PMS Contractual Requirement and Statement of Intent

Offering and promoting Patient Online services by March 2016

Practice contact details

Surgery Name: Lawley Medical Practice

Address: Farriers Green, Lawley, Telford. TF4 2LL

Telephone: 01952 560012


Current online patient services

GP System Supplier - EMIS

GP System Version – Web

GMS / PMS 2015-16 Contractual Requirement for Patient online Services

This practice plans to offer the facility for patients to view online, export or print all detailed coded information held in their own records from 31st March 2016.

These dates are subject to the necessary NHS GP systems and software being available to the practice.

This practice currently offers the following options for patients:

·  To book, view, amend, cancel and print GP routine appointments online

·  To order online, view and print an list of their repeat prescriptions for drugs, medicines or appliances

·  To view online, export or print summary information from their record, relating to medications, allergies, adverse reactions and immunisation history

We publicise and promote our online services to our practice patients through the practice website, practice waiting room areas, and in our practice leaflet.

Our plan to provide further patient coded details is as in the plan below.

Planned activity / Date
1 / Write up practice policies and internal staff awareness sessions
and send information to the Patient Group / January 2016
2 / Discuss with the Patient Group and confirm plan and information to be provided to patients
Prepare promotion and information activities for the patients
Review any nationally provided supportive material from RCGP/NHS England / February 2016
3 / Train relevant staff for access (i.e. reception) / February 2016
4 / Commence summary information access for all data coded records for patients in practice - to include summary of problems, coded information from consultations, test results in addition to the information already provided as detailed. / March 2016 onwards
5 / Continue to publicise online services to patients through practice notice boards, website, practice leaflets and discuss in the Patient Group as needed. / Ongoing

Signed ………Nicki Mott

Title…………. Practice Manager