Chapter 3 Exercises

1. Now that you have studied this chapter on style and correct word usage, you should recognize that the press release leads used toward the beginning of Chapter 3 did not follow AP style, although they were posted online for national distribution. Correct style and word use errors in the following press release leads. If you are editing with pencil rather than the electronic version of these exercises available online, use correct copy editing symbols and don’t forget to indent paragraphs. Unless your teacher instructs you otherwise, do not rewrite these leads.

a. Lexus announced today that the RX 350, the top-selling luxury SUV, is now

available with a savings of $900 on its most popular option packages. The

new RX 350, available as both front-wheel drive (FWD) and all-wheel drive

(AWD) models, features a powerful 3.5-liter V6 engine that improves both

performance and fuel efficiency.

b. July is heating up and so is Mega Millions. Friday’s Mega Millions drawing

produced more than 345,000 winning tickets from coast to coast. That

includes five tickets that came within a heartbeat of hitting the jackpot.

Since no ticket matched all six numbers to win the $12 million jackpot,

the jackpot for the drawing next Tuesday grows to an estimated $15


c. Over 120 Hooters Girls from Taiwan to New York are heading to Las Vegas

to compete for $150,000 in cash and prizes at the 10th Annual Hooters

International Swimsuit Pageant.

d. America’s favorite talent show, American Idol, is heading to the New

Jersey Meadowlands to hold auditions for its upcoming 6th season. The

Meadowlands, home to some of the most prominent sports franchises in

the region and a major tourism destination, is expected to swell with

thousands of people during the days leading up to the August 14th


e. NEW YORK, N.Y. -- Electric Fuel Corporation, the world’s leading zincair

fuel cell company, today announced it will be launching a new line of

INSTANT POWER(TM) Mini-Chargers for cellphones, aimed at competing with

lower performance alkaline based emergency chargers. The new Mini-Charger

will be launched this quarter, initially in the UK and later on in the

US markets. With Electric Fuel’s superior zinc air fuel cell technology

and featuring a new and sleek design, the $9.95 (MSRP) Mini-Charger will

outperform any other disposable charger currently on the market.

f. LOS ANGELES, CA. -- The median price of existing homes in California in

June rose 21.3% and sales increased 1.4% compared to the same period

a year ago, the California Association of REALTORS(R) and Real Estate

Solutions, a real estate information service, reported today.

g. (for business section)

Landry’s Restaurants, Inc. (NYSE: LNY), one of the nation’s largest casual

dining, hospitality, and entertainment companies, announced it will retain

Wachovia Securities and Northpoint Advisors to assist in evaluating

strategic alternatives for the Joe’s Crab Shack chain and enhancing

shareholder value through the Saltgrass Steak House chain which has

experienced positive same store sales for eleven consecutive quarters

and attained an average unit volume in excess of 4.3 million dollars.

h. (for business section)

West Coast Bank (Nasdaq: WCBO) has awarded 5 one-thousand-dollar

scholarships to children of it’s employees. Executive Vice President

of Human Resources Cynthia Sparacio said, “West Coast Bank’s de pen dent

scholarship benefit is much anticipated and appreciated each year by a

highly competitive group of high school and college students. It’s another

way the company increases value to our employees and ensures that we are

an employer of choice,” she said.

i. (for business section)

RadioShack Corporation (NYSE: RSH) today announced a net loss of three

million dollars or ($0.02) per diluted share for the quarter ended June

30th, 2006 versus net income of 52 million dollars or $0.33 per diluted

share for the quarter ended June 30th, 2005. Earnings results were

adversely affected by lower sales of wireless, particularly post-paid

products, in RadioShack company operated stores.

j. Slingo, Inc., a leader in the casual games industry is treading new

ground today by launching the first on-line social-networking community

geared towards women. is further tapping into the consistently

growing casual games market by focusing the attention of their community

towards giving women a place to congregate. Slingo Inc.’s Director of

Online Operations Peter Czech, said “ has a population of almost

80% women and has had a consistently growing community for the past four

years. We want to give women a place where they can connect with each

other, make new friends and have fun,” he said.

