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Honorary Secretary
Raymond Lloyd
extracted from Lists 1-84 (16.8.1982 - 16.5.2003) naming 4600 able women from 128 democracies
160 names 30 May 2003 @ Raymond Lloyd
Democracy Minister, Scientist Some Recent Experience Potential Nomination
or Administrator as Executive Head of:
(see p 6 for details)
List 81 16 July 2002
France Roselyne Bachelot-Narquin Minister of Ecology & Sustainable Development UNEP 2006-09
Brigitte Girardin Minister of Overseas France UNHCHR 2006-10
Claudie Haignere Minister Delegate Research & New Technology Unesco 2005-11
Tokia Saifi State Secretary Sustainable Development UNDP 2003-07
Dominique Versini State Secretary Social Insecurity & Exclusion EU 2004-09
Marie-Therese Boisseau State Secretary Family Unicef 2004-09
List 78 21 November 2001
France Eva Joly anti-corruption judge ICC 2003-13
Fabienne Keller Mayor of Strasbourg Habitat 2004-08
List 77 14 July 2001
France Paulette Guinchard-Kunstler State Secretary Elderly & Disabled WHO 2003-08
Marie-Noelle Lienemann State Secretary Housing Habitat 2004-08
(#) In the past 21 years, in 83 lists sent to foreign ministers and other nominating bodies, lists downloadable from, the writer has proposed over 4600 able women of the calibre to head international agencies
with distinction. The women come from the following 131 democracies. National lists exist for the 36 countries marked by
an asterisk *, while 52 countries marked # are included in regional lists for Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Pacific or E Europe.
The 9 countries between brackets ( ) are no longer considered democracies.
#Albania 15 Cent Afr Rep 4 Ghana 12 (#Kyrgyzstan 15) #Mongolia 10 *Poland 37 #Sri Lanka 20
Andorra 10 Chile 13 *Greece 44 *Latvia 28 Mozambique 3 *Portugal 59 (Sudan 3)
(Antigua & B 8) Colombia 69 #Grenada 19 Lesotho 7 #Namibia 13 *Romania 24 Suriname 3
Argentina 37 Costa Rica 42 Guatemala 32 (Liberia 3) #Nauru 1 *Russia 36 *Sweden 123
#Armenia 1 #Croatia 5 Guinea-B 5 Liechtenstein 6 #Nepal 11 #St Kitts-Nevis 2 *Switzerland 34
*Australia 86 Cyprus 5 #Guyana 8 #Lithuania 23 *Netherlands 75 #Saint Lucia 13 Taiwan 2
*Austria 44 *Czech Rep 37 (Haiti 13) *Luxembourg 17 *New Zealand 57 #St Vincent & G 19 #Thailand 7
#Bahamas 24 *Denmark 83 Honduras 34 #Macedonia 16 Nicaragua 17 #Samoa 3 Timor Leste 6
#Bangladesh 15 Djibouti 1 *Hungary 33 #Madagascar 25 Niger 6 San Marino 12 (#Tonga 8)
#Barbados 12 #Dominica 11 *Iceland 21 #Malawi 10 Nigeria 9 #Sao Tome & Pr 15 #Trinidad & Tob 37
*Belgium 43 Dominican Rep 34 *India 115 #Mali 19 *Norway 104 Seychelles 3 #Tuvalu 2
#Belize 12 Ecuador 25 Indonesia 4 Malta 5 (#Pakistan 20) #Senegal 26 Turkey 41
#Benin 14 El Salvador 23 *Ireland 57 #Marshalls 1 Palau 2 Serbia & Mgro 7 #Ukraine 10
Bolivia 17 #Estonia 21 *Israel 22 #Mauritius 7 (Palestine 2) Sierra Leone 2 *United Kingdom 431
#Botswana 16 #Fiji 17 *Italy 115 *Mexico 32 Panama 22 #Slovakia 20 *United States 420
*Brazil 44 *Finland 94 #Jamaica 29 #Micronesia 2 #Papua N G 10 #Slovenia 32 Uruguay 9
*Bulgaria 34 *FRANCE 160 *Japan 75 #Moldova 20 Paraguay 6 #Solomons 2 #Vanuatu 3
*Canada 204 #Georgia 2 #Kiribati 3 Monaco 1 Peru 30 *South Africa 47 Venezuela 57
#Cape Verde 14 *Germany 217 #Korea 21 *Philippines 57 *Spain 86 (#Zambia 18)
These lists, and special ones for the *agencies, have named the women to fill some 102 top UN and other posts, as follows:
Caricom 57 IPU 80 *UN 205 ESCWA 4 UNEP 155 Unitar 9 *ICJ:15 365 *ITU 52 WIPO 7 *IBRD 59
CoE 64 *Nato 34 ECA 112 Habitat 135 UNFPA 21 UNRWA 12 *FAO 193 Unesco 430 WMO 2 IFC 103
*EBRD 114 OAS 116 ECE 130 Unctad 7 UNHCR 61 UNU 88 ICAO 48 *Unido 103 IAEA 17 IDA 13
*EU:20 259 *OECD 21 ECLAC 143 UNDCP 13 *UNHCHR 63 WFP 5 *ILO 234 *UPU 35 WTO 51 *IMF 84
EP 12 PIF 47 ESCAP 128 UNDP 39 Unicef 129 ICC:18 5 IMO 30 *WHO 255 WTOU 108 *IFAD 24
