September 11-13, 2014
Raleigh Convention Center
Request for Proposals to Present
Calling all highly qualified presenters interested in providing professional development
that promotes and inspires excellence in the early care and education of children birth through age 8!
To submit a proposal: Complete the RFP form (Questions 1 – 13 included below), save as a new document and email as an attachment to Chris Butler at by April 7th. Please call 919-510-5034 if you have any questions.
Acceptance notification: Presenters will be notified of acceptance by late May. As a show of appreciation, Presenters will receive complimentary registration to Friday and Saturday Conference sessions.
NCaeyc is seeking presentations targeted to three distinct audiences:
Ø Emerging... professionals that are just entering the field or are studying to become early childhood educators.
Ø Established… professionals that have been working in the field for a few years and are seeking additional skills and knowledge to enhance and extend their current practices.
Ø Experienced…professionals that have been working in the field for a number of years and are seeking challenging professional development to expand their existing skills, knowledge and practices and introduce them to latest evidence-based practice.
NCaeyc’s Request for Proposals aligns with standards of excellence outlined by IACET (International Association for Continuing Education and Training) so please be sure to thoroughly complete each section of the RFP.
This year’s theme is PLAY: Powerful Learning Across Years. Topic areas of particular interest for our 2014 Annual Study Conference include:
Ø Research, practices and strategies that support play in the lives of children birth through age 8
Ø Supporting the leadership, skills and knowledge of directors/program administrators
Ø Supporting all ECE professionals with a particular emphasis on Infant/Toddler and K-3 professionals implementing a Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum
Ø Supporting bi-lingual/bi-cultural or multi-lingual/multi-cultural learners
Ø Supporting the acquisition of knowledge and capacity to implement NAEYC Standards, Practices & Position statements for all ECE professionals.
Criteria for Selection of Presentations
NCaeyc is seeking highly qualified presenters interested in providing sessions that encompass the many facets of early care and education for children birth through age 8 and those who work with them or on their behalf. The content, wherever possible, should reflect and be supported by evidence or research and provide participants with information, resources and strategies that will make a positive difference in their professional practice.
When completing the RFP, presenters should ensure that:
· The topic is relevant to needs of NC’s early childhood professionals and speaks to a current issue, research topic, or an approach/practice in early childhood.
· The topic and approach are consistent with NAEYC’s Standards, Practices and Position statements, especially Developmentally Appropriate Practice ( and with NC’s early learning guidelines/standards (
· The proposal should explicitly state how the topic or approach is applicable or can be adapted to the diverse gender, cultural, linguistic, and ability needs of children, families, and professionals.
· The approach is consistent with adult learning principles and promotes implementation of practice. (
· The presentation is not a promotion or endorsement of a commercial product or for-profit program.
All presenters will be supported by an NCaeyc “session host/hostess” to assist with any of your presenter needs including, but not limited to:
- Helping set up for your presentation
- Distributing handouts
- Taking attendance
- Communicating any of your needs with NCaeyc staff
- Etc.
Thank you for submitting a proposal!
NCaeyc’s Annual Conference would not be possible without the generous support and commitment from professionals and our partner agencies whose investment in this professional development event helps to positively impact North Carolina’s early educators and the children and families that they serve!
NCaeyc 2014 Annual Conference Proposal Form
Main Presenter Information:(Please use an address where you receive mail throughout the year.) / Co-Presenter Information*
(One co-presenter will receive complimentary registration):
Name: / Name:
Address: / Address:
Address: / Address:
City: State: Zip: / City: State: Zip:
Is this a home or work address? / Is this a home or work address?
Contact Phone: / Contact Phone:
Email: / Email:
Employer: / Employer:
Position: / Position:
*Please list additional co-presenters on a separate page.
Session and Presenter Information:
1) Title (12 words or less please)
2) Session Description (This summary is used in the Conference Program and must be no longer than 100 words. NCaeyc reserves the right to edit session titles and descriptions that are accepted for presentation.)
Please use “action” statements that align with session outcomes to catch the attention of attendees; include powerful words that tell what they will learn; how they will learn it; and why it is relevant and applicable.
3) Learning Outcomes: Learning outcomes must be clear, specific, concise and measureable. Briefly describe the outcomes of your session which must include teaching methods and how participant’s knowledge will be assessed. In what ways will the content shared enhance the practice, knowledge or skills of participants?
Use words such as “increase knowledge and comprehension,” “be able to apply or analyze information,” “be able to synthesize and evaluate information.”
Avoid using words such as “understand”, “knows”, “demonstrates knowledge of”, “become familiar with”, “appreciate”, grasp”.
4) Summary of Supporting Evidence. Please describe the evidence that supports content; i.e. cite research, publications, and/or professional and practical experiences and values.
5) Teaching Methods. What teaching methods will you use during your session? Some examples of teaching methods include: Lecture, visuals, video, audio, examples, instructions, and analogies.
6) Assessment of Participants’ Knowledge? What methods will you use to assess participants learning? Some examples include engaging games or summary activities that embed multiple choices, true/false, matching, fill in blanks, short answer, or role plays. Note: Presenters are NOT required or encouraged to assess learner’s knowledge through written forms of assessment.
7) Presenter(s) Expertise What education and/or experience do you have that qualifies you to conduct a workshop about this topic?
8) Have you presented this topic/session previously? If so, please briefly describe when and where:
9) Session Style/Room Arrangement and Set-up Requests
Select one to indicate your Session Style:Presentation & Discussion ~ classroom set up
Movement ~ open space with chairs on perimeter
Room Set-up Requests:
NCaeyc will provide a projection screen, projection stand and projection cables in each session room. Each session room is also equipped with one presenter table. If you need additional items i.e. extra tables for display, a podium, etc. please indicate requests below:
We are constrained by rooms available at the facility, but will make every effort to accommodate your request. Please note: average room capacity at the Raleigh Convention Center is 100. You will be notified of the capacity of your room before the conference.
