Samples of assessment reports and linked content/recommendations

CPALLS+- Child Progress Monitoring Drill Down Reports

COT Linking Database that connects assessment items/results with specified content in LMS/resources

COT report created based on assessment results, goal selection, and linking database from above.

Teacher Short Term Goal Report Teacher Name: Tilly Green School Name: TEST SCHOOL Mentor Name: Alice Watkins Date:10/28/2013


Classroom Management

Draws attention to the expectations in the classroom through non-verbal/verbal cues or reminders of established rules and expectations. Note: Later in the school year, there may be less need for explicit discussion of rules because children appear to move through day smoothly without conflicts.2

Respectfully and calmly gives reminders, redirection or logical/natural consequences should a child break a rule or misbehave. 185

Social Emotional

Respond promptly and sensitively (warmly and with genuine concern/understanding) to children's verbal and nonverbal signals, values, feelings, interests, and needs.*11

Oral Language

Vocabulary/Language Instruction

Talk about vocabulary word(s) in the context of a meaningful activity when it occurs outside of a book reading activity (e.g., during a science activity).

Note: Excludes vocabulary talk before, during, and after read alouds.38

Context - "The When/Where"

Involve children in large group oral language activities.


Action Plan

On My Own:

The “On My Own” section of the action plan is where the teacher can list goals that she or he can achieve on their own. Help guide the teacher towards these goals by using information gathered from the COT, the children’s assessment data, and the teacher’s own understanding of what makes an effective lesson and why. Provide the teacher with any needed information, but encourage the teacher to accomplish these goals on her/his own before the next mentoring visit.

With Support:

The “With Support” section of the action plan is where the mentor will list how they will assist the teacher in

achieving more difficult goals. Specifically, the mentor will list the mentoring strategy that they will use to best help the teacher accomplish the goal. If a teacher is struggling to meet previously established goals or is taking on goals with a higher level of difficulty be sure to outline specific steps you will take to help the teacher make progress.

Additional Comments:

The “Additional Comments” section is where the mentors can write any other constructive comments that will help support the teacher. These constructive comments can be resources that the teacher can refer to for activities, materials, and/or any other suggestions that can help the teacher. This section can also be used to acknowledge goals that the teacher achieved, or set goals based on the Classroom Environment Checklist.


Item / CIRCLE Manual / Prekindergarten Guidelines
2 / Read:
Best Practices.
Introduction / I.B.1.a.
Child follows classroom rules and routines with occasional reminders from teacher.
Establish clear rules
Establish consistent routines
Establishing Rules and Routines Center Management System Attendance Chart
Class Rules Chart Children's Daily Schedule Helper Chart / I.B.1.b.
Child takes care of and manages classroom materials.
Child regulates his own behavior with occasional reminders or assistance from teacher.
Child assumes various roles and responsibilities as part of classroom community.
185 / Read:
Best Practices
Establishing Rules and Routines
Social and Emotional Development
Social and Emotional Development
Self Control / Regulation / I.B.1.a.
Child follows classroom rules and routines with occasional reminders from teacher. I.B.1.c.
Child regulates his own behavior with occasional reminders or assistance from teacher.
11 / Read:
Social and Emotional Development.
Social Emotional Development
Social Competence
Language Development.
Scaffolding Language
Conversations Throughout the Day / I.B.1.c
Child regulates his own behavior with occasional reminders or assistance from teacher
Child begins to understand difference and connection between feelings and behaviors.
Child is aware of own feelings most of the time.
Child is able to increase or decrease intensity of emotions more consistently, although adult guidance is sometimes necessary.
Child uses positive relationships as modeled by his teacher for her own pro- social behaviors.
Child demonstrates empathy and caring for others.
Child demonstrates an understanding that others have perspectives and feelings that are different from her own.
38 / Read:
Book Reading.
Building Vocabulary / II.D.1.
Child uses a wide variety of words to label and describe people, places, things, and actions.
Child demonstrates understanding in a variety of ways or knowing the meaning of
3,000 to 4,000 words*, many more than he or she uses.
Child uses a large speaking vocabulary, adding several new words daily.
Child uses category labels to understand how the words/objects relate to each other.
334 / Read: / II.D.1.

Language Development

Instructional Experiences

Refer to the Developing Talkers Supplemental Curriculum. (Tier 1) Whole Group lessons

(Tier 2) Small Group lessons

COT graphs to chart growth in teaching practice across the year