Democracy Minister, Scientist Some Recent Experience Potential Nomination
or Administrator as Executive Head of:
List 76 21 March 2001
France Cecile Bonnefond President Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin champagne FAO 2006-11
Marie-Noelle Mackenzie Minister of Juridical Service Wallis & Futuna ICJ 2006-16
List 75 22 January 2001
France Anne d'Ornano Mayor Deauville Habitat 2004-08
Annie Beustes Minister of Economic Affairs New Caledonia PIF 2004-09
Anne-Marie Comparini President Regional Council Rhone-Alpes EU 2004-09
Dewe Gorodey Minister of Culture, Youth & Sport New Caledonia Unesco 2005-11
Bernadette Papilio Minister of South Pacific Community Wallis & Futuna PIF 2004-09
List 73 18 July 2000
France Mireille Guigaz Director for Development Ministry Foreign Affairs UNDP 2003-07
List 71 21 February 2000
France Dominique Gillot State Secretary Health & Social Action WHO 2003-08
Florence Parly State Secretary Budget EU 2004-09
List 69 25 October 1999
France Christine Lagarde Chair Baker & McKenzie law firm Chicago ICJ 2003-13
List 68 31 August 1999
France Brigitte Sauzay Adviser to German Chancellor EU 2004-09
List 67 22 May 1999
France Caroline Aigle First woman fighter pilot ICAO 2009-12
Anne-Marie Huby Executive Director Medecins sans Frontieres WHO 2003-08
List 65 21 November 1998
France Louise Peltzer Minister of Culture & Handicrafts French Polynesia PC 1999-2004
List 63 15 April 1998
France Anne-Claire Taittinger President Societe du Louvre Unesco 1999-2005
List 62 20 November 1997
France Lucette Taero Minister of Employment & Women French Polynesia ESCAP 1999-2003
Angelino Bonno Minister of Culture & Handicrafts French Polynesia PC 1999-2004
List 61 30 September 1997
France Denise Osmont D'Amilly Member Monetary Council Banque de France EBRD 1998-2002
Marie Therese Roig Mayor of Avignon Habitat 1998-2002
List 60 11 August 1997
France Marie-George Buffet Minister of Youth & Sport Unesco 1999-2005
Marylise Lebranchu Minister of State Small Enterprise, Trade, Artisans Unido 2001-05
Michele Demessine Minister of State Tourism WTOU 1998-2001
List 59 17 May 1997
France Marie-Christine Blandin President Regional Council Nord-Pas de Calais EU 2000-04
List 58 26 March 1997
France Jacqueline Laufer Professor Hautes Etudes de Commerce WTO 1999-2003
List 56 21 November 1996
France Beatrice Vernaudon Minister of Social Affairs French Polynesia SPC 1999-2004
List 53 18 May 1996
France Gilberte Beaux Chief Executive Basic Petroleum International Unido 1997-2001
Christine Morin Postel Managing Director Credisuez Real Estate IMF 1997-2001
List 52 15 March 1996
France Francoise Barré-Sinoussi Research biologist identifier of HIV virus WIPO 1997-2003
Democracy Minister, Scientist Some Recent Experience Potential Nomination
or Administrator as Executive Head of:
List 51 31 January 1996
France Dominique Heriard-Dubreuil President Remy Martin International EU 2000-004
Odile Jacob Publisher Unesco 1999-2005
Stella Lagarde Minister of Agriculture French Polynesia SPC 1999-2004
List 50 1 December 1995
France Celine Sachs-Jeantet Urban planner Habitat 1998-2002
List 49 1 October 1995
France Muguette Jacquaint Vice President National Assembly EP 1999-2004
List 48 12 September 1995
France Anne-Marie Idrac Minister of State Transport 1995- ECE 1998-2001
Margie Sudre Minister of State Francophony 1995- UN 1997-2001
Francoise De Veyrinas Minister of State Problem Neighbourhoods 1995- EU 2000-04
Nicole Ameline Minister of State Decentralization 1995- EBRD 1997-2001
Christine Chauvet Minister of State Foreign Trade 1995- WTO 1999-2003
List 47 31 May 1995
France Chantal Boudet Dep Sec Gen Parlt Assn for Euro-Arab Cooperation IPU 1997-2000
Elisabeth Hubert Minister of Public Health & Health Insurance 1995- WHO 1998-2003
