March 17, 2011
Chairman Simmons called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Reverend Nancy Essig, Burkeville Presbyterian Church, gave the invocation.
The minutes of the February 17, 2011 regular Board meeting were presented. Supervisor Vaughn moved to adopt the February 17, 2011 minutes as presented. The motion carried as follows:
S.W. Bowen Yes
C.A. Simpson Yes
S.C. Vaughn Yes
J.J. Green Yes
G.L. Simmons Yes
Chairman Simmons asks if there are any delegations from the public;
Mr. Erwin Abbott, Little Creek Road: Mr. Abbott is present to express discontentment with the unavailability of the 1988 lawsuit pertaining to requirements for two (2) minority majority election districts within the County. Mr. Abbott also expresses unhappiness with the County website in that the most current meeting agenda (agenda for 03/17/2011) and fiscal year budget is not available for review.
Presentation - Terry Abston, Agent – Nottoway County Cooperative Extension: Mrs. Abston is present to provide an update on the projects of the Virginia Cooperative Extension. Mrs. Abston also invites the Board to attend the Nottoway Middle School Science Fair on March 23, 2011 from 9:00 til noon, to view the work of Nottoway’s students.
Presentation - Willie Ragan, Southside Youth Programs: Mr. Ragan is present, on behalf of the Southside Youth Programs, to introduce the new program they are working with: Lend an EAR. Lend an EAR is a hotline available for teen prevention of suicide and related issues such as depression and bullying. Mr. Ragan further provides the information for the National Suicide Hotline; 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Mr. Ragan urges the Board to consider the ordering and placement (Mr. Ragan offers his services for install) of advertising material for the hotline; citing the Board has waste containers located at all Nottoway County Schools. Mr. Ragan further requests permission to purchase the banners and install them, should the County not be able to fund the request but alternate sources of funding can be secured.
Vice Chairman Green urges Mr. Ragan to consider placing advertising material on the, more than 100, County school buses.
Chairman Simmons urges his fellow Board members to make private donations to the Southside Youth Programs’ cause. Supervisor Simpson informs Mr. Ragan that his business, Southside Livestock Market, will donate $400 towards the purchase of the advertising signage. The Board unanimously agrees to allow Mr. Ragan to install the signs on County property.
March 17, 2011
Presentation – Ben Jones, Crewe: Administrator Roark informs that he was made aware that Mr. Jones would not be attending the nights’ meeting.
Work Session – Virginia Department of Transportation: Mr. Rob Crandol, Program Director, is present to lead the work session for the 2012-2017 Secondary Six-Year Improvement Plan. Mr. Kerry Batten presents the proposed Plan and asks the Board to offer any alternatives or changes.
Vice Chairman Green moves to advertise the 2012-2017 VDOT Secondary Six-Year Improvement Plan for public hearing at the April regular Board meeting. The motion carried as follows:
S.W. Bowen Yes
C.A. Simpson Yes
S.C. Vaughn Yes
J.J. Green Yes
G.L. Simmons Yes
Highway Department: Maintenance/Construction Update
School Board – Dexter K. Payne, Clerk: Actions taken at the regular meeting of the Nottoway County School Board held on March 10, 2011: Minutes of the regular meeting of the Nottoway County School Board held on February 09, 2011, Minutes of the Budget Work Session of the Nottoway County School Board held on February 15, 2011
Economic Development Committee: Administrator Roark reports that there will be no meeting for March.
Regional Jail Report & Juvenile Detention Center: January 2011 Piedmont Regional Jail Transportation report, January 2011 Jurisdiction report, January 2011 Piedmont Regional Jail revenue report
Landfill: Administrator Roark gave the Landfill report
A – Daily Leachate disposal record for February 2011
B – Inspection Report: Nottoway County Landfill SWP 304 WL-10-11-BRRO-L-001 Unannounced Compliance Inspection – January 20, 2011; warned for failure to file required annual financial assurance documents
Administrator Roark explains (in a response letter to the Department of Environmental Quality - DEQ) that the documents were indeed completed and forwarded to DEQ; a second copy has been forwarded in response to the DEQ warning letter.
C – Groundwater Monitoring – Department of Environmental Quality – Michael D. Sexton, Groundwater Remediation Specialist: results of the 3rd quarterly report review of the Nottoway County Sanitary Landfill – Active Area, SWP 304 Detection Monitoring
D – Stormwater Monitoring – Draper Aden Associates – Jeffrey C. Norman, Environmental Facility Manager: Results of the Nottoway County Landfill Stormwater Monitoring Program First Quarter 2011 Visual Sampling
E – February 2011 Solid Waste report; approximately 58.5 tons daily
Planning Commission Report: Administrator Roark reports the Commission did not meet for March
Letter – Leon A. Harper Post 50 American Legion – Greg Eanes, Yale Committee Co-Chair: Providing notification of the Corporal Jonathan T. Yale Memorial Bridge dedication service to be held at 11 a.m. on Saturday, April 23rd at the Burkeville Volunteer Fire Department
March 17, 2011
Letter – Department of Game and Inland Fisheries – Robert W. Duncan, Executive Director: Notification of receipt of the Nottoway County letter requesting an increase in the number of allowable days to harvest antlerless deer during general firearms season
Information is provided for the Boards review concerning the Planning Commission’s recommendation to amend the current Zoning Ordinance to allow for Non-Traditional Accessory Structures (storage units). Following Board discussion, Supervisor Simpson moves to advertise the proposed Zoning amendment for public hearing for the April Board meeting. The motion carried as follows:
S.W. Bowen Yes
C.A. Simpson Yes
S.C. Vaughn Yes
J.J. Green Yes
G.L. Simmons Yes
Resolution/Letter of Appreciation Guidelines: Administrator Roark provides the same information that was tabled, per the Board’s request, concerning proposed guidelines for honoring exemplary individuals throughout the County.
