Resource sheet21Digital technology and early literacy
Parents, teachers and practitioners discussed digital technology and its impact on children’s early developmentintwo workshops led by the Early Childhood Unit – in Sandwell and Peterborough.
The headlinemessages resulting from these conversations are:
- Digital technology is already a significant part of children’s everyday lives and supports learning and developmentin positive ways at home and in nursery. (Examples in every cell of the ORIM framework for early literacy demonstrates the potential - see over page).
- Using technology with children needs to be emphasised to encourage language, thinking and social interaction.
- Parents are very conscious of the need to create a balance between time spent with digital technology and traditional play, materials and social interactions. Theyare very aware of the potential concernsand want to get it right for their children.
- It is important to manage and limit the length and frequency of time playing with digital technology.
- Children need real books – technology can enhance, but not replace them.
- Parents recognise the temptation to use apps and games to occupy and distract children:
practitioners feelit is important to talk with parents about the way mobile phones can distract parents from their children.
- Parents and older siblings are powerful and influential models for their children’s interaction with technology - how to take photos and send texts is often taught by older siblings.
- Parents would welcome more discussion about the use of technology and the best quality apps and programmes to access. They feel there is a lot to learn and share with practitioners in a two-way process - and that parents can also support each other.
The full report Digitalliteracy and numeracy – the views of parents and practitioners is available at: includes the questions and structure used for the workshops to enable replication in other nurseries and schools.
Further reading:
Billington, C. (2016) How digital technology can support early language and literacy outcomes in early years settings. A review of the literature. NLT, London
Marsh, J., Plowman, L., Yamada-Rice, D., Bishop, J.C., Lahmar, J., Scott, F., Davenport, A., Davis, S., French, K., Piras, M., Thornhill, S., Robinson, P. and Winter, P. (2015). Exploring play and creativity in pre-schoolers’ use of apps: Final project report. Retrieved from:
ORIM framework –digital technology and early literacy
Environmental Print / Early Writing / Books / Oral LanguageO / Spot signs, logos, letters and words on a print walk – along street, in supermarket, in park
Find and print labels and logos online / Draw and write with large pens or chalk outside
Draw and paint on tablets / Borrow books from school or local library
Find digital and audio versions of well-loved, interactive books online / Attend story and rhyme sessions at library or children’s centre
Find translations and traditional rhymes in other languages on-line
R / Make a scrapbook of logos/words a child recognises
Make a digital folder of logos/ words a child recognises / Display drawing and mark making on the wall
Keep digital drawings and marks in a file / Use the Jigsaw of development for books to track progress
Find images of favourite book covers online– print and display or put in scrapbook / Collect rhyme cards that child knows/likes to sing
Print out Bookstart rhymes from website
I / Make and play a print game – lotto or snap - or paste collection into a scrapbook together
Print hunt - use digital cameras together with child Make a slide show / Write letters and messages/ greeting cards together
Write emails and send texts together / Share favourite book together – encourage child to join in text
Use interactive appgame related to favourite story together / Use simple puppets and retell or make up a story
Record rhymes and tell stories with microphoneor mobile phone app and play back/ or act out and make video
M / Read out loud and point to number on bus and bus stop
Show and explain the amount being paid with a contactless card / Explain as letters or notes arewritten –tell child what it says and why
Write and send text messages on phone or keyboard- explain what is written and why / Read a newspaper – explain what is being read and why
Read directions on smartphone – show map and explain / Use literacy language consciously – book, word, letter, full stop...
Use digital technology language consciously- text, writing, keyboard, mouse, capitals, send...
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