Corinne Lepage Minister of Environment 1995- UNEP 1997-2000
Francoise de Panafieu Minister of Tourism 1995- WTOU 1997-2001
Colette Codaccioni Minister of Solidarity between Generations 1995- UN 1997-2001
Nicole Catala Vice President National Assembly IPU 1997-2000
Anne-Marie Couderc Minister of State Employment 1995- ILO 1999-2005
Elisabeth Dufourcq Minister of State Research 1995- UNU 1997-2002
Francoise Hostalier Minister of State Schools 1995- Unesco 1999-2005
List 46 23 April 1995
France Dominique Ganiage Deputy Director Electricite de France Unido 1997-2001
Dominique Voynet Presidential candidate Green Party 1995 UNEP 1997-2000
List 42 24 August 1994
France MarieAlice Lallemand-Flucher Director General Council Credit Local International EBRD 1997-2001
Michele Charles-Lanarche Managing Director Lazard Freres IMF 1997-2001
Michele Debonneuil Senior VP & Chief Economist Banque Indosuez ECE 1995-98
List 40 14 February 1994
France Marie-Christine Blandin Chair Regional Council Nord - Pas de Calais Habitat 1998-2002
Denise Flouzat Member Monetary Policy Committee Bank of France IMF 1997-2001
Marie-Therese Hermange Deputy Mayor of Paris Habitat 1998-2002
List 39 17 December 1993
France Helene Carrere d'Encausse Historian; President Yes to Maastricht Committee EU 1995-99
List 38 29 October 1993
France Mireille Ballestrassi Chief of Police Corsica IAEA 1997-2000
Catherine Garreta Deputy Assistant Secretary Ministry of Cooperation UNDP 1998-2002
List 37 31 August 1993
France Elisabeth Ardaillon-Poirier Vice-President Groupe Saint Gobain IFC 1996-2001
List 35 12 May 1993
France Michele Alliot-Marie Minister of Youth & Sports Unesco 1999-2005
Marie Alice Lallemand-Flucher Director-General Credit Local International Conseil IFC 1996-2001
Lucette Michaux-Chevry Minister Delegate Humanitarian Action & Human Rights UNHCR 1994-97
List 34 21 March 1993
France Daniele Blondel Economist; Director Socio-Econ Research Inst (IRIS) ECE 1993-96
Noelle Lenoire Member Constitutional Council ICJ 1994-2004
Democracy Minister, Scientist Some Recent Experience Potential Nomination
or Administrator as Executive Head of:
List 33 30 January 1993
France Sylvie Brunel President International Committee against Hunger IFAD 1997-2001
Nicole Notat Secretary-General Trade Union Federation (CFDT) ILO 1994-99
List 32 2 October 1992
France Marie-Noelle Lienemann Minister Delegate Housing, Quality of Life Habitat 1993-96
Ariane Obolensky Asst Sec Intnl Affairs Treasury Ministry of Economy IMF 1997-2001
Ségolène Royal Minister of Environment 1992- UNEP 1993-96
List 29 31 December 1991
France Martine Aubry Minister of Labour, Employment & Vocational Training ILO 1994-99
Isabelle Bouillot Treasurer Ministry of Economics & Finance IMF 1997-2001
Joelle Bourgeois Ambassador to South Africa UN 1997-2001
Frederique Bredin Minister of Youth & Sports Unicef 1995-99
Jacqueline Cochard President Tribunal de Grande Instance Paris ICJ 2000-10
List 28 24 October 1991
France Anne Gazeau-Secret President UN Trusteeship Council UN 1997-2001
Anne Lauvergeon Mining engineer; Dep Sec-Gen Office of President Unido 1997-2001
Anne Le Lorier Deputy Assistant Secretary Ministry of Treasury IMF 1997-2001
Isabelle Martel Alternative Executive Director IMF Washington EC 1993-96
List 27 15 May 1991
France Elisabeth Guigou Minister Delegate European Affairs EC 1993-96
Simone Denise Brunau Secretary General Cite Internationale des Arts Unesco 1993-99
Nicole Marthe Le Douarin President Intnl Society Developmental Biologists Unicef 1995-99
Marie-Helene Marchand General Secretary Institut Pasteur UNU 1992-97
List 26 8 March 1991
France Josette Dall'Ava-Santucci President Association of Women Physicians WHO 1993-98
Monique Vuaillat Secretary General National Teachers Union Unesco 1993-99
List 24 30 June 1990
