Instructions: Please scan and email completed application

to Jeff Hammerly at

International Tourism Grant Program Application

This program is designed to connect active partners with international markets. The grants, which will be available in the 2017/18 fiscal year (July 1, 2017-June 30, 2018), cover two-thirds of the cost to attend a sales activity with the Travel Portland international tourism team.

Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Company: ___________________________________________________________________________________

Mailing address: ______________________________________________________________________________

Physical address (if different from above): ________________________________________________________

Phone: _______________________________ E-mail: _______________________________________________

Website URL: _________________________________________________________________________________

Attended Travel Portland’s Lunch & Learn (formerly called Brown Bag Lunch on (date): ___________________________

Met with Travel Portland market expert/int’l tourism manager on: ____________ Name: ________________________

Markets interested in (please mark all that applies):

☐ Australia/New Zealand ☐ France ☐ United Kingdom

☐ Mexico ☐ Germany ☐ Other (list here):___________________________

☐ Canada ☐ Japan _______________________________________________

☐ China ☐ Netherlands

Are you currently working with any receptive tour operators/wholesalers? If so, please list: ______________________


Are you currently offering net/wholesaler rates? If so, please describe: _________________________________________


To qualify for the grant program, you must:

1. Be an active Travel Portland partner and be located in the TID zone.

2. Attend a Lunch & Learn on international markets.

3. Submit this application.

4. Participate in Travel Portland’s quarterly report system.

I have read and understand the qualifications listed above:


Signed Print Name Date

Please direct any questions to Jeff Hammerly at – Re: Tourism Grant Program