Chabot College / World Languages / Spring 2010
Sample Rubric- Oral presentation/Written Assignment
Sample topics: personal relationships, modes of communication, social networking, environmental awareness, etc.
Course Name and Number: 2A
Core Competency or Course SLO: expected outcome #6
Assessment Tool/Assignment: Oral presentation and/or Written Assignment on a typical vocabulary/grammar lesson
Assignment Components: 1. Grammar; 2. Vocabulary; 3. Content; 4. Critical thinking
Student: ______Class: ______
Date: ______Section: ______
Score: A (5 pts.) / Score: B (4 pts.) / Score: C (3 pts.) / Score: D (2 pts.) / Score: F (1 pt.) / Score1. Grammar / Fewer than 2 mistakes
Correct use of grammar structures / 3-5 grammar mistakes
Very good use of grammar structures / 6-10 grammar mistakes
Good use of grammar structures / 11-15 grammar mistakes / Innumerable mistakes (15 or more)
No understanding of grammar structure
2. Vocabulary / All target language use
Rich vocabulary
Good intonation /rhythm / Mostly target language (3-5 mistakes)
Acceptable intonation/rhythm / Not enough use of target language (6-10 mistakes)
Poor intonation/rhythm / Mostly English
Bad intonation
No structure / Incomprehensible, too much English
No use of target language
3. Content / Excellent use of vocabulary
Accuracy-no mistakes / Good use of vocabulary
1-2 mistakes / Fair use of vocabulary
3-5 mistakes / Poor use of vocabulary
6-10 mistakes / No use of references
More than 11 mistakes
4. Critical thinking / Excellent :
- Language specific
- Research / Very good:
- Language specific
- Research / Good:
- Language specific
- Research / Fair:
- Language specific
- Research / Poor:
- Language specific
- Research