City University of Hong Kong
Information on a Course
offered by Department of Physics and Materials Science
with effect from Semester A in 2013 / 2014
This form is for completion by the Course Co-ordinator/Examiner. The information provided on this form will be deemed to be the official record of the details of the course. It has multipurpose use: for the University’s database, and for publishing in various University publications including the Blackboard, and documents for students and others as necessary.
Please refer to the Explanatory Notes attached to this Form on the various items of information required.
Part I
Course Title: Physical Optics
Course Code: AP4282
Course Duration: One semester
No of Credit Units: 3
Level: B4
Medium of Instruction: English
Prerequisites: AP3204 Waves and Optics, or
MA2001 Elementary Calculus or
MA2176 Basic Calculus and Linear Algebra or equivalent or
MA1201 Calculus and Basic Linear Algebra II
Precursors: Nil
Equivalent Courses: Nil
Exclusive Courses: AP8282 Physical Optics
Part II
1. Course Aims:
To cover the basic principles that lay the foundations of physical optics as a tool that studies the properties of light, its propagation, and its interaction with matter.
To highlight the basic assumptions and main results from diffraction theory and various interference techniques.
To provide an introductory overview of the principles of nano-optics and nano-photonics.
To explore and discuss applications of the course’s topics in science and technology, and to motivate the students for discovery and innovation in the related areas.
Upon successful completion of the course, students are expected to be equipped with sufficient knowledge to perform quantitative analysis of the wave-like propagation of light as it relates to classical (diffraction, interference) and modern applications (nano-optics and nano-photonics). They will also be able to explain the basic microscopic processes that describe the propagation of light in different media as well as to give a qualitative description of the optical properties of solids. The students are also expected to be able to rationalize, discover, and innovate, on potential applications of the course contents to practical scientific and technological applications.
2. Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs)
(state what the student is expected to be able to do at the end of the course according to a given standard of performance)
Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
No / CILOs / Level of Importance1 / Describe the microscopic phenomena that occur during the propagation of light and the basic models that explain it. / 1
2 / Describe the main characteristics of light polarization, diffraction and interference. / 1
3 / Explain the principles of Fourier analysis and Fourier optics and describe its applications and importance. / 1
4 / Explain the principles of near field optics and its applications to nano-photonics. / 1
5 / Explain the scientific and technological applications of the wave-like nature of light for (far field) macro- and (near field) nano-optics. Participate in discovery and innovation of new applications. / 1
Remarks: 1 is the least importance
3. Teaching and Learning Activities (TLAs)
(designed to facilitate students’ achievement of the CILOs)
TLAs / Large Class Activities / Small Class Activities / Lab Work / Final project / Total no of hoursCILO 1 / 6 / 0.5 / -- / 1 / 7.5
CILO 2 / 6 / 0.5 / 1 / 0.5 / 8
CILO 3 / 6 / 0.5 / 1 / 0.5 / 8
CILO 4 / 6 / 0.5 / 1 / 0.5 / 8
CILO 5 / 2 / 1.5 / -- / 4 / 7.5
Total (hrs) / 26 / 3.5 / 3 / 6.5 / 39
Scheduled activities: 2 hrs lecture + 0.5 hr tutorial + 0.5 hr laboratory.
In tutorial sessions (small class activities and laboratory work), students will be encouraged to discuss the principles of the various processes relative to the wave-like behavior of light, its occurrence (or lack of it) in daily life, as well as its technological and scientific applications. Problem solving or tests will also be held in the tutorial sessions.
Students will be required to prepare a short (10 min) final project presentation. They will also be required to assess the quality of their peer’s presentation and to give them comments/questions (5 min question session). This will be a good opportunity for training the students’ ability to present a topic in public and to critically appraising other people’s work.
4. Assessment Tasks/Activities
(designed to assess how well the students achieve the CILOs)
Examination duration: 2 hrs
Percentage of coursework, examination, etc.: 30% by coursework; 20% by final project presentation, 50% by exam
To pass the course, students need to achieve at least 30% in the examination.