France Marie-Claude Cabana Member Unesco Executive Board Paris Unesco 1993-99
List 23 10 June 1990
France Helene Ahrweiler President Pompidou Centre Paris Unesco 1993-99
Elisabeth Fabre Sec Gen Int'l Cte Women into Public Life Habitat 1992-95
Françoise Heritier-Auge Chair National AIDS Council WHO 1993-98
Jeanne Mazel Deputy Mayor of Marseilles EC 1993-96
Jacqueline de Romilly Professor of Greek literature Unesco
List 20 4 October 1988
France Michele Andre State Secretary Women's Advancement EC 1993-96
Helene Dorlhac State Secretary Family Affairs
Martine Griffon-Fouco Director Blayais nuclear power plant Gironde IAEA 1993-97
Stephane Pallez Alternate Executive Director World Bank ECE 1991-95
List 19 14 July 1988
France Catharine Tasca Minister for Communications 1988- ITU 1989-94
Catherine Trautmann State Secretary Elderly & Disabled Persons 1988- Habitat 1990-94
List 18 14 February 1988
France Chr Desroches-Noblecourt Egyptologist UNU 1992-97
Christine Ockrent Assistant Director-General TF1 television
List 17 9 October 1987
France Helene Ploix Executive Director IMF & World Bank ECE 1991-95
List 16 5 July 1987
France Francine Demichel Law lecturer; President Paris University VII UNU 1992-97
Elisabeth Zoller Professor Public International Law Rutgers Univ ICJ 1991-2000
Democracy Minister, Scientist Some Recent Experience Potential Nomination
or Administrator as Executive Head of:
List 15 24 April 1987
France Christiane Blanchard Sauton President French Association of Women Lawyers ICJ 1991-2000
List 14 28 December 1986
France Michele Gendreau-Massaloux Spokesperson Presidency of the Republic EC 1989-92
Lucette Michaux-Chevry State Secretary Promotion of French Language Unesco 1987-93
Annette Roux President Beneteau yacht manufacturers IMO 1990-93
List 13 29 July 1986
France Michele Alliot-Marie State Secretary Education 1986- Unesco 1987-82
Michele Barzach Minister-Delegate for Health 1986- WHO 1988-93
Nicole Catala State Secretary Vocational Training 1986- Unido 1989-93
List 12 9 May 1986
France Danielle Decure Air France pilot; author ICAO 1988-91
Elizabeth Guigou Secretary-General EC Interministerial Coordination EC 1989-92
Catherine Lalumiere State Secretary European Affairs 1984-6
Marthe Mercadier Actor; Pres Assn Women's Vocatnl Advancemt (IFPPF) EC 1989-92
List 11 28 November 1985
France Louise Avon Head Development Dept Ministry of Cooperation ECE
Yvette Chassagne President Union des Assurances Paris IFC
Therese Gastaut Director UN Information Centre Geneva
List 8 15 December 1984
France Marie-Madeleine Anglade Deputy Mayor of Paris; MEP 1984- FAO 1988-93
Nicole Fontaine Teacher; Member European Parlt 1984- Unesco 1987-92
Yvette Fuillet Insurance manager; MEP 1979-
Colette Gadioux Deputy Mayor of Limoges; MEP 1984- Unitar 1989-92
Francine Gomez President: Waterman Co; Reussir l'Europe
Marie-Noelle Lienemann Teacher; town councillor; MEP 1984- UNEP 1991-5
Nicole Pery Vice-President European Parlt 1984- WIPO 1991-5
Marie-Claude Vayssade Chair Legal Cttee European Parlt 1984- Unitar 1989-92
List 7 28 July 1984
France Genevieve Beguin Mayor of Aups Deputy for Var
Monique Berlioux Athlete Director Int Olympic Committee Unesco 1987-92
Huguette Bouchardeau State Sec Environment & Quality of Life'83- UNEP 1989-92
Helene Cixous Educator novelist feminist Unesco 1987-92
Cecile Goldet Secretary Senate Committee Social Affairs
Suzanne Grevisse Member Governing Council of Magistracy'83- ICJ 1991-2000
Brigitte Gros Dep Chair Senate Committee Cultural Affairs
Gisele Halimi Lawyer feminist Deputy ICJ 1991-2000
List 6 14 May 1984
France Jeanine Loreau Judge Paris Court of Appeal ICJ 1991-9
Francoise Trouvat Vice-President Nantes Court ICJ 1991-9
List 4 23 August 1983
France Isabelle Bouillot Director Exec Office of Minister of Labour 1983- Unido 1985-88