Choral Music Courses &
Extra - Curricular Activities
Ms. Desiree Wattelet - Vocal Director
Rhinelander High School & James Williams Middle School
RHS: 715-365-9500-8302 / JWMS: 715-365-9220-7154
RHS Webpage: http://www.rhinelander.k12.wi.us/faculty/wattedes
RHS Choir Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/groups/RhinelanderHighSchoolChoir/
Dear RHS Choir Students, Parents and Guardians,
Welcome to the 2017-2018 School Year!!!! I am very excited to begin this school year with such an outstanding group of musicians. This year all chorus members are going to work on becoming better performers and musicians. It is extremely important that students and family members feel positive about student participation and that everyone sees students, parents and guardians as integral contributors to the overall success of the entire music program. Everyone makes a difference in our chorus! In this handbook, I have also included information on parent/guardian volunteers, as there will be times during the year that help will be needed during various choral events.
Please take a few minutes to read all the information in this packet and return the final page signed and dated no later than the end of the first week class. (September 8, 2017)
Included in this Choir Handbook are the following items:
Choral Overview
Course Goals and Objectives
Choral Music Class Descriptions
Required Materials
Choral Uniforms
Classroom Procedures/Student Expectations
Classroom Rules
Grading Philosophy
Grading Policy
Excused Absences Policy
Choir Room Use Policy
Solo & Ensemble Festival
Choir Webpage
Choir Fundraising Policy
Choir Contract
Volunteer Sign-Up
RHS Choir T-Shirt Order Form
Choral Overview:
The choral classes at the high school and junior high are performance based. We will be singing daily and performing music that utilizes the skills learned from the music chosen within class and music theory worksheets. It is my expectation that students will come prepared to class with their choral folders and required supplies everyday so that we all may improve as an ensemble. Without the cooperation of every student, our choir will not improve. Reading music, proper vocal technique, and performance skills are emphasized. Students should understand that a consistent practice schedule outside of class must be adhered to for successful continuation and is essential to the progress of our ensembles. (Suggested practice time is 15 minutes per day.) The culminating experience of our hard work includes several required public performances. I have provided listening links and downloads on my school website and google drive. If a student is unable to access the internet and music, they may bring in a cd or flash drive and the audio files will be burned or uploaded for them.
Course Goals and Objectives
Our semester will be full of new and enriching, exciting musical experiences. We have a busy schedule for our ensembles. Students will have the following opportunities at their disposal:
1. Develop correct vocal technique
2. Acquire fundamental skills in music theory, sight singing and ear training
3. Strengthen critical listening skills as a performer and listener
4. Identify musical elements in varying styles and genres of choral literature and express such styles appropriately
5. Gain a basic understanding of music history and the role it plays in all musical genres.
6. Recognize and demand outstanding musicianship, quality repertoire, choral blend, balance, appropriate style, flawless intonation, beautiful tone and superior performance expectations.
7. Experience the commitment and dedication necessary to develop an outstanding standard of performance and poise.
8. Strengthen leadership skills, teamwork and self-discipline.
9. Implement and develop a rewarding avenue for self expression.
10. Become an independent musician.
RHS Choral Music Class Descriptions
Show Choir:
The RHS Show Choir (Shodags) is an auditioned, 10th-12th grade, mixed ensemble that combines the movement of dance and singing to perform literature from various selected eras of musical history. This choir is designed to meet the needs of students interested in a more intense study of vocal performance. In addition to the techniques of rehearsal and performance, a portion of each class period will be devoted to choreography, strengthening sight reading skills, improving vocal technique, music theory and learning about music history.
Concert Choir:
The RHS Concert Choir is a mixed choir of students in grades 9-12. This choir is designed to provide an atmosphere for the enjoyment, appreciation and performance of all types of choral music. The instruction and improvement of voice quality, intonation, ability to read music, ability to sight-sing, and the overall development of musicianship is stressed in conjunction with the learning of each musical piece. In addition to the techniques of rehearsal and performance, a portion of each class period will be devoted to improving music theory and learning about music history.
