Customs Policy, Legislation, Tariff
HS Convention, combined nomenclature, tariff classification

Bruxelles, 5 March 2013

TAXUD A4/PhD/ma (2013) 57900

107nd Meeting of the Tariff and Statistical Nomenclature Section of the
Customs Code Committee
(CN Sector)
to be held in Brussels in the Albert Borschette Conference Centre,
36 rue Froissart, Brussels

from 25th March (commencing 10h00) to 26th March 2013 (ending 17h30)


1. Adoption of the agenda of the 107nd meeting of the Committee

2. Items submitted to the Committee for examination under Article8 of Regulation (EEC) No2658/87:

2.1. CN2014:

2.1.1. Chapter 20 (codes 200819 / 200897) - Mixtures of nuts (doc. TAXUD/658815/2011-EN; doc. Taxud-242598(nuts)2011(versionFeb2013)- to be distributed);

2.1.2. Chapter96 - code961900 - possible simplification of the structure of heading9619 (doc.TAXUD/1346553/2012-EN-Add 01 + Add 02 - to be distributed ) - follow-up to the 102nd. CCC;

2.1.3. Deletion of Annex7 (doc. TAXUD/1719781/2012-EN-FR);

2.1.4. Possible simplification of CN codes 3102 50 10 and 3105 90 10 (Natural sodium nitrate) (doc. CNC/STAT 0175 - to be distributed);

2.1.5. Tariff classification of squids (doc. TAXUD/1745476/2012 (squid NC+CNEN)-EN) + doc. TAXUD/178620/2013-ES-EN-FR-DE);

2.1.6. Italian proposal for new codes for motorcycle parts – follow-up to the 102nd. CCC;

2.1.7. Possible creation of new CN codes for "bio-based" products (lubricants, succinic acid and 1,4-butandiol (doc. TAXUD/987102/2012 + doc. TAXUD/178633/ 2013);

2.1.8 Possible simplification of the nomenclature under 2704 00 (Electrodes) (doc. TAXUD/326200/2013-EN);

2.1.9 Possible creation of new CN codes for alufoil products under 7612 and 7615 (doc. CNC/STAT 0176 - to be distributed)

2.1.10 Draft proposal for an amendment of the Combined Nomenclature (and of the Combined Nomenclature Explanatory Notes) related to products of subheading 3824 90 (doc. TAXUD/178663/2013 EN- to be distributed).

2.2. CNENs:

2.2.1. Transposition, into the 2012 and 2013 Combined Nomenclature, and update. Chapters1 to 97 (doc.TAXUD/1496017/2012-EN- Rev1).

2.3. Classification regulations:

2.3.1. Transposition into the 2013-version of the Combined Nomenclature:

- communication from the Dutch delegation (doc.TAXUD/154394/2013-EN);

- draft regulation amending the classification regulations (docTAXUD/1628277/2012-EN-Rev1).

3. Items submitted to the Committee for an opinion under Articles9 and 10 of Regulation (EEC) No2658/87:

3.1.1. The Committee will be asked to vote on the deletion of Annex7 (doc. TAXUD/1719781/2012-EN-FR) resulting from the examination made under item2.1.3 above;

3.1.2. The Committee will be asked to vote on the draft regulation amending the classification regulations (docTAXUD/1628277/2012-EN-Rev1) resulting from the examination made under item2.3.1 above;

3.1.3. The Committee will be asked to vote on the draft CN Explanatory notes (doc.TAXUD/1496017/2012-EN- Rev1) resulting from the examination made under item 2.2.1 above.

4. Any other business


Any Member State’s administration which is unable to be represented is invited to inform DGTAXUD-A-4 (Mrs Ilze Kuniga) accordingly. Member States are reminded of the importance of point 3 of the agenda (opinion of the Committee with regard to draft legal measures) and that for that item they should be represented by a member of their respective permanent representation or by another Member State in accordance with Article 7 of the Rules of Procedure for the Customs Code Committee.

Member States’ administrations are also invited to inform DGTAXUD-A-4 (preferably, by e-mail and at least one week before the meeting) of any items they may wish to raise under “4.Anyotherbusiness”.

Member States’ delegates are informed that any working document mentioned above can be found on CIRCA, and that paper copies will not be provided in the meeting room.

The European Commission will reimburse the travel expenses for only one representative per Member State.

Detailed guidelines for the reimbursement of travel expenses can be found on CIRCA.


Ilze Kuniga,
Head of Unit