
Copies of the Town of Springfield, Vermont Cemetery Rates, Rules and Regulations can be obtained by contacting the Town Clerk’s Office.

Cemeteries managed by the Town of Springfield located in Springfield and North Springfield:

Pine Grove Cemetery (off School Street, North Springfield)

Oakland Cemetery (Route 106)

Summer Hill Cemetery (by Commons Park)

Gill and Walker Cemetery (Putnam Road)

Pleasant Valley Cemetery (Boedtker Road)

Day Cemetery (Fairground Road)

Eureka Cemetery (Woodbury Road)

Crown Point Cemetery (off Route 5)

Cemetery Commissioners:

Ronald S. Griffin

Scott Page

Gerald Patch

Hugh S. Putnam

John N. Swanson

Barbara A. Courchesne, Ex-Officio

Cemetery Sexton:

Steve Knapp

To purchase cemetery lots contact Scott Page at Davis Memorial Chapel, 802-885-3322