2. Use the Associated Press style rules given in this chapter and in the AP stylebook to circle the correct style in each of the following sets. The Associated Press revises its stylebook annually; resolve inconsistencies between this textbook chapter and the stylebook in favor of the most recent stylebook. All are first reference unless otherwise noted.

a. 4th and Iowa streets

4th & Iowa

Fourth and Iowa streets

Fourth and Iowa Streets

b. 5 cents

five cents


c. The Supreme Court ruled eight to one.

The Supreme Court ruled 8– 1.

The Supreme Court ruled 8 to 1.

The Supreme Court ruled 8/1.

d. (news story)

She is 5 feet 8 inches.

She is 5-8.

She is five feet eight.

She is 5 feet 8.

e. 12 noon


12 a.m. noon

12:00 p.m.

12:00 noon

f. 8 p.m. tonight

8 P.M. tonight

8 tonight

8:00 tonight

g. 1999 A.D.

1999 AD

A.D. 1999

AD 1999

h. Number One choice

Number 1 choice

No. 1 choice

No. one choice

i. Joe Jones, 7

Joe Jones, seven

seven-year-old Joe Jones

j. the ‘60s

the ‘60’s

the 60s

the 60’s

k. The odds were 5-4.

The odds were five to four.

The odds were 5 to 4.

The odds were five-four.

l. The baby weighed 8 pounds,

13 ounces.

The baby weighed 8#13.

The baby weighed 8 lbs., 13 oz.

The baby weighed eight pounds,

13 ounces.

The baby weighed eight lbs.,

13 oz.

m. The boy is nineteen.

The boy is 19.

The man is 19.

The man is nineteen.

n. The girl is nineteen.

The girl is 19.

The woman is 19.

The woman is nineteen.

o. I owe you three dollars.

I owe you $3.

I owe you $3.00.

I owe you 3 dollars.

p. She represents the 8th

Congressional District.

She represents the Eighth

Congressional District.

She represents the 8th

congressional district.

She represents the eighth

congressional district.

q. the 9-by-12 rug

the nine-by-12 rug

the 9 by 12 rug

the nine by 12 rug

r. Queen Elizabeth 2nd

Queen Elizabeth Two

Queen Elizabeth the Second

Queen Elizabeth II

s. $1,200,000

1.2 million dollars

1,200,000 million dollars

$1.2 million

t. Fifth Armored Division

5th Armored Division

Fifth Armored Div.

5th Armored Div.

3. Circle the correct Associated Press style in each of the following sets. All are first reference unless otherwise noted.

i. Captain Mary Brown

Capt. Mary Brown

Mary Brown, Captain

j. Chancellor Marvin Smith

Dr. Marvin Smith, Chancellor

Chancellor Dr. Marvin Smith

Chanc. Marvin Smith

k. (second reference)

Chancellor Smith

Chan. Smith


Dr. Smith

l. Carol Bass, Vice-Chancellor of

Student Affairs,

Vice Chancellor for Student

Affairs Carol Bass

Carol Bass, vice chancellor for

student affairs,

Carol Bass, vice-chancellor of

student affairs,

m. (second reference)

Vice Chancellor Bass


V-C of student affairs Bass

n. (second reference)

Attorney General Herman

Att. Gen. Herman

A.G. Herman


o. (second reference)

Dr. Smith

Mary Smith

Ms. Smith



a. from $6 to $7 million

from $6-$7 million

from $6 million to $7 million

from six to seven million dollars

b. 10 knots

10 knots per hour

ten knots

ten kph

c. Her sons are 15, 12, and seven.

Her sons are 15, 12 and 7.

Her sons are 15, 12, and 7.

d. They have 12 chairs, five tables

and four lamps.

They have 12 chairs, 5 tables

and 4 lamps.

e. Act 1, Scene 3

act 1, scene 3

Act One, Scene Three

Act I, Scene 3

Act I, Scene III

f. The incumbent beat King

11,101 to 9,706.

The incumbent beat King


The incumbent beat King

11.1 thousand to 9.7 thousand.

g. Go to Cumberland Avenue

Go to Cumberland Ave.

Go to Cumberland avenue

Go to Cumberland ave.

h. 123 9th St.

