CRIM B3 Introduction to Evidence
Bakersfield College e-mail
Fall, 2012 Telephone (661) 330-2746 text/call
Delano Campus DST 109 Office Hours by Appointment
Wednesdays 6:00 pm – 9:10 pm
Catalog Course Description
This course examines the origin, development, philosophy and constitutional basis of the law of evidence; constitutional and procedural considerations affecting arrest, search and seizure, kinds of degrees of evidence and rules governing admissibility; judicial decisions interpreting individual rights and case studies viewed from a conceptual level.
Course Requirements
Include regular attendance in class, completion of assigned reading prior to arrival in class, thoughtful participation in the classroom, prompt completion of all assignments.
Class Attendance Policy: Is held in strict observance of the College Attendance policy.
If any student misses two weeks of class without explanation, they may be dropped.
Failure to do so, and if I do not drop you, will result in an “F” for the course.
There will be no class meeting on Nov 21,
Academic Honesty Policy: Is per the College Catalog and will be strictly enforced.
Required Text
Britz, Criminal Evidence (Pearson – Allyn and Bacon Publishing) – Most Recent ed.
(Available at the Delano Campus)
Class Participation and Graded Work
Students will be evaluated by way of classroom participation, assigned papers, and in-depth Chapter exams. Classroom participation will be evaluated on the quality of arguments, thoughtful questions, creative insight, and critical analysis.
Grading Policy: Course Grading:
Class Participation = 25% 90 – 100% = A
Tests / Exams = 25% 80 - 89% = B
Final Exam = 25% 70 – 79% = C
Term Project = 25% 60 – 69% = D
FINAL EXAM: December 5, 2012, 6:00 pm – 7:50 pm.
Sometime during the semester, there may be a student evaluation of my teaching. This is brought to your attention now so that you can take note and provide honest and helpful evaluation and feed back. (I welcome your comments anytime.)
Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of CRIM B3 with a grade of C or better, the student will be able to:
1. Summarize the development of the rules of evidence and their application in state and federal courts;
2. Articulate the orderly processing of cases through the justice system from investigation through appeal;
3. Identify and illustrate the use of evidence at criminal trials, appeals, and probation hearings;
4. Recognize and discuss the burdens of proof for both the defense and prosecution;
5. Identify and understand the procedure for offering evidence at criminal proceedings;
6. Articulate the rules regarding and the purpose of judicial notice;
7. Recognize and understand the purpose and use of presumptions, inferences, and stipulations
8. Explain the importance of relevant evidence;
9. Explain the concept of competent evidence;
10. Identify and illustrate the procedures for examining witnesses, including impeachment;
10. Recognize and distinguish the purpose, uses and types of privileges;
11. Identify and discuss the requirements for expert witness testimony;
12. Recognize and illustrate the role of and requirements for the admission of hearsay testimony;
13. Discuss the role of documentary evidence and the best evidence rule;
14. Recognize and articulate the issues concerning the admission of photographs, diagrams, maps, models, and other demonstrative exhibits;
15. Apply the rules regarding the admission of examinations and tests;
16. Possess a body of knowledge, skills, recognized as a suitable foundation for further academic study or professional training;
Notice of Invitation
Students with disabilities who believe they may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact Disabled Student Programs & Services 661-720-2000, (or Main Campus 661-395-4334) as soon as possible to better ensure such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.
Students with disabilities who have been authorized alternate media (Braille, electronic text, etc.) to supplement or in lieu of text books and other printed materials for class may obtain necessary information related to the books that will be used in the classroom. Information needed will include text book information are to provide the name and edition of the text, author, and ISBN, syllabus, handouts, etc. that you will be using for your class. You or I can e-mail the materials to: . The text and other materials will be converted into the student’s preferred format. Telephone 661-395-4334.
Please talk with me if I can be of any assistance to facilitate your learning.