____ Completed zoning permit application. The application should be completely filled out and signed by both applicant and owner (if applicable)
_____ Original sealed survey. (The zoning office will make a copy of the original and immediately return the original back to the applicant)
_____ One (1) copy of the survey/plot plan with proposal drawn to scale with the distances marked to the property lines and the house. Note: The survey must be a true and accurate representation of what currently exists and what is proposed. Homeowner must sign an affidavit on survey.
_____ One (1) copy of the fence brochure. Construction permit will be required if fence surrounds a pool or acts as a pool barrier. (See Construction for details)
_____ Completed Building & Lot Coverage Worksheet (excludes fence permits)
_____ One (1) copy of Brochure/Construction drawings for shed. Any shed over 100 square feet also requires a construction permit, over 168 square feet requires a Variance.
_____ If approval has been granted by the Planning or Zoning Board, submit copy of resolution.
_____ One (1) set of elevation drawings for additions, new dwellings, etc.
_____ One (1) set of sealed grading plans must be submitted for in-ground pool applications.
_____ Appropriate Zoning Permit Fees. See attached fee schedule.