123 Ninth St.

123 9th Street

123 Ninth Street

p. from Jan. 22-25

from January 22 to 25

from Jan. 22 to Jan. 25

from Jan. 22 to 25

q. Marilyn Jones, dean of law

Law School Dean Marilyn Jones

Marilyn Jones, dean of the

School of Law

r. the English Department

the Department of English

the English department

s. the History Department

the History department

the history department

the Department of history

the Department of History

t. Grade Point Average


grade point average


4. Circle the correct Associated Press style in each of the following sets. All are fi rst reference unless otherwise noted.

a. National Organization for Women

National Organization of Women

b. His birthday is in Feb.

His birthday is in February.

c. His birthday is Feb. 8.

His birthday is February 8.

His birthday is 8 February.

His birthday is the eighth of


d. It is a large Corp.

It is a large corporation.

It is a large corp.

It is a large Corporation.

e. She is an executive at the

Hanover Corp.

She is an executive at the

Hanover Corporation.

She is an executive at the

Hanover corp.

She is an executive at the

Hanover corporation.

f. 35 m.p.h.

35 mph

g. Mount Everest

Mt. Everest

h. (in a sports story)

first base

First Base

1st base

1st Base

i. the television show “Jeopardy”

the television show Jeopardy

j. The New York Times

the New York Times

the “New York Times”

k. Dorothy Bowles, professor of


Prof. Dorothy Bowles, journalism

Professor of Journalism Dorothy Bowles

Dorothy Bowles, prof. of journ.

Prof. Dr. Dorothy Bowles

l. (second reference)

Prof. Bowles

Professor Bowles


Dr. Bowles

m. Carmen Jones, asst. prof. of


Asst. Prof. Carmen Jones

Carmen Jones, assistant professor

of history

Carmen Jones, assistant professor

in history,

n. 7 a.m.

7 A.M.

7:00 a.m.

7:00 A.M.

o. the Tennessee River

the Tennessee river

the Tenn. River

the Tenn. River

p. 17th Century

Seventeenth Century

17th century

seventeenth century

q. (second reference, midsentence)

Coach Hufford

coach Hufford

Coach Bonnie Hufford

r. They traveled through the West

Coast states.

They traveled through the west

coast states.

s. The oil spill was along the East


The oil spill was along the east


t. Knox County District Court

Knox County district court

district court of Knox county

5. Circle the correct Associated Press style in each of the following sets. All are fi rst reference unless otherwise noted.

a. the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers

the Mississippi and Ohio rivers

the Miss. and Ohio rivers

b. He drove northwest.

He drove Northwest.

He drove north west.

c. Philippine islands

Aleutian islands

Pacific islands

Mediterranean Islands

d. Department of Defense

defense department

department of defense

Defense department

e. Western Texas

western Texas

W. Texas

West Texas

f. Knox County jail

Knox County Jail

Knox Co. jail

g. Knoxville Fire Department

Knoxville fire department

Knoxville Fire Dept.

h. The town has no Fire Department.

The town has no fire department.

i. U.S. House of Representatives

United States House of Representatives

US House

U.S. House of Reps.

j. Gen. William Smith

General William Smith

general William Smith

William Smith, General

k. National Anthem

National anthem

national anthem

l. National guard

national guard

National Guard

m. Pacific Ocean

Pacific ocean

pacific ocean

n. He is the Pope.

He is the pope.

He is the Pontiff.

o. the State of Texas

the state of Texas

The State of Texas

p. Detroit, Mich.


Detroit, MI

Detroit, Michigan

q. Tuesday at 7 p.m. in 127

University Center

In 127 University Center Tuesday

at 7 p.m.

7 p.m. Tuesday in 127 University


7 p.m. Tuesday night in University

Center room 127

r. Liverpool, Great Britain

Liverpool, England

Liverpool, United Kingdom


s. El Paso, Texas

El Paso

El Paso, Tex.

El Paso, TX

t. Paris, France

Paris, Fr.


6. Circle the correct Associated Press style in each of the following sets. All are fi rst reference unless otherwise noted.

e. We will play this coming Saturday.

We will play Saturday.

