Chapter 22 -The Great Depression Begins– (1928-1932)

Textbook Study Guide

Section 22-1 The Nation’s Sick Economy

1. Read Section.

2. Vocabulary:



Dow Jones Industrial average

bull & bear market

buying on margin




3. Identify: People to Know

1928 Election Calvin Coolidge

Black Tuesday Herbert Hoover

Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act Alfred E. Smith

Joseph P. Kennedy

4. Answer:

A. Do Guided Reading 21-1.

B. Analyze the Political Cartoon on p. 673.

C. Analyze the 4 graphs in Depression Indicators on p.676.

Section 22-2 Hardship and Suffering During the Depression

1. Read Section.

2. Vocabulary:

to evict


soup kitchen/ breadline


direct relief


3. Identify: (Define and explain the significance/IMPACT of) People to Know

(def only)

Dust Bowl

4. Answer.

A. Do Guided Reading 22-2

B. Looking at the map on p. 680, which states were most affected by the Dust Bowl? Why do you think many farmers of the region such as the Okies chose to travel west?

Section 22-3 Hoover Struggles with the Depression

1. Read Section.

2. Vocabulary

business cycle

rugged individualism

recession vs. depression

3. Identify: (Define and explain the significance/IMPACT of) People to Know

Boulder Dam Franklin Delano Roosevelt


Election of 1932

Bonus Army

4. Answer:

A. Do Guided Reading 22-3

B. Is it fair to blame the Depression on Hoover? Why or why not?