California State University San Marcos

Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement
(RISE) Program

Student Application Form

Name: / Social Sec. #: / DOB:
Address: / Expected Graduation Date:
City, State & Zip Code:
E-mail address: / Phone:
Number of semesters/units already completed at college: / GPA: / Major:
High school and city where you graduated:
Community college attended:
Are you eligible to work in the US? Yes No
Are you a citizen or a non-citizen national or permanent resident?* Yes No
Where did you hear about the RISE Program?
Please check the box that best describes your race or ethnicity (optional):
Hispanic/Latino Native American
Pacific Islanders African American
Please attach the following materials:
1.  Unofficial transcripts to confirm good academic standing.
2.  Personal statement, including career aspirations (No more than 2 double space pages).
3.  Three letters of recommendation. At least one letter must address your strength as an applicant for this program; at least one letter must be from a science teacher.

To the best of my knowledge, the information I am stating is accurate.


Printed Name Signature Date

* If accepted to the program you will be required to submit proof of your legal right to work in the United States. In addition, theRISEprogram requires that participating students be either citizens, a non-citizen national or permanent resident. If you do not meet these classifications, you will be unable to participate in the program.

OTRES revised 2/28/2017