We will play next Saturday.

f. U.S. Congress

U.S. congress

United States Congress

United States’ Congress

United States congress

g. daylight-saving time

daylight savings time


daylight-savings time

h. 62 degrees Fahrenheit


62 Fahr.

Fahrenheit 62 F


a. San Juan, Puerto Rico

San Juan, P.R.

San Juan

b. Temperatures fell 5 degrees.

Temperatures fell five degrees.

Temperatures fell 5°.

c. (standing alone in sentence; not a title)

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

Chief Justice of the United States

chief justice of the United States

chief justice of the Supreme Court

d. pom-pom squad

pom pom squad

pompom squad

pom-pon squad

i. Flags ashore sometimes fly at halfmast.

Flags ashore sometimes fl y at half


Flags ashore sometimes fly at halfstaff.

Flags ashore sometimes fly at half


j. He committed suicide; he hung himself.

He committed suicide; he hanged


He committed suicide; he was hanged.

He committed suicide; he was hung.

k. hydrogen bomb



Hydrogen Bomb

l. T-shirt



T shirt

m. catsup




n. K Mart


K mart



o. held High Mass

held high mass

sung High Mass

celebrated high Mass

p. the Rev. James Jones

Rev. James Jones

Reverend James Jones

the Rev. Mr. James Jones

q. 12 midnight

12:00 midnight

12 a.m. midnight

12 p.m. midnight


r. The team is ranked No. 1.

The team is ranked number one.

The team is ranked Number One.

The team is ranked #1.

s. King George III

King George 3d

King George 3rd

King George the Third

t. 1 1/2%


1 1/2 per cent

1.5 percent

1.5 per cent

7. Use AP stylebook entries concerning the Internet and World Wide Web to select the correct sentence in each of the following.

a. The program is available on CD-ROM disc.

The program is available on CD-Rom.

The program is available on CD-ROM.

The program is available on CD-Rom disc.

b. I left my cell phone at home.

I left my cellphone at home.

c. William Gibson popularized the term cyberspace.

William Gibson popularized the term cyber-space.

d. Double click the mouse to open a link.

Double click the mouse to open a link.

Double-click the mouse to open a link.

e. A business on the Internet is called a

A business on the Internet is called a dotcom.

A business on the Internet is called a dot-com.

f. Please email your professor.

Please Email your professor.

Please e-mail your professor.

Please E-mail your professor.

g. The book focuses on the end user. (noun)

The book focuses on the enduser. (noun)

The book focuses on the end-user. (noun)

h. My picture file is titled Bob.GIF.

My picture file is titled bob.gif.

My picture file is titled bob.Gif.

i. The student wants to work in IT.

The student wants to work in information technology.

The student wants to work in Information Technology.

The student wants to work in I.T.

j. Use your logon for lab computers. (noun)

Use your log on for lab computers. (noun)

Use your log-on for lab computers. (noun)

k. Susan must logon at school. (verb)

Susan must log on at school. (verb)

Susan must log-on at school. (verb)

l. The computer is always online.

The computer is always on line.

The computer is always on-line.

m. Connection trouble caused the computer to be offline.

Connection trouble caused the computer to be off line.

Connection trouble caused the computer to be off-line.

n. The Webmaster’s name is usually listed at the bottom of the page.

The webmaster’s name is usually listed at the bottom of the page.

The Web master’s name is usually listed at the bottom of the page.

The web master’s name is usually listed at the bottom of the page.

o. I need more Ram to run that program.

I need more ram to run that program.

I need more RAM to run that program.

p. Most computers arrive with a generic screensaver.

Most computers arrive with a generic screen saver.

Most computers arrive with a generic screen-saver.

q. Here is the source code for my Web page.

Here is the sourcecode for my Web page.

Here are the source codes for my Web page.

Here are the sourcecodes for my Web page.

r. The zoo has an extensive website.

The zoo has an extensive Website.

The zoo has an extensive Web site.

The zoo has an extensive web site.

Exercises 8 through 12 are designed to acquaint you with the wide range of information the AP stylebook includes in addition to style matters. If the answer is not in the edition of the stylebook that you are using, look for the answer in another reference source. Write answers to the following questions, using correct AP style.