Ch 23 Study Guide Questions

1. How did the Eruopean geopolitical landscape undergo a realignment in the early 16th century?

2. What was Martin Luther’s chief goal in the publication of his Ninety-Five Theses?

3. Explain Luther’s theory of salvation known as justification by faith alone.

4. Why were prints the prime vehicle for “educating the masses?”

5. How does Lucas Cranach the Elder highlight the differences between Catholics and Protestants in his woodcut entitled Allegory of Law and Grace?

6. Explain theviews of Christian humanists such as Erasmas and Sir Thomas More.

7. How did the Protestant view of religious art compare to that of the Catholics? Use the insert on page 667 to help you answer.

8. Explain the construction and organization of the panels in Grunewald’s Isenheim Altarpiece.

9. Explain the significance of the inclusion of Saints Anthony and Sebastian in the Isenheim Altarpiece.

10. What messages/themes are explored in the Isenheim Altarpiece? How can it be viewed “as Catholic in orientation?”

11. In what ways was Albrecht Durer “an international art celebrity?” What similarities did he share with Leonardo?

12. How does Durer’s Last Supper promote Lutheran doctrine rather than Catholic doctrine?

13. How does Durer promote the centrality of the Bible over the traditional leadership of the Catholic Church in Four Apostles?

14. In what ways does Durer’s The Fall of Man (Adam and Eve) represent his studies of the Vitruvian theory of human proportions as well as the detail and naturalism associated with Northern European art?

15. How does Durer present the “soldier of God” in Knight, Death, and the Devil?

16. How does Albrecht Altdorfer parallel historical and contemporary military conflicts in The Battle ofIssus?

17. What historical information and symbolism did Altdorfer employ in The Battle of Issus?

18. Explain how the setting and objects included in The French Ambassadors reflect the humanist spirit of the two men depicted.

19. What is an anamorphic image? Explain how it is used in The French Ambassadors?

20. How does The French Ambassadors “allude to the growing tension between secular and religious authorities?”

21. How did Francis I attempt to elevate his country’s “cultural profile?”

22. How is Jean Clouet’s portrait, Francis I, “elegantly formalized?”

23. How are the decorative features of Fontainebleau “typically Mannerist?”

24. In what ways does Chateau de Chambord recall Italian palazzos and Gothic cathedrals?

25. What Italian features can be found on the west façade of the Square Court of the Louvre?

26. How do Jean Goujon’s Nymphs recall Mannerist and Classical figures?

27. What geographic features made the Netherlands “commercially advanced” compared with the rest of northern Europe?

28. How did the division of the Netherlands into two federations come about?

29. How do Jean Gossart’s figures for Neptune and Amphitrite compare with Durer’s figures from the Fall of Man (Adam and Eve)?

30. How does Quinten Massys highlight both the material world and the spiritual life in Money-Changer and His Wife?

31. How does Pieter Aersten contrast salvation through Christ with a life of gluttony, lust, and sloth in Meat Still-Life?

32. For what purpose is a maulstick used, as seen in Caterina von Hemessen’s Self-Portrait?

33. Look up the word ‘cosmography.’ Explain how Pieter Bruegel the Elder creates “cosomographical landscapes?”

34. Compare and contrast Bruegel’s Hunters in the Snow with Fan Kuan’s Travelers among Mountains and Streams, page 207.

35. How does Bruegel’s Netherlandish Proverbs compare to Hieronymous Bosch’s Garden of Earthly Delights?

36. How does Bruegel’s Netherlandish Proverbs offer a “study of human nature?”

37. What classical Italian features can be seen in the courtyard of the palace of Charles V in Alhambra?

38. For what purposes was the Escorial built? How does it reflect Philip II’s passionate commitment his Catholic faith, his family, and his iron will?

39. Explain why El Greco’s style is referred to as a hybrid of many others.

40. How does El Greco distinguish the terrestrial and spiritual realms of The Burial of Count Orgaz?