ATs / Exam / Final project / Mid-term test / 3 Lab-reports + 3 assignments / Total(%)
CILO 1 / 10 / 3 / 4 / 3 / 20
CILO 2 / 10 / 3 / 4 / 4 / 21
CILO 3 / 10 / 3 / 4 / 4 / 21
CILO 4 / 10 / 3 / 3 / 4 / 20
CILO 5 / 10 / 8 / -- / -- / 18
Total (%) / 50 / 20 / 15 / 15 / 100
5. Grading of Student Achievement: Refer to Grading of Courses in the Academic Regulations (Attachment) and to the Explanatory Notes.
The grading is assigned based on students’ performance in assessment tasks/activities.
Grade A
The student completes all assessment tasks/activities and the work demonstrates excellent understanding of the scientific principles and the working mechanisms. He/she can thoroughly identify and explain how the principles are applied to science and technology for solving physics and engineering problems. The student’s work shows strong evidence of original thinking, supported by a variety of properly documented information sources other than taught materials. He/she is able to communicate ideas effectively and persuasively via written texts and/or oral presentation.
Grade B
The student completes all assessment tasks/activities and can describe and explain the scientific principles. He/she provides a detailed evaluation of how the principles are applied to science and technology for solving physics and engineering problems.He/she demonstrates an ability to integrate taught concepts, analytical techniques and applications via clear oral and/or written communication.
Grade C
The student completes all assessment tasks/activities and can describe and explain some scientific principles. He/she provides simple but accurate evaluations of how the principles are applied to science and technology for solving physics and engineering problems. He/she can communicate ideas clearly in written texts and/or in oral presentations.
Grade D
The student completes all assessment tasks/activities but can only briefly describe some scientific principles. Only some of the analysis is appropriate to show how the principles are applied to science and technology for solving physics and engineering problems. He/she can communicate simple ideas in writing and/or orally.
Grade F
The student fails to complete all assessment tasks/activities and/or cannot accurately describe and explain the scientific principles. He/she fails to identify and explain how the principles are applied to science and technology for solving physics and engineering problems objectively or systematically. He/she is weak in communicating ideas and/or the student’s work shows evidence of plagiarism.
Part III
Keyword Syllabus:
· Review of optical phenomena (1.5 hours)
Nature of light, wave equation, wave theory.
· Propagation of light (1.5 hours)
Rarefied and dense media, Huygens’ and Fermat’s principle, speed of light, refractive index.
· Optical properties of solids (3 hours)
Lorentz Oscillator Model (semiconductors), Drude model (metals).
· Polarized light (1 hours)
Polarization states, polarizers, wave plates, dipole radiation.
· Reflection and Refraction (2 hrs)
Rayleigh scattering, reflection and transmission at a discontinuity, Fresnel equations, reflection from a conductor.
· Interference (3.5 hours)
Wave addition and interference; optical thin-film applications.
· Fourier analysis (4 hours)
Introduction to Fourier series and Fourier integral concepts of correlation and convolution.
· Coherence (3.5 hours)
Coherent vs. incoherent light, Fourier transform spectroscopy, fringe contrast.
· Diffraction and Gaussian Beams (3 hours)
Fresnel formulation, the obliquity factor, Gaussian beams, Fraunhofer diffraction, rectangular and circular apertures.
· Introduction to photonics and nano-optics (3 hours)
Evanescent fields, propagation and focusing of optical fields, surface plasmons, optical antennae.
· Selected applications of modern physical optics (3 hours)
To be selected by lecturer. (e.g., Fundamentals and applications of Near-field Scanning Optical microscopy (NSOM), plasmonic lasers, surface plasmons for biosensing applications).
Recommended Reading:
L Novotny and B Hetch, Principles of nano-optics Cambridge University Press, 2006 [electronic resource]]
Motoichi Ohtsu [et al.] Principles of nanophotonics CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, 2008
P N Prasad, Nanophotonics Wiley Hoboken, NJ c2004 [electronic resource]
M Ohtsu (Eds.) Nanophotonics and nanofabrication Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, c2009.
E Hecht, Optics, 3rd edition, (Addison Wesley 1998). Reading MA
R D Guenther, Modern Optics, (Wiley 1990). New York
J Gaskill, Linear Systems, Fourier Transforms, and Optics, (Wiley 1978) New York
J Goodman, Introduction to Fourier Optics, (McGraw-Hill 1968). New York
Returned by:
Name: Dr J A ZAPIEN Department: AP
Extension: 7823 Date: 31 Jul 2013
AP4282 5