Chatterton PTA Monday Memo

Week of May 15, 2017

Special notices –

Thank You to Anne Salvatore and all the parent volunteers for another successful plant sale! The APR always looks beautiful full of flowers!

PTA End of Year Dinner- PTA cordially invites you to attend our End of Year Dinner honoring our outgoing president Christine Cairo, Wednesday, May 24, 2017 at 7:00 p.m., Coral House in Baldwin. Please see invitation found in backpack section of our website for more information!

RSVP by May 12, to Amy Zacconi at or Rosan Ramlowtan at

Please be sure your children are using these sites for GOOD and not for HARM. A few of the apps we continue to hear about include The Elimination Game, Instagram, Lively, Snapchat, Please be extra mindful of any apps that encourage or allow anonymity.

We encourage everyone to become a PTA member and there is no deadline to register. Membership is $12 for first member and $8 for each additional member. In order to join you will need to follow this hyperlink: As a reminder, you will not be able to attend PTA sponsored field trips or events if you are not a PTA member. Thank you!

Happening this week –

Scrabble Tournament – On Monday, May 15th, selected students from grades 5 & 6 will represent Chatterton School in the Merrick Scrabble Tournament, which will be held at the Merrick Library during the school day.

District-Wide Art Show – This 2nd annual event will take place on Tuesday, May 16th from 4:30pm – 8:30pm. Every student from all three school buildings will have a piece of their artwork on display for the community to admire! Please join us for this wonderful event in the Levy Lakeside School. After viewing your child’s artwork, both you and your child can go VOTE!

School Budget Vote – The vote is Tuesday, May 16th from 7:00 AM – 9:00 PM in the Administration Office at Levy Lakeside School.

Please remember to exercise your right to vote for the 2017-2018 School Budget. Detailed information can be found on the school district website.

Board of Ed Meeting will be held same evening at 7:15 PM in the Louis Kruh Conference Room located in the Central Administration Building at Levy Lakeside School.

Grade 3 & 4 Spring Concert – On Wednesday, May 17th, the 3rd grade recorder ensemble, 4th grade band, 4th grade chorus and 4th grade orchestra, will be performing for the families at 9:30 AM and for the school at 1:30 PM.

Cinderella – Chatterton on Stage presents Cinderella Wednesday, May 17th at 7 PM, Thursday, May 18th at 7 PM and Friday, May 19th at 4:30 PM. Don’t miss this great show! Ticket order forms are due by May 9th for reserved seating by lottery. Tickets are also available at the door.

Happening soon –

Staff Appreciation Luncheon – Chatterton's Staff appreciation luncheon is Friday, May 26th. Please help make this event successful by donating your favorite side dish, salad or dessert. If cooking is not your thing or time is a problem, please consider donating a gift or gift card to be raffled off. Contact Anne Salvatore at with any questions.

Reminders & Ongoing Programs –

PTA Lunch Service – Orders for June are open through May 15th. Please be sure to order within this period as no late orders can be accepted. Registration & ordering can only be done online at If you have any questions or problems with registration or ordering please contact directly at 1-800-381-6511. Thanks for your cooperation.

Box Tops- The deadline for our LAST and FINAL Box Tops contest for this school year will be Friday, June 9th. Please continue to clip and save your Box Tops and send them in with your child in an envelope or baggie with your child's teacher's name. Please no expired Box Tops and please cut on the dotted lines. A grand prize ice cream party will be awarded during the final week of school! Good luck to all!

Happy Birthday! - Each month, on the bulletin board in the main hallway, the PTA posts the names of children who are celebrating birthdays. In order to make the board more exciting and fun, we would love to include a recent photo to go beside each child’s name. Please send in a photo to your child’s teacher in an envelope labeled “PTA birthday photo”, include your child’s name, birthday month, teacher and grade. In addition, please label the photo with your child’s name and birth month. This photo will not be returned. Any questions please contact Maria Milito or 516-835-2209. Thank you very much!

Stop & Shop Fundraiser – Stop & Shop A+ Rewards program - Welcome to the start of a new school year and the opportunity to again earn money for our school PTA. Simply log on to or call 1-877-275-2758 to register your Stop & Shop card. Registration is now open and Chatterton's ID # is 12028. New! If you registered last year you do not need to re-register. You can log in and verify the school assignment. Remember to have your family & friends register their cards too! Thank you for your support!

Chatterton Twitter Account - Please follow us on Twitter to receive the most current “learning snapshots” being posted. This will enable you to have a window into the learning experiences and activities your children are engaged in during the school day.

Our school Twitter account is @ChattertonSOARS.

PTA Resources-

Our Chatterton PTA website is your resource for event information including our “Backpack” for all forms and fliers, emails regarding upcoming events, important dates, and information and to receive your weekly Monday Memo. Log onto to register. Please request to join Our Facebook Page if you would like to receive up to the minute information and reminders. Our PTA can always use extra help and volunteers!! Please contact Kristine Schanstra at for any questions about our Chatterton PTA Committees and to volunteer.

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