PTSA Meetings:

Date / Event / Time
September 13th / PTSA Meeting and Open House / 6:30 pm
September 21st / PTSA Fall Student Dance / 4:30 pm
October 20th / PTSA October Fest/Fall Festival
November 8th / PTSA Sparkles Skate Night
December 6th / PTSA Restaurant Night / 6:30 pm
January 17th / PTSA Meeting/ Winter Open House/Art Showcase / 6:30 pm
January 24th / PTSA Bowling Night / 6:30 pm
February 26th / PTSA Multicultural Night / 6:30 pm
March 28th / PTSA Meeting to present nominating slate
Relay for Life Talent Show / 6:30 pm
7:00 pm
April 27th / PTSA Spring Fair

Our parents are involved in the decisions regarding how the 1% reserved fund will be used for parental involvement. The input was gathered from the 2011-2012Parent Survey that was sent home in December 2011.

Please note, event dates are subject to change based on the ongoing school construction project, as well as unforeseen circumstances that may conflict with the scheduled event. Parents are urged to check the school web site for updates on events as well as possible changes in event start times and locations.

Date / Event / Time
August 9th / 6th Grade Meet and Greet / 6:00 pm
August 10th / Parent Information in Spanish / 3:00 pm
August 10th / 7th/8th Grade Meet and Greet / 6:00 pm
August 21st / Latino Parent Night / 6:30 pm
August 28th / Band Parent Information Night
Orchestra Parent Information Night
Elite Gentleman’s Parent Information Night / 7:00 pm
7:00 pm
5:30 pm
August 29th / Step Team Parent Information Night / 6:30 pm
August 30th / Lady Spartans Parent Information Night / 6:30 pm
September 6th / AVID Parent Contract Signing
Band/Orchestra/Chorus Disney Trip Parent Information Night / 6:00 pm
7:00 pm
October 11th / Chorus Concert
AVID Curriculum Night / 7:00 pm
6:30 pm
October 22nd through October 26th / Conference Week / Early Student Dismissal
October 22nd through October 30th / Media Center Book Fair
October 9th / 8th Grade Night at Campbell High School’s Football Game / 7:00 pm
December 10th / Band Concert / 7:00 pm
December 11th / Orchestra Concert / 7:00 pm
December 11th / Chorus Concert at Campbell High School / 7:00 pm
December 13th / Orchestra Concert / 7:00 pm
January 29th / Latino Parent Night / 6:30 pm
February 2nd / Step Show / 3:00 pm
February 12th / Band Concert / 7:00 pm
February 14th / Club and Buddy Pictures
Relay for Life Flower Sale
February 28th / MLK Humanitarian Awards
March 1st / National Junior Honor Society Induction / 3:00 pm
April 5th / CRCT Pep Rally
May 9th / Orchestra Concert at Mable House / 7:00 pm
May 11th / 8th Grade Dance / 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
May 13th / Band Concert / 7:00 pm
May 14th / Orchestra Concert / 7:00 pm
May 17th / 6th Grade Honors and Awards
7th Grade Honors and Awards / TBD
May 23 / 8th Grade Honors and Awards / TBD

In order to meet the needs of our parents, students, and staff, the following activities and strategies have been planned:

  • Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) will continue this year at CMS. A major component of this program is parent involvement. AVID parent nights will be held throughout the year to discuss topics such as: Why start preparing for college in Middle School, What are Financing Options for College, etc.
  • Title I Orientation and Open House (September 13): At this meeting, parents will receive an orientation to the Title I school-wide program and the parents will be informed of their school’s participation under Title I. Parents will receive an overview of the school’s certification as anInternational Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme. Parents will also follow their child’s class schedule and receive curriculum information from teachers.
  • ParentResourceCenter (PRC): The PRC was created using funds received from Title I. The PRC contains numerous books, videos, CD’s, Reading board games, and other resources in English and Spanish to assist families in helping children to become successful students.
  • Hispanic/Latino Parent Forums (August 21 – Latino Town Hall Meeting; January 29 – Hispanic Parent Night). The forums help to alleviate language barriers, which prevent Latino families from being fully involved in their child’s education at the middle school level and beyond.
  • AC/Gifted Program Parents’ Night (September 20th.): CMS will offer an informational meeting for all parents of students enrolled in gifted/target classes. This meeting will inform parents about the target program. Requirements and available instructional resources to assist students.
  • Pinnacle Registration and Training (September 5th, & 12th): The Cobb County School District offers Pinnacle as a means to further enhance communication with parents and to further promote educational excellence. iParent allows parents to view their own child’s school records anywhere, anytime via the Internet. Pinnacle registration in English and Spanish is available to every parent or guardian of a student enrolled in the Cobb County School District. During designated evenings during the year, parents will receive their initial login information and training on how the access the system.
  • Eighth Grade Parent Night: This meeting will be held with parents of eighth grade students to continue our efforts to make sure that all families are informed of the following: A special reminder for parents/guardians of eighth grade students. Please don’t forget that eighth grade students who do not meet minimum state requirements on the Georgia Criterion- Referenced Competency Test (CRCT) will not advance to the next grade level. Additionally, the meeting agenda will include a discussion of the ITBS, 8th Grade Writing Assessment, CRCT, and the importance of standardized testing. Information will also be shared concerning Magnet Schools, promotion requirements, and the Anti-Bullying Initiative.
  • Special Education Parent Night (November 1): This event will be held to foster positive communication with parents of our special education students. This event was created in response to this subgroup of students not meeting AYP on the previous year’s CRCT testing. Parents will receive answers to key questions such as: 1) Why should my child attend the After School Enrichment Program?, 2) How can I help my child with homework?, 3) What are the 8 Keys to Success?, and 5) Why should my child adhere to school dress code guidelines?
  • Campbell Middle School has year-long articulation activities and Parent Nights for all rising fifth graders coming from the six feeder elementary schools as well as parent nights and school visitations for all eighth graders going into ninth grade at Campbell High School.
  • A subscription to the brochure series How to get the most out of Middle School/Junior High will be secured in English and Spanish. Brochures will be available free of charge in the ParentsResourceCenter.
  • CampbellMiddle School has employed a full-time Hispanic parent liaison. The Parent Facilitator will assist with communication efforts with our growing Hispanic population as well as other parents who desire assistance.
  • International Welcome Center (IWC): This resource is designed to facilitate communication between refugee/immigrant parents and their local schools. This resource provides interpretation and translation services of school issues for refugee/immigrant families. The IWC offers translators and interpreters in the following languages: Spanish, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Korean, French, French Creole, Russian, Hindi, Chinese, among other languages. This service is free and accessible through the local school.

CampbellMiddle School uses the following communication methods to provide parents with timely information about Title I programs and the academic progress of students. Information about school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities are sent to parents in a format and to the extent practical, in a language the parents can understand.

  • Each Tuesday, students will be asked to “take home” various information for parents to review. Flyers, notices, etc. will be placed in the clear pockets in the front of the agenda and communication labels will be placed on the current date. Our expectations is that parents will sign the agenda on Tuesday’s date and sign and return any requested items such as graded papers, etc. This will provide parents with a quick and easy way to receive important information and monitor student performance throughout the year.
  • Dial Out System: As in previous years, we are fortunate to have an automated phone system that will call each household with general school announcements. The system will also call when a student is absent from school. The messages are sent in English and Spanish.
  • CampbellMiddle School Web Page: The CMS web page serves as another tool to inform parents of upcoming events and links to educational resources for students and parents.
  • Staff BLOGS: Teacher and Administrative Blogs will also be used this year as a communication tool to keep parents informed about school and class news, class activities and events. Parents will be able to subscribe to teacher Blogs and receive postings automatically after each update.