This update of DATIM includes the following items for the COP16 Target data entry forms:

# / Indicator / Update /
1 / OVC_KNOWN / Indicator was removed from target data entry form.
2 / INVS_COMD / Indicator was added to target data entry form at the IM level.
3 / PrEP_NEW / Numerator: Language for the numerator description now reads: “Number of individuals who have received antiretroviral pre-exposure prophylaxis in the reporting period (PrEP) to prevent HIV infection.)”.
Denominator: Denominator was removed from the target data entry screen.
4 / PMTCT_STAT / Language for the numerator now reads “Number of pregnant women with known HIV status (includes those who already knew their HIV status prior to ANC)”.
Also, the order of the disaggregates in the target data entry screen was changed so the age disaggregate will appear above the disaggregate for age by known/new positivity status.
5 / PMTCT_ART / Numerator: Language for disaggregates that appear on the screen now read: “New on ART”; “Already on ART at the beginning of the current pregnancy”.
Denominator: Also, the auto-calculated denominator was removed from the data entry screen in DATIM.
6 / TB_SCREENDX / The disaggregates for TB_SCREENDX were updated to clearly indicate fields as being disaggregates of other fields.
7 / TX_PVLS / Language for the numerator changed to “Number of adult and pediatric patients on ART with suppressed viral load results (<1,000 copies/ml) documented in the medical records and/or supporting laboratory results within the past 12 months”.
8 / TB_STAT, TB_ART, and PP_PREV / The word “numerator” was added to Age/Sex disaggregates to clearly indicate that these disaggregations should be for the numerator
9 / GEND_GBV / Was moved from System tab to Prevention tab.
10 / HRH_PRE / This indicator was removed from the Community level so that it only appears at the OU level.
11 / TB_STAT / The coloring of the indicator was updated to orange to indicate semi-annual reporting frequency.