
Chapter 14: Theories of Personality

Study Guide for Part 2

Section 14.3: The Learning Approach Theory

Key Questions: What is the Social Cognitive Theory? How can it help explain the horrific actions of Adam Lanza last year in Newtown, CT?

Names and Terms to Know

1. Behaviorism

2. John Watson/B.F. Skinner

3. Socialization

4. Social Learning Theory

5. Albert Bandura

6. “Bobo Doll” Experiment

7. Social Cognitive Theory

a. personal factors

b. behavior factors

c. environmental factors

8. Purposeful Learning

9. Self-efficacy expectations

Section 14.4: The Humanistic and Sociocultural Approaches:

Key Questions: Using the documentary The Interrupters, explain the gang violence in Chicago using Sociocultural theory.

Names and Terms to Know

10. Abraham Maslow

11. Hierarchy of Needs

a. physiological needs

b. security needs

c. social needs

d. esteem needs

e. self-actualization needs

12. Carl Rogers

13. Self-theory

14. Self concept

15. Self esteem

16. Positive self regards

17. Sociocultural Theory

18. individualism

19. collectivism

20. acculturation

21. cultural views

22. body image