COMMITTEE: Decorating Committee
PURPOSE: The Decorating Committee is commissioned by and reports to the Greens Homeowners Association Board of Directors. The committee will advise the board on all matters pertaining to the decoration of the entrance, Activity Center area the Community Center, and the Park during major seasonal celebrations
RESPONSIBILITIES: The committee will plan, design, and implement the decoration of the named areas during the autumn (Halloween to Thanksgiving), Christmas/New Year, and summertime patriotic (Memorial Day through Labor Day) seasons. The committee chair will be responsible for reporting to the board the progress/needs of the committee and keeping the decorations within an appropriate budget.
TERM: The Decorating Committee will be a standing committee until dissolved by the board.
COMMITTEE ORGANIZATION: The committee shall consist of any and all willing to take on decorating responsibilities. The committee chair shall be approved by the board. The committee shall meet as frequently as necessary.
RELATIONSHIP TO THE BOARD: Minutes will be taken at all meetings and copies made available to board members upon request. Expenditures will stay within an approved budget. Supplementary expenditures will require advance approval of the board.
Original: 2007
Revised: 11/12/09; 9/25/15