Monday Announcements

May7th, 2018

This week is Teacher Appreciation Week! Be sure to thank your teachers for all that they do!!!

Lunch: Green Beans A – Beef & Cheese Burrito B – Crispy Chicken Sandwich

Tomorrow’s Breakfast:Cheesy Eggs & Toast

Tomorrow’s Lunch:Carrots A – Stuffed Crust Pizza B – Sloppy Joe

May7thMay 8thMay 9thMay 10thMay 11th

Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week
4 pm
Track - Menno JH Relays
/ 8
Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week
1 pm
Track - TVC @ Gayville
/ 9
Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week
9 am
Golf - TVC Meet @ Yankton
2:15 pm - 3:45 pm
Students vs Staff Quiz Bowl
/ 10
Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week
3:50 pm - 5 pm
Senior Experience Parent Presentations
7 pm
MS/HS Spring Concert
/ 11
Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week
8 am - 11 am
Help Day
8:30 am
Senior Experience Judge's Panel Presentations
3 pm
Track - Irene JH Meet

Congratulations to Oddy P who qualified for State Track. Way to go!

Good luck to the JH track team as they compete today at the Menno relays. Participants will be dismissed today at 12:30 and will leave at 12:45.

Congratulations to Amy P who received a 6th place medal at the Irene Wakonda Golf Invite on Friday.

Sophomores: you will have a class meeting today during studyhall 5A.

Football celebration and information dinner will be at 7:00 pm on May 21st. All current and upcoming Razorback football players, cheerleaders and parents are welcome.

This will be a pot luck meal. If your last name starts with A-L, please bring a main dish and a side or salad.

If your last name starts with M-Z, please bring a main dish and desert.

Information for next year will include our summer camp and workout schedule

May 7 & 9 - 8:00 –9:00: Middle School & High School Full Band Concert Rehearsal

It is time to pre-order your Yearbook. You may order on line at or stop in the school office and fill out an order form. The cost of the yearbook is $40. Yearbooks will be delivered in the fall.

Found: a certificate was found on the after prom bus. Please claim in Heidi’s office by naming what kind of certificate it is for.

All books are due back to the library by May 11th.

The Marion Academic Awards program for grades 6-12 will be held on Tuesday evening, May 15, at 7:00 p.m. in the old gym.

Students, staff, parents and community members who wish to have the opportunity to honor the students are welcome. Please join us!!

All dual credit applications are dueTODAY! If you plan to take Speech you MUST do your paperwork by TODAY!

Seniors - If you have received any outside scholarships, letMrs.Kennedy know so it can be announced at the academic banquet.

The first Student Council Meeting of NEXT YEAR will be tomorrow, May 8th during 5A. You will be outlining next year’s early homecoming.

MS/HS Student vs Staff Quiz Bowl event will be this Wednesday the 9th. Students should be seated in the old gym by 2:15 pm. Any staff that wants to participate please let Mr. Lanfear know.

Marion Gems – Anyone in grades 6-12 that is interested in being on a high school dance team should pick up a consent form in Heidi’s office and have it returned by May 18th. Elementary students can turn in consent forms to Cyndy by May 18th.

Reminder: Drivers Ed forms are due by May 15.

Students interested in taking the Marion Hunt Safe class should be sure to register online.

Have a great Monday!