Chelsea Rotary Board Meeting

Minutes for 9-20-07

Meeting started: 7:42 am.

Location: Church of the Nazarene

Attended: Gigi Batsakis, Jerry Wilczynski, Kristen Snyder, Jeff Crowder, Fred Van Reesema, Charlie Silkworth

Agenda items:

Minutes from last months board meeting were approved.

New member applications were turned in for John Hanifan, Joan Elmouchi, and Andy Ingall. Board approved all memberships and will be inducted Oct. 2, 2007 at the Tuesday meeting.

District Governor wants to meet with the Chelsea Rotary board at 11am at Common Grill prior to meeting. Club needs to learn “O Canada” prior to Oct. 2 so Jerry will print out the song that Jeff sent to him in an email. Sponsor for each of the new members will need to talk to have their recruits prepare their classification speech.

Scott McElrath is preparing invitations for Anniversary Dinner. He brought a copy of the draft to the September 18, 2007 meeting and all approved the draft. In addition, the Anniversary dinner will need to be catered and the Past Presidents committee will be managing that service.

Board discussed presenting the St. Louis Center with a gift of need. St. Louis Center (Fr. Joe Rinaldo and Gloria Miller) suggested they could use a defibulator. The board is checking into the cost and will speak with Kerry Colligan from the Chelsea Hospital Marketing dept about the possibility of having the defibulator donated to the center or getting the equipment at a lower cost.

A motion was made to present Fr. Joe Rinaldo and Mark McKernan with the Paul Harris Fellow award; Board approved these awards. Presentation of award TBD.

New agenda items:

Jerry had a note from our District Gov. Audrey Chevalier. She needs some updates from the membership chair regarding our current and future membership stats and goals.

Club needs to take a look at the membership list to see if there are any candidates for our next President Nominee.

Next meeting will be held at 8am at The Church of the Nazarene Oct. 18, 2007.

Meeting adjourned. 8:30am.

Chelsea Rotary Board Meeting

Minutes for 10-18-07

Meeting started: 8:05am

Location: Church of the Nazarene

In Attendance: Gigi Batsakis, Kristen Snyder, Jeff Crowder, Fred Van Reesema, Scott McElrath

Agenda Items:

Meeting minutes from Sept. meeting approved.

Scott reviewed 20th anniversary party. Karen Carty will cater party, National Honor Society girls will serve, price for tables and chairs was discussed and looking for alternatives to cut cost for this expense.

Meeting adjourned at 9am.

Chelsea Rotary Board Meeting


Location: Church of the Nazarene

Attendance: Gigi Batsakis, Kristen Snyder, Charlie Silkworth, Jeff Crowder, Jerry Wilczynski , Pat Conlin, Fred Vanreesma, Scott McElrath


Call to order: 8:02am

Secretary Minutes: Minutes approved for Oct. 18, 2007

Finance & Treasurer’s Report: Charlie handed out to each member the report for July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008. Misc. totals was questioned and Charlie stated..”it’s miscellaneous”. Pat brought up a point that the club seems to be down about $5000. Charlie suggested that the clubs donations should be based on what we currently have in the budget instead of what the projected amount may be when we raise the money. Kristen brought up to the board what other projects can the club produce to add to the funding raising. Next board meeting the main focus will be on finances and fund raising ideas. Bring a list of previous fund raising projects and discuss what will work for adding a project to annual fundraising.

Committee Reports: Per Scott….20th anniversary party was “fun”. There was approx. $400 raised. Pat wrote a thank you letter to Karen Carty for catering.

New member committee: Jim Myles, Dick Dyce and Steve Dout are new candidates. Jeff Crowder will follow up prospects to get them member information. Motion was accepted for Jim Myles and Dick Dyce become members.

Interact Group: Gigi met with them and they reported they are sponsoring ‘adopting a child’ program. On Nov. 13 the Interact students will initiate ‘Mix it up day’.

Public Service Committee: Nothing major to report except they are looking at kicking off Duck Race planning after the first of the year.

New Items

Decorate Gazebo with Interact on Nov. 26, 27 or 28. Board decided to decorate on Nov. 27 after school and the project will be a combined effort with Rotary and Interact. Festival of lights kick off is Nov. 30 at 6pm.

Interact Bell ringing at Polly’s 1st and 8th of Dec. They may need help and will let us know via email.

Scott brought up the possibility of doing a Rotary float with Duck Race theme for Festival of Lights parade.

Scott reported on Mark Mckernan who still needs help with getting to and from doctor appointments.

Meeting adjourned: 9:05am.