Jefferson Township Schools

Grade: 6th

Thematic Unit: My Community

Time frame: November - January

Enduring Understanding: The students will understand it takes many varied jobs for a city or town to work as a community and that every person is valuable no matter what type of job they do.

Essential questions: How can I contribute to my community?

How are communities different between the USA and target countries?

Objectives: Students will identify and describe different places in the community by creating their own community and

participating in interactive games by modeling role playing activities to model different working places.

NJ Standards/Progress Indicator: Novice Mid: 7.1: A1, 2, 3, 5, 6 7.1 B1, 2, 3, 4, 5 7.1C2, 3, 4

Scope and Sequence
Instructional Activities / Culture / Content
Connections / Grammatical
Structure / Assessment / Teacher
Places in my community:
*Teacher will introduce places in the community (hospital, pharmacy, police station, school, restaurant, post office, bakery, pools, park, etc).Students will review and utilize the verb “to go” to construct sentences.
Teacher will use pictures and choral repetition to practice vocabulary. Students will participate in memory games (concentration, bingo, board game) to reinforce vocabulary.
(7.1 A2, 3, 4, B2, 4, 5)
*Teacher will provide students with a printed imaginary town. Students are to use clip art or draw pictures to create an imaginary community.
(7.1 A4, B4)
*Teacher will introduce professions (doctor, teacher, lawyer, police officer, mailman, mechanic, chef, pharmacist, cashier, dentist, nurse, stylist, etc).
Teacher will reinforce vocabulary by using vocabulary flash cards or playing charades.
(7.1 A4, B 3,4,)
*Teacher will introduce vocabulary that describes different professions in a community (prepare, deliver, cure, fix, cut, teach, help, give, etc).
Teacher will use choral repetition and pictures to reinforce vocabulary.
(7.1 A4, B2, 4, C2)
*Using the town they labeled before, students will draw a community member and paste it next to the correct working place. Students are also to write a short description next to each one by stating what they are, where they work, and what they do.
(7.1 A4, B4, 5, C3)
Activities in your community:
*Teacher will review weather vocabulary by using posters. Students are to put written weather conditions on the poster with the correct season.
(7.1 A4, B4, 5, C3)
*Teacher will use TPR to ask students what activities they can do in certain weather (What can you do when it is cold?). *Teacher will use pictures to introduce new activities vocabulary (go to work, a restaurant, movie theatre, bowling, park, ride bike, skate, play sports, etc). Teacher will review the verb “to go to” for students to be able to state what places they go to.
*Students will create a schedule in which describe what they do in their community through out the week. Students will be aloud to make up certain activities (On Monday, I go to the park and skate. On Tuesday, I go to a restaurant and eat, etc).
Asking for directions
*Teacher will introduce how to ask for directions. Teacher will use a printed imaginary town to explain how to get from one point to another.
*Using their own imaginary town, students will pair up with a partner. Students are to give the other student directions on how to get from one point to another with out telling them where they will end (From the pharmacy, turn left and go straight. At the end make a right and then a left. Where are you now?) The student will need to follow the directions correctly in order to get to the correct ending point.
Communities around the world:
*Teacher will provide students with pictures of communities in target countries. Teacher will discuss with students the different places and professions in the community. Students will compare and contrast similarities and differences from their own community and create a Venn diagram. Teacher will also discuss how poverty may affect and force young children to work at an early age in their community. / Communities in target countries are different than communities in the USA. Not all communities have the same places.
Compare and contrast the rate of professions in target countries and the US.
Comparing and contrasting different working conditions in target countries. Comparing and contrasting different incomes.
What activities do people do in their communities in target countries.
Compare and contrast traveling, driving, and traffic conditions in target countries
Comparing and contrasting communities in target countries and around the world. / Social Studies:
Comparison with communities in target countries.
Professions in our community.
Language Arts:
Identifying and labeling different places.
Drawing different places or using clip art.
Social Studies:
Comparing and contrasting professions in target countries and the USA.
Comparing and contrasting different incomes.
Language Arts:
Reading and writing simple sentences.
Language Arts:
Constructing sentences.
Social Studies:
Activities you do in your community.
Language Arts:
Outlining activities.
Social Studies:
Comparing communities. / Vocabulary:
Hospital, pharmacy, police station, fire fighter station, restaurant, school, post office, bakery, salon, pools, house, park, dentistry, theater, park, Mall.
1.  What are different places in my community?
2.  What is important for a community to work?
1.  Verbs: To go
2.  Question and answer
Sentence structure:
1.  I go to the hospital for help.
Hospital, pharmacy, police station, fire fighter station, restaurant, school, post office, bakery, salon, pools, house, park, dentistry.
Doctor, teacher, lawyer, police officer, mailman, mechanic, chef, pharmacist, cashier,
dentist, nurse, stylist, etc.)
1.  What are the different professions in my community?
2.  What is important for a community to work?
1.  Verbs: “To work, To be.”
Sentence Structure:
1.  The mailman works in the post office.
2.  The doctor works in the hospital.
3.  Where does the teacher work?
To help,
cure deliver, fix, cut, construct, teach, give, to put out, arrest, protect, to cook, to make)
1. Verbs “To be, to work, AR verbs.”
1.  What do the people in my community do?
2.  What are the different responsibilities of certain careers?
1.  AR verb conjugation
Sentence Structure:
1.  The police officer helps, protects, and arrests people.
2.  The mailman delivers mail.
To help,
cure deliver, fix, cut, construct, teach, give, to put out, arrest, protect, to cook, to make). Doctor, teacher, lawyer, police officer, mailman, mechanic, chef, pharmacist, cashier,
dentist, nurse, stylist, etc.)
Its hot, cold, warm, sunny, cold, windy, snows, lighting, thunder, rainy, cool.
1.  What is the weather like today?
2.  What is it like in the summer?
1.  Verbs: To do
Sentence Structure:
1. In the summer, it is hot, warm, sunny, it rains.
Go to the movies, mall, park, pool work. Be with friends, swim, skate, ride a bike, watch a movie, play sports, go to school.)
1.  What are some activities that I can do in my community.
1.  Verbs: To do, Activity verbs.
2.  Review of verb conjugation.
Sentence Formation:
1.  I go to the movies.
2.  I go to the park and skate
Go to the movies, mall, park, pool work. Be with friends, swim, skate, ride a bike, watch a movie, play sports, go to school.)
Turn, left, right, go straight, come back.
1.  How do I get from one point to another?
Sentence Structure:
1.  To get to the store, turn left, go straight, and stop.
Turn, left, right, go straight, come back. / Formative
1.  Question and Responses about different places.
2.  Quiz on places in the community
Imaginary town.
Quiz on professions:
Quiz on responsibilities.
Oral exam on professions description.
Quiz on weather expressions
Description of activities.
Following directions using an imaginary town.
1. Groups will construct a community that includes the areas specified in the lesson complete with personnel for each work place. Students will then create a list of instructions for a tour of their community.
2.Students will create their own imaginary town by creating a map and drawing the different places in town. Students are to then write a story which describes a typical week in their community. / Resources:
Visual images
Memory/Board games
Poster Paper
Markers/Colored pencils
Computer lab for clip art.
Flash cards
Memory games
Dice for verb games
Flash cards
Imaginary town
Review games
Clip art
Verb flash cards
Verb conjugation games
Directional games
Flash cards
Direction activities
Computer Lab
Vocabulary review