CLB Level: PH2/3Essential Skills Focus:
Thinking Skills (Finding information)
Document Use (Using the phonebook)
Task: Understand the format of a phonebook and find information
Purpose: Students will
· Use a phonebook to understand the layout
· Students will find information
- Phonebooks
-Teacher-made worksheet package (adapted for your classroom)
Learning Style: Auditory, visual
Time: at least 2 – 3 lessons / Method:
1. Discuss with students where they currently find phone numbers and addresses of companies/organizations that they need. Do they or have they ever used a phonebook to find needed information? Do they understand the layout/format of the phonebook?
2. Discuss with students the important phone numbers for emergencies. Who and what number do they call for fire, for police, for poison control, etc. Show them where to find the information inside the phonebook and hand out the emergency numbers worksheet for them to fill-in.
3. Show students the headings in the phonebook and explain that they are alphabetized according the alphabet and have them practice alphabetical order with worksheet 1.
4. Hand out the rest of the worksheets and have them work individually or with partners to complete the remaining worksheets.
Discuss the importance of alphabetical order in offices for
filing and record keeping and how almost all information
everywhere is ordered either alphabetically or in some
sort of number ordered system. Explain to students that
the skimming and scanning skills they used for this activity
are applicable outside the classroom from shopping for
items in the store to reading a bus schedule to reading
directions/instructions in the workplace and reading work
Fire: ______
Police: ______
Ambulance: ______
Doctor: ______
Hospital: ______
Poison Control: ______
Worksheet 1:
Put your classmates name in alphabetical order by their last name
Angelique Nantaraba 1. ______
Nancy Zapata 2. ______
Luis Murcia Soto 3. ______
Henryk Palicheb 4. ______
Hellen Lado 5. ______
Tac Phung Sy 6. ______
Francy Zapata Vargas 7. ______
Rajinderpal Sidhu 8. ______
Janina Palicheb 9. ______
Victor Kozlov 10. ______
Elfenesh Habtemariam 11. ______
Joshua Nyang 12. ______
Maria Cruz 13. ______
Cuu Te Ly 14. ______
Kamlesh Balhara 15. ______
Worksheet 2
Phone book activity: Parts of the phone book.
Look at the cover of your phone book and answer the questions:
1. What is the name of the company that prints this phone book?
2. What is the picture on the front cover of the phone book?
3. What is the date of the phone book?
4. Does your phone book include the Yellow Pages? Yes or No?
5. What is on the back cover?
6. What do you see on the inside of the front cover?
Skim through your phone book and mark an X in the box [ ] if you found these items in your phone book:
Transportation (Winnipeg Transit) information [ ]
Table of Contents [ ]
Maps of different areas/neighborhoods in Winnipeg [ ]
Street Map Index [ ]
Winnipeg Transit’s Telebus Directory [ ]
Phone numbers for Canadian Government Offices [ ]
Phone numbers for Manitoba Government Offices [ ]
Coupons [ ]
Winnipeg Postal Codes [ ]
Worksheet 3
Alphabetize the following company names the same way you would find them in the phonebook.
Blue Rock Storage 1. ______
Blue Cross Insurance 2. ______
Blue Springs Farm 3. ______
Blue Diamond Farms 4. ______
Jenny Jones 5. ______
J. Jones 6. ______
J M Jones 7. ______
Look through the heading of your phone book and find the page numbers for each type of business.
Type of business Page number
1. Water ______
2. Hotels ______
3. Pizza ______
4. Churches ______
5. Plumbing ______
6. Employment ______
Winnipeg School Division Adult EAL Program Essential Skill Focus: Thinking Skills / Document Use
Author: Catherine Campbell CLB level: phase 2 / 3