10) AV Requests: Presenters are responsible for either: bringing or ordering* any audio/visual equipment needed during their session i.e. LCD projector, laptop, microphone, speakers, etc. Each room is equipped with a projection screen, projection stand, projection cables, and one presenter table. If your session is chosen, and you require additional A/V for your presentation, you will be prompted to order* your own when you receive your acceptance letter.
*Note: As is customary practice, presenters are financially responsible for ANY audio visual equipment that is ordered for their session. Equipment such as LCD projectors, microphones (wireless, lapel, podium or handheld), audio connections (if presentation requires sound), etc. can be ordered through our A/V company: American Audio Visual. (If your session is selected, you will be provided with instructions and an order form with your acceptance letter.)
Please check one:
I will bring my own A/V I will order A/V* I do not require A/V
*Order form will be available on our website in May, after you have received your acceptance letter.
Internet access is also available and presenters are able to purchase internet access at the time of their session. Additional information will be provided on your acceptance letter.
11) Session Categories: Applicable Age Group and Target Audience
Applicable Age GroupPlease indicate the Applicable Age Group that best describes the developmental level your session content is designed for.
Select only 1 / Target Audience
Please indicate the Target Audience your session is designed for.
The description of each category is detailed on page 1.
Select only 1
Infant Toddler
Preschool (3-5 yr olds)/Pre-K)
School Age (K-Grade 3)
Across Age/Grade Spans (Infant-Grade 3)
Adult Learners / Emerging Professionals
Established Professionals
Experienced Professionals
Across Levels
Questions 12 and 13: Professional Development Content Areas
Requirements for documentation of Professional Development Content Areas vary for NCaeyc Conference attendees. Please consider how your session aligns with DCDEE Content Areas and/or NCDPI Professional Development Teachers Repository. Your session may meet the needs of one or both systems.
Typically, if your content focuses on birth - age 5, you need to complete ONLY Section 12: DCDEE Content Areas. If your content focuses on K-3rd Grade, you need only complete Section 13: DPI Areas of PD. HOWEVER, in some circumstances, content focus for Pre-K might be applicable to both (for example, Birth-Kindergarten Licensed Teachers who might need both DCDEE and DPI credits). If you have questions, feel free to contact us at 919-510-5034.
12) Division of Child Development and Early Education (DCDEE) Content Areas
Content AreaPlease check up to 2 Content Areas and up to 2 categories within the Content Area that best describe the content of your session:
Planning a Safe, Healthy Learning Environment
Outdoor Learning Environments
Indoor Learning Environments
Health and Safety
Licensing and Regulations
Appropriate use of technology
Nutrition / Program Management
NAEYC Accreditation
Faith Based Approaches
Family Child Care
Program Management technology/software
Staff Supervision/Team Building
Program Assessment
Effective Finance and Business Practices
Legal and Compliance Issues
Children’s Physical and Intellectual Development
Creative Arts
Cognitive Development
Physical Development
English Language Learners / Professionalism
Educational Philosophy/Practice (i.e. Reggio
Emilia, Montessori, Play-Based Learning, Project
Approach, Multiple Intelligences)
NC Early Learning Standards
Public Policy/Advocacy
Adult Learning
Quality Enhancement
Technical Assistance/Coaching/Mentoring
Implementing Research/Evidence-based practice
Cultural Competencies
Reflective Practice
Children’s Social and Emotional Development
Social/Emotional Development
Promoting Healthy Behavior/Positive Guidance
Supporting Emotional Intelligence
Temperament / Observing and Recording Children’s Behavior
Promoting Healthy Behavior/Positive Guidance
Authentic Assessment/Observation
Using Assessment to Drive Practice
Monitoring Child Outcomes
Documentation through Portfolios
Productive Relationships with Families
Engaging diverse families
Relationships with families
Promoting family engagement
Reciprocal, on-going communication / Child Growth Development
Child Development
Teacher-Child Interactions
Developmentally Appropriate Practice
Brain Development
Screening Developmental Milestones
Inclusion of Children with Special Needs
Inclusion/Therapeutic Supports/Assistive Technology
Children with a specific developmental delay/disorder
Supporting Families of Children with Special Needs
13) Department of Public Instruction Areas of Professional Development
DPI Professional Development Teachers RepositoryPlease indicate up to 2 Standards and up to 2 categories within each Standard of Professional Development that your session will address.
Standard 1: Teachers demonstrate Leadership
Leads in the classroom
Leads in the school
Leads the teaching profession
Advocates for the school and students
Demonstrates high ethical standards / Standard 2: Teachers establish a respectful
environment for a diverse population
Provides an environment that is inviting, respectful,
supportive, inclusive and flexible
Embraces diversity in the school community and in
the world
Treats students as individuals
Adapts teaching for the benefit of students with
special needs
Works collaboratively with families and significant
adults in the lives of their students
Standard 3: Teachers know the content they teach
Aligns instruction with the NC Standard Course of
Knows the content appropriate to the teaching
Recognizes the interconnectedness of content
makes instruction relevant to students / Standard 4: Teachers facilitate learning for the students
Knows the ways in which learning takes place, and
the appropriate levels of intellectual, physical, social
and emotional development of students
Plans instruction appropriate for students
Uses a variety of instructional methods
Integrates and utilizes technology in instruction
Helps students develop critical-thinking and
problem-solving skills
Helps students work in teams and develop
leadership qualities
communicates effectively
Uses a variety of methods to assess what each
student has learned
Standard 5: Teachers reflect on their own practice
Analyzes student learning
Links professional growth to professional goals
Functions effectively in a complex, dynamic
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