the packages can be kept at home and brought when needed.

Pack of binder dividers with tabs

• Pocket folders with brads (Students will need 3 for ELA)

• One subject spirals (students will need 2 for ELA)

Please bring the following according to your ELA hour

1st and 2nd hour- Please bring two boxes of Kleenex

4th hour- Antibacterial Wipes

5th hour- Package of colored pencils and/or thin markers

6th hour- Scissors

The following supplies should be placed in the zippered pencil bag that is kept in the binder. These supplies are required for each class each day.

• Pencils- students should have at least 2 with them each day

• Hand-held pencil sharpener

• Eraser

• Colored pens for grading- students must have at least 1 with them each day

Wish List (these items are not required, but are appreciated)-

Antibacterial Gel



Expect Success!!!!!!

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(Please keep page 1 for your records. Sign and return 2nd page..)

I have read and understand the classroom procedures for ELA.

Student Signature _____________________________ Parent Signature________________________________