Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services

Water Quality Data Request Form

This form must be completed and submitted to Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services beforewater quality data will be released. Information needed to complete this form is available at the following website: (select “Contractors and Engineers” and select “Request Water Quality Data”). A minimum of two (2) weeks is required for staff to process the request and release the data.

Contact Information:

Name: / Susan Gale / Date: / 5/16/2013
Title: / graduate student / Tel: / 919-609-4249
Org/Affiliation: / NCSU, Dept of Nat Res / Fax:
Street: / 1117 Harper Rd / Email: /
City/Sate/Zip: / Raleigh, NC 27603 / Suite/Apt:

(Hard copy data will be mailed to the address indicated)

Intended Data Use:

  1. How do you intend to use this data?

Data will be used for my thesis project. I am comparing results from a new field stream assessment method to existing data from more established/accepted methods (benthos, water chemistry, hydrograph characteristics) at 70 locations across NC, including four locations in Mecklenburg County. The requested chemistry data will be combined with those from other sources (DWQ, USGS) for the statewide analysis.

  1. Will this data be re-distributed and if so to whom?


  1. What product will be based on this data? (Check all that apply)
  2. Publication / Presentation



  1. Media release
  2. Other


  1. Will this be a recurring data request? Yes No

Data Requested:

Please note that data collected prior to 1985 is archived in hard copy only and is not available for general distribution. Also note that data collected prior to July 2004 has been converted from a previous database configuration. This data has received only minimal QC and should be utilized with caution.

  1. What format would you like the data to be provided? (Check one)
  1. Hard Copy(To be mailed to address on previous page)
  2. Electronic

•.xlsx (Microsoft Excel 2007)


  1. Collection Condition (Check all that apply)
  1. Baseflow
  2. Stormflow
  1. Type of Data Requested (Check all that apply)

Physical / Metals
Temperature / Copper
Dissolved Oxygen / Lead
pH / Manganese
Specific Conductivity / Mercury
Secchi Disk (lakes only) / Chromium
E Coli / Biological
Fecal Coliform / Macroinvertebrate
Enterococcus / Fish
Ammonia Nitrogen / Miscellaneous
Nitrate + Nitrite / Alkalinity
Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen / BOD
Total Phosphorus / Chlorophyll a (lakes)
Suspended Sediment Concentration
Total Solids
Total Suspended Solids


  1. Sampling Location(s) (Check all that apply)

Catawba Watershed
SugarCreekBasin / McAlpineCreekBasin
Coffey / Campbell
Irwin / Four-Mile
King’s Branch / Irvin’s
Stewart / McAlpine
Sugar / McMullen
Taggart / Six-Mile
Little SugarCreekBasin / Lakes
Briar / Cornelius
Edward’s Branch / Davidson
Lower Little Sugar / Mtn.Island
Upper Little Sugar / Norman
Caldwell / Yadkin Watershed
McDowell / Back
Torrence / Clarke’s
CatawbaRiver Basin / Goose
Beaver Dam / Mallard
Gar / McKee
Long / Reedy
Paw / Rocky River
  1. Time Frame for Data Collection(>1/1/1985)
  1. Begin Date:1/1/2003
  2. End Date:latest available


  1. Priority for Providing this Data (Check one)
  1. Health and Safety Threat (Will be verified)
  2. Regulatory
  3. Academic/Professional
  4. Personal Interest

Comments / Details:

(Provide additional information as necessary to clarify your data request if not already provided above):

I am primarily interested in the monthly FIMS data. I do not need the continuous monitoring data (CMANN) or the stormflow monitoring (ISM). Station location/description would be extremely helpful-- preferably lat/long but even just the name of the cross street would be fine.


Reports, Graphs, Charts, Etc. Developed from the Use of the Data:

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services requests that you provide to the email or mailing address below a copy of any report, graph, chart, or any other document produced usingthe requested data. Also, prior approval must be received through the contact provided below if you desire to use the requested data in a manner other than as specified on this form.

Following completion, send this form to:

(Select one of below)

USPS:Jeff Price

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services

700 North Tryon Street

Charlotte, N.C. 28202




The following will be completed by staff of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services.

Date of Data Release:

Released By:
