Mustang High School

Advanced Computer Applications


In order to maintain a safe and enjoyable environment conducive to learning, students must abide by the rules set forth in the MHS student handbook as well as the following guidelines specific to my classroom.

1. STUDENTS WILL NOT EAT OR DRINK IN CLASS. However water only, in a bottle with a lid, is allowed as long as it is kept on the floor away from computers.

2. STUDENTS ARE TO BE PREPARED FOR CLASS ON TIME. When the tardy bell stops ringing students should have already checked the calendar for the assignment and logged in to their computers. Attendance is taken immediately after the bell. Students arriving late must have a note to give to the instructor or sign in to the TARDY BOOK. They will not be allowed to leave class to get a note excusing the tardy.

3. STUDENTS WILL NOT USE PERSONAL ELECTRONICS/STORAGE DEVICES. The technology necessary to successfully complete this course is on the classroom computers therefore flash drives, cell phones, CDs, DVDs, cameras, video games, tablets, laptops, or other electronic devices are not allowed. This applies to personal headphones as well. Students are not to plug anything into the classroom computers, so the practice of using the computer’s USB port to charge electronic devices will not be done. In the event any other electronic device could enhance the educational process, students will be notified and the school policy on personal technology devices will be enforced.

4. STUDENTS MUST ABIDE BY COMPUTER/INTERNET USAGE POLICY. All computer resources in this classroom will be used solely for legitimate and authorized academic, instructional, research, or administrative purposes. Any unauthorized use shall constitute a violation of policy and will be subject to disciplinary and/or legal action. Some items that constitute violations of this policy are:

· Unauthorized use of or modifications to computer software or hardware

· Unauthorized access of data or access of an account other than one assigned

· Any violation of copyright laws or unauthorized printing of documents

· Unauthorized playing of computer games during school hours

· Any attempt to gain access to web sites banned by the school’s internet filter

· Unauthorized access to the following websites: FaceBook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, personal email sites, sites that allow instant messaging, etc. This list is not inclusive, but is intended to give examples of areas that may allow access to inappropriate content.

See the student handbook for additional information regarding computer/internet usage.

5. STUDENTS WILL PROPERLY MAINTAIN ASSIGNED WORK AREA. Students will be given detailed instructions on the care and use of their area. Any damage that may occur needs to be reported immediately. To help avoid damage to floors, rolling or spinning in chairs is not allowed.

6. STUDENTS WILL WORK UNTIL NOTIFIED BY INSTRUCTOR. Students should not log off or shut down early. Sufficient time will be given to students to leave class in the proper manner which will be clearly explained by the instructor. This time is not given for students to line up at the door or cause disruption to those who are still working.

7. STUDENTS WILL SUBMIT ASSIGNMENTS PER DUE DATE. Due dates will be specified for each assignment. No credit will be given to assignments turned in after the due date unless it is make-up work.

8. STUDENTS WILL COMPLETE MAKE-UP ASSIGNMENTS PROMPTLY. The make-up work policy in the MHS student handbook will be followed in this class. Students are responsible for getting missed assignments which will be posted on a monthly calendar in the classroom. Missed tests will not be made up during class time. Students will schedule a time to take a make-up test before/after school or during lunch, no exceptions.

Additions/deletions to these guidelines may be necessary in order to maintain discipline and harmony in the classroom. Students will be notified if any modifications are made. The goal is to provide a safe as well as enjoyable learning environment for all students in the fairest manner possible. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the guidelines listed above, please discuss them with me. kj


QUIZZES will be 100 – 200 points. TESTS will be 200 – 400 points. DAILY WORK will be 100 – 200 points. PROJECTS points will be based on complexity and time given to complete.


Description: The purpose of this year long course is to provide students with in-depth, hands-on experience using business computer software. Students’ skills in word processing, spreadsheet, database, presentation, desktop publishing, graphics, and internet research will be enhanced using Microsoft Office 2010, Windows, and additional software to create business documents.

Course Content:

1. Microsoft Office Basics

2. Word Processing/Formatting Documents

3. Spreadsheets/Functions/Data Organization/Charts

4. Relational Database/Analyzing Data

5. Presentations

6. Desktop Publishing

7. Internet Research


HOUR 1 (8:40 – 9:30) Intro to Computer Science

HOUR 2 (9:35 – 10:25) Advanced Computer Applications

HOUR 3 (10:30 – 11:20) Advanced Computer Applications

HOUR 4 (11:25 – 12:15) Pre AP Computer Science

LUNCH (12:20 – 12:50)

HOUR 5 (12:55 – 1:45) Advanced Computer Applications

HOUR 7 (2:45 – 3:35) PLAN


No supplies are needed at this time. If additional supplies are necessary, sufficient time will be given for students to provide them.