CSCE 1030 Syllabus

Instructor: Philip Sweany

Office: NTDP F262

Office Hours:Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 1:30-4:00

Email:sweany {at}

Textbook:P. Deitel and H. Deitel

C: How to Program, 6th edition


Course Description:

CSCE 1030 is the introductory course for the computer science, computer engineering and information technology degrees offered by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. As such it introduces students to the broad discipline of computing while placing emphasis on developing students’ programming skills. In addition to two 75-minute “lecture” classes per week, each student will participate in a three-hour laboratory session each week.

Course Outcomes:

Course outcomes are measurable achievements to be accomplished by the completion of a course. These outcomes are evaluated as part of our ABET accreditation process.

  • Describe how C supports a control-flow model of computing.
  • Describe how the Internet can be viewed as a single distributed computer system.
  • Describe the software development life cycle.
  • Write C software to implement a well-defined algorithm.
  • Write well-defined algorithm(s) for relatively simple problems
  • Develop software effectively in a Linux environment.
  • Schedule time, resources and effort to complete software on time.

Schedule and Topics

Week / Lecture 1 / Lecture 2 / Lab / Reading / Program
8/26/ -- 9/01 / Class Intro / CS Intro / Linux Intro / Ch 1
9/02 – 9/08 / Labor Day / CS Intro
9/09 – 9/15 / CS Intro / Pgm Intro / First C Pgm / Ch 2
9/16 – 9/22 / Algorithms / If, Case stmts / Selection / Ch 3 / 9/21/10
9/23 – 9/29 / Loops / Exam # 1 / Loops / Ch 4
9/30 – 10/06 / Operators / Function / Operators / Sec 5.1-4
10/07 – 10/13 / Modules / Library funcs / Function calls / S. 5.5-11
10/14 – 10/20 / Func defs / Design / Function defs / Ch 5 / 10/20/10
10/21 – 10/27 / Recursion / Recursion / Recursion
10/28 – 11/03 / Alg Design / Exam # 2
11/04 – 11/10 / Arrays / Arrays / Arrays / Ch 6
11/11 – 11/17 / Sorting / Multi-dimen / Searching / 11/17/10
11/18 – 11/24 / Pointers / Arch Model / Pointers / Sec 7.1-4
11/29 – 12/03 / Pointers / Malloc, Free / gdb / Ch 7
12/06 – 12/10 / Synthesis / Synthesis / Malloc, free / 12/10/10


  • All non-lab programs are due at 11:59pm on the due date.
  • No late programs will be graded
  • All programs will be submitted through the class Moodle site.
  • Except for the start of the term, attendance will not be taken in lecture. However, your attendance is strongly recommended to improve your opportunity to meet course objectives.
  • Students should expect both a quiz and an “in-lab” program each week in lab. The program, and obviously the quiz as well, will be submitted before that lab session is complete.

Grading: The components of your grade will be weighted as follows:

  • 2 midterm exams, 15% each  30%
  • 1 final exam, 20%
  • 4 multi-week programming assignments, 20%
  • Lab quizzes, 15%
  • Lab programs, 15%

Collaboration and Cheating:

On programs, do your own work. I know that leaves a lot to interpretation, but we'll be discussing acceptable cooperation in class. In the final analysis though, it DOES come down to "do your own work."

And, of course you need to do your own work on quizzes and exams as well. Here there should be no ambiguity at all.

In case the above description, and in-class discussion of my views on appropriate and inappropriate collaboration does not answer all of your questions, please look at the university Student Rights and Responsibilities web page.


The Student Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness (SETE) is a requirement for all organized classes at UNT. This short survey will be made available to you at the end of the semester, providing you a chance to comment on how this class is taught. I am very interested in the feedback I get from students, as I work to continually improve my teaching. I consider the SETE to be an important part of your participation in this class.


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