Both choirs will present a series of choral concerts at RHS as well as, compete in WSMA choral competitions. Students wishing to participate in WSMA solo and ensemble events as well as in individual competitions such as the GNC Honors Choir and the WSMA State Honors Choir will have the opportunity to do so. Students interested in singing the National Anthem for selected sporting events, as a soloist or a small group should meet with Ms. Wattelet to prepare. All students can sign up to sing at a sporting event as long as Ms. Wattelet has approved their performance.
Required Materials
Students are expected to come to class with the following materials…EVERYDAY.
1. Choir Folder
o Each student must have his or her choir folder in class each day, unless specifically instructed otherwise, with all necessary accessories.
2. Pencil
o Each student must bring a sharpened pencil to class every day, which should be placed on his or her folder at the beginning of each class period.
3. Positive Attitude & a Willingness to Try
Students will have 2 ‘freebies’ each grading period to forget their materials. After the second time, points will be deducted from their class participation score. To improve in our musical skills, it is essential that all students come prepared and organized to class every day.
Choral Uniforms
All students are expected to conform to the choral dress code during both performances and when out in public at choir events. You are part of a team, and should dress accordingly. If a student is not dressed appropriately, the director may remove that student from the performance. This will then be considered an unexcused absence with point loss. No student will be denied full access to the choir/band program because of inability to purchase choir apparel. (Please see Ms. Wattelet for extenuating circumstances)
Concert Uniforms:
Each choral student will be assigned a concert uniform to wear at concerts. Each student must pay a $15.00 fee for choral uniforms. This fee will cover cleaning the uniforms throughout the school year. The fee is to be paid at the beginning of the school year. Please take care of these uniforms when you are wearing them as they can be very expensive to replace and fix. Any damages that incur during the year will be documented and charged to the student’s account. Students will be given a uniform contract to fill out upon receiving the required uniforms.
Choral T-shirts:
There will be times when choral students will have casual performances. The attire for these performances will require an RHS choral t-shirt. These can be purchased at the beginning of the year for $8.00. I have attached an order form at the end of this handbook, so that I will be able to make an order before the first concert. If a student is unable to purchase a t-shirt at this time, they will be able to check out one from the music department at the beginning of the year. Choral t-shirts that have been checked out must be returned at the end of the year or the student’s account will be charged $8.00.
Students will need to provide:
Concert Dress:
Women – Black dress shoes, tan/nude nylons (Please see Ms. Wattelet if you do not have the
appropriate shoes)
Men - Plain, black dress pants, black dress shirt, black dress shoes and socks (Please see Ms. Wattelet
if you do not have the appropriate pants/shoes)
Casual Dress:
Women and Men - Green choir shirt, “normal” jeans, tennis shoes.
General Costume Rules
● Shoes: Approved shoes only – no open-toed sandals, flip-flops, boots, or tennis shoes in formal dress situations - no exceptions!
● Jewelry: Women & Men: No jewelry. This means no earrings, watches, bracelets, necklaces, or multiple rings. Facial jewelry (tongue, lip, nose, or eyebrow jewelry, etc.) is discouraged. Tongue jewelry is a detriment to good pronunciation and vocal production, and is strongly discouraged in either rehearsal or performance. (Please see Ms. Wattelet if you cannot remove these piercings)
● Hair: Women & Men: Hair must be pulled back out of your face (no colored clips, bows, or other individualized hair adornments). Unusual hair colorings or style is detrimental to the team concept, and should be avoided. Do not dye your hair the night before the concert.
● Apparel: All choir clothing items must be kept cleaned, pressed, stored in a garment bag, and hung in a closet when not in use. All choir apparel must have the student's name clearly marked. Please ask Ms. Wattelet for a new label if you have misplaced your old uniform label.
Classroom Procedure and Student Expectations
1. Follow all classroom rules and exhibit appropriate classroom behavior at all times.
2. Find a chair to use during class.
3. Get folder and music from assigned folder slot.
4. Put music in order according to the daily agenda.
5. Have notebook ready to write daily vocabulary or journal entries.
6. Take responsibility for your own development as a musician.
7. Every time you sing make it a quality experience.
8. Work to master basic musical skills and develop an attitude of wanting to improve every day.
9. Be willing to try new things and display an attitude of effort at all times.
10. Come to class prepared to work and learn.
11. Be present for all rehearsals and performances.
12. Listen carefully during rehearsals. Critical listening improves the quality of the choir.
13. Show a willingness to work with others. Choir is a group effort, but every individual counts.
14. Respect the effort of others.
15. Respect others at all times.
16. Practice concert etiquette at all times, especially during rehearsals.
17. Make a positive contribution, don't be a distraction to the choir.
18. Students are furnished with original copies of sheet music/books and are responsible for the return of such items; there are no extra copies. Lost materials will be replaced by the student at cost.
19. Enjoy experiencing and making beautiful music!
Rules and Consequences
In order for the RHS choirs to meet their goals there must be a structured and safe environment within the classroom. To guarantee that all choral students have the excellent educational environment that he/she deserves, the following classroom discipline plan will be in effect at all times. Any student refusing to cooperate and adhere to the rules will be removed from the program.
Classroom Rules
All district and campus rules apply to the choral/instrumental music classrooms. The following rules have been established to maintain an orderly classroom environment that is conducive to learning, appreciating, and performing music:
1. Students are expected to be in their seat with their music folders and pencils when the bell rings.
2. Students are expected to participate in all daily activities, and not use illness as an excuse. If the student is well enough to be in school, then they are well enough to participate.
o If you cannot sing - please let Ms. Wattelet know. You can still follow along in the music and take rehearsal notes.
3. Students will not eat, drink, or chew gum in the rehearsal room at any time, or bring any of these items into the room. Water bottles are allowed and encouraged.
4. Students will be attentive in class and refrain from talking or being otherwise disruptive.
5. Students are responsible for keeping any music that they are given in a folder, having it accessible during class, and putting it away at the end of the rehearsal.
6. Students are expected to show respect to staff, student leaders, and booster club members, to take instruction gracefully (without creating a scene), and to refrain from using inappropriate language.
7. Students are expected to return all forms, field trip forms, fundraiser money, etc., in a timely fashion.
8. It is the student’s responsibility to stay informed of all rehearsals, events, and activities by checking the RHS Choir website for up-to-date information.
9. Students are expected to always keep choir apparel in appropriate bags, and hung in the wardrobe closet when not in use. These items must not be left lying around the choir room or stuffed in the trunk of your car. All pieces of apparel must have the student's name on it.
10. Students are expected to follow all rules of behavior at all choir functions, on and especially off campus.
o You are a representative of the RHS choral program.
o Please conduct yourselves accordingly.
In addition, the following rules also apply:
1. Hats are not to be worn in the choir room, except for religious reasons or other special provisions.
2. There will be no use of electronic devices during class time. When you walk into the choir room make sure your electronic device is in your pocket, purse or backpack.
● You will receive one warning
● Upon the second warning, your device will remain on the piano for the duration of rehearsal and an email/phone call home will be conducted.
● Upon the third warning, the device will be taken and turned into the office. An email/phone call home will also be conducted.
3. Be considerate of others and respect the rights and property of yourself and others - If it does not belong to you, DO NOT TOUCH IT!!!!
Discipline Framework
1. First Violation - Student will be verbally reminded about the classroom rules and asked to remove the object in question. Student will be moved if needed or will sit out of rehearsal in order to think about their decision making skills.
2. Second Violation - Student will receive a verbal waning and will remain after class to speak to teacher about their behavior and decision making skills. Contact with the parent/guardian will also be made at this time.
3. Third Violation - Student will receive a verbal warning and an ODR form will be filled out. Contact with the parent/guardian will be made and the school’s administration will be notified for further disciplinary action.