The Glossary is not available during the Post-Test.

You may access the Command Menu by pressing the F1 key. If you cannot

answer the question, enter a question mark (?).

At the end of the Post-Test you will be allowed to review your answers

and make corrections. If you leave a question unanswered it will be

counted against you.

Using hyphens or spaces, divide the following words into syllables.

Be careful to use only one hyphen or space between each syllable.


maestra ma-es-tra

Use hyphens or spaces to divide the word below into syllables.


Use hyphens or spaces to divide the word below into syllables.

feroz (ANSWER BOX)

Use hyphens or spaces to divide the word below into syllables.

nación (ANSWER BOX)

Use hyphens or spaces to divide the word below into syllables.

estar (ANSWER BOX)

Use hyphens or spaces to divide the word below into syllables.

pluma (ANSWER BOX)

Use hyphens or spaces to divide the word below into syllables.

pared (ANSWER BOX)

Use hyphