Period 8 Vocabulary

The Cold War and Modern America

Baby Boom

GI Bill of Rights

Taft Hartley Act

National Security Act

The United Nations

The Cold War

·  Why did it begin?

·  “The Iron Curtain”

Containment/George Kennan

The Truman Doctrine

The Marshall Plan

Berlin Airlift


Fair Employment Practices Committee

The Fair Deal

Dixiecrat Party/Strom Thurmond

Korean War

·  The effect of “losing China”

·  Pusan and Inchon

HUAC and McCarthyism

·  Alger Hiss

·  Whitaker Chambers

·  The Rosenbergs

·  Smith and McCarran Act

Dynamic Conservatism

Eisenhower Foreign Policy

·  Deterrence

·  Massive Retaliation

·  “New Look”

·  Brinkmanship

Background to Vietnam



·  National Defense Education Act

Eisenhower Doctrine

The U2 Summit

Fidel Castro and Cuba

Military Industrial Complex

Post WWII Consumerism

Growth of the Suburbs

·  Role of the Federal Highway Act

·  Levittowns

·  Federal Housing Administration

·  “White Flight” and “Redlining”

The Great Migration

1950s a decade of conformity?

The 50’s Housewife – rebirth of domesticity

The Sunbelt

The Beatniks (“Beats”)

·  Jack Kerouac (Ion the Road)

·  Allen Ginsberg

Growth of Rock and Roll/Elvis

Brown vs. Board of Education

·  Little Rock 9

Rosa Parks/Montgomery Bus Boycott


The New Frontier (JFK)

Election of 1960

·  Role of TV/debates

Alliance for Progress

Peace Corps

Warren Court

·  Gideon v. Wainwright

·  Escobedo v. Illinois

·  Miranda v. Arizona

Greensboro sit-in


·  Goals

·  Tactics

“Freedom Riders”

·  JFK’s role

March on Washington

·  “I have a Dream” Speech

Bay of Pigs Invasion

Berlin Wall

Cuban Missile Crisis

·  “Hot-line”

·  How it was resolved

JFK’s role in Vietnam

Civil Rights Act (1964)

Michael Harrington’s The Other America

The Great Society

·  Job Corps

·  Head start

·  Medicare and Medicaid

·  Housing and Urban Development (p. 1324)

·  Immigration and Nationality services Act (p. 1324)

Barry Goldwater and Conservatism

Selma to Montgomery March

·  LBJ’s “We shall overcome” speech

·  Voting Rights Act

Watts Riot

Black Power (be able to differentiate from Civil Rights movement)

·  Stokely Carmichael and the “new” SNCC

·  Huey Newton/Black Panthers

·  Malcolm X/Black Muslims

·  Their goals and tactics

LBJ and Vietnam

·  Tonkin Gulf Resolution

·  Operation Rolling Thunder

·  “Domino theory” Role of television – “living room war”

·  Tet Offensive

1968 Chicago Democratic Convention

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)

The New Left

1968 Democratic Convention (Chicago)


·  Woodstock

Betty Friedan and the Feminine Mystique

·  “3rd Wave Feminism”

National Organization for Women (NOW)

Roe v. Wade

The Sexual Revolution

Cesar Chavez

American Indian Movement (AIM)

Stonewall Riots

“The Silent Majority” (Nixon)


“Cambodian incursion”

My Lai Massacre

Kent State Incident

Pentagon Papers

·  “Credibility Gap” (not in book)

Nixon’s “southern strategy”

Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg

Regents of the University of California v. Bakke


Rachel Carson and Silent Spring

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

·  Nixon on the New Deal/expansion of federal government

Détente and SALT I

Shuttle Diplomacy


·  Woodward and Burstein


·  US v. Richard M. Nixon

Gerald Ford

·  Nixon Pardon


Camp David Accords

Carter and the Economy

Iranian Hostage Crisis

Moral Majority

·  Phyllis Schlafly

Some Period 9 terms

Reaganomics (supply side/trickle down)

·  Economic Recovery Tax Act

Star Wars

Foreign Interventions

·  Central America

·  Middle East

·  Grenada

Iran-Contra Affair



Mikhail Gorbachev

End of the Cold War

·  “Tear down this wall” speech