Ten years of experience providing services at Military Treatment Facilities (MTFs) on 41 prime contracts and 12 subcontracts
Small business under NAICS 622xxx ($38.5 mil in annual receipts)
Trained and experienced managers, recruiters, credentialers and human resource personnel
Management system tracks project status from award to placement to completion
Vendor on VA-FSS contract (contract number V797P-7290A)
Incorporated in 2004, Luke is headquartered on the Space Coast of Florida and provides a variety of services for the federal government in the United States and Europe. In December, 2012 Luke was recognized as one of the top 100 job creating companies in the United Stated by Inc. magazine, placing No. 22 on Inc.’s Hire Power Award list.
Luke is a small business under NAICS 622xxx ($38.5 mil). We are extremely happy to be in a position to support MTF requirements as a prime contractor, and to continue our work with other small business partners to deliver the health care services needed by the Military Health System and the Defense Health Agency. We are currently a prime contractor on several U.S. Army contracts, and a subcontractor to small business partners on the U.S. Air Force Class contract, and multiple U.S. Army and U.S. Navy contracts. We are also a small business prime contractor on with the Veterans Administration’s Federal Services Contract (V797P-7290A).
Luke is a prime contractor on the Fort Bliss Continental Replacement Center contract (W91YU0-14-D-0001). Our past experience and successful performance includes successful operations on 41 prime contracts and 12 subcontracts.
Luke is built on strong core values and a commitment to the highest standard of business conduct. We deliver services on one simple principle, doing what is right at all times. Our focus is making a difference in the world and positively impacting the lives of others. This commitment allowed us to grow, share our knowledge with our partners, and survive the inevitable ups downs of business cycles.