Supervisor Vaughn moves to adopt the guidelines for honoring exemplary individuals in the County as presented. The motion carried as follows:
S.W. Bowen Yes
C.A. Simpson Yes
S.C. Vaughn Yes
J.J. Green Yes
G.L. Simmons Yes
Administrator Roark requests for the Board to set the annual dog confinement period; Supervisor Simpson moves to set the confinement period for the entire months of both April and May 2011. The motion carried as follows:
S.W. Bowen Yes
C.A. Simpson Yes
S.C. Vaughn Yes
J.J. Green Yes
G.L. Simmons Yes
Administrator Roark provides a report from the recent Board work session on the 2011 Census redistricting; the Board was presented four (4) options and chose option number four. Administrator Roark will advertise the chosen redistricting plan for public hearing at the April Board meeting.
Chairman Simmons presents the CONSENT CALENDAR:
1 – Erroneous Assessment – Gibson - $96.58: Refund Allen & Sherry Gibson $96.58 for an erroneous personal property tax assessment for tax year 2009
2 – Erroneous Assessment – 4H Construction - $295.13: Refund 4H Construction Company, LLC $295.13 for an erroneous business license fee for tax year 2011
3 – Erroneous Assessment – Hardaway - $29.40: Refund Jessica Hardaway for an erroneous real estate assessment
March 17, 2011
4 – Budget Adjustment – Library - $300.00
3-100-24040-0090 Library Grants $300.00
(Grant award for cancer edu) $300.00
4-100-73010-7001 Miscellaneous $300.00
5 – Budget Adjustment – Library - $1,583.71
3-100-18990-0990 Miscellaneous – Library $1,583.71
(income exceeding budgeted est) $1,583.71
4-100-73010-7001 Miscellaneous $1,583.71
6 – Budget Adjustment – CSA - $29,631.82
3-100-18990-0050 Miscellaneous $29,631.82
(CSA vendor refund) $29,631.82
4-100-57070-0100 Mandated Services $29,631.82
Vice Chairman Green moved to approve the CONSENT CALENDAR as presented. The motion carried as follows:
S.W. Bowen Yes
C.A. Simpson Yes
S.C. Vaughn Yes
J.J. Green Yes
G.L. Simmons Yes
Administrator Roark presents the following information items:
1 – Letter – Roger Norton – Woodman’s Road Hunt Club: Expressing appreciation to the Board for their efforts to assist the Club with their request for an increase in allowable antlerless hunting days during general firearms season
2 – Letter – L. Louise Lucas, State Senator: Providing notification of proposed legislation submitted, by Senator Lucas, for consideration during General Assembly
3 – Notice to the public of Virginia Electric and Power Company’s application for approval to establish an electrical vehicle pilot program pursuant to Section 56-234 of the Code of Virginia CASE NO. PUE-2011-00014
4 – Nottoway County Farm Bureau flyer seeking vendors for a local Farmers’ Market
5 – Letter – Virginia Association of Counties (VACo) – James D. Campbell, CAE, Executive Director: Acknowledging receipt of and appreciation for Nottoway County’s financial contribution for VACo’s lobbying efforts concerning HB 1588 and SB 1350
6 – Letter – Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA): Providing a status update on the funding for the 2011 Emergency Food and Shelter Program
March 17, 2011
7 – Minutes:
Minutes of the District 1 Housing Project Management Team meeting held on January 05, 2011
Minutes of the Nottoway Planning Council meeting held on January 06, 2011
Draft minutes of the Old Dominion RD&D Council meeting held on December 13, 2010
Draft minutes of the Old Dominion RC&D Executive Committee meeting held on February 01, 2011
Minutes of the Piedmont Regional Jail Board meeting held on January 26, 2011
Minutes of the Nottoway County Public Library Board of Trustees meeting held on February 16, 2011
Administrator Roark presented the following correspondence:
1 - Building Inspector’s Report: Report period February 01, 2011 thru February 28, 2011
2 – Animal Control Officer’s Report: Report period February 08, 2011 thru March 08, 2011
3 – Letter – Virginia Association of Counties (VACo) – Robert R. Adkins, President – Notification that Board Chairman Gary Simmons has been appointed the 2011 VACo Education Committee
4 – Approved copy of the 2011 Cost Allocation Plan Certification for Nottoway County, based on FY 2010 costs; the plan allocates $90,142 of indirect costs to the local Department of Social Services and $181,598 to the School System.
Supervisor Vaughn moves to proceed with the proposed Cost Allocation Plan as prepared and to appropriate $181,598 additional local funding to the School Board and in turn bill the School for their share ($181,598). The motion carried as follows:
S.W. Bowen Yes
C.A. Simpson Yes
S.C. Vaughn Yes
J.J. Green Yes
G.L. Simmons Yes
5 - Nottoway County E911 addressing and tax parcel project update provided by the Timmons Group; Administrator Roark informs that an informative session will be conducted, in the near future, on the project and its capabilities
6 – District 1 Housing Project: Administrator Roark reports that the project is in its second phase; two houses have been completed with four more in progress, there are a total of 13 houses to be completed in Phase II.
7 – Town of Burkeville Planning Grant: Administrator Roark explains that this is a new grant; an approved contract from the Department of Housing and Community Development will initiate the project
There being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman Simmons adjourned the meeting at 8:09 p.m. until April 07, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. for a Budget Work Session, to be held in the Health Department Conference Room.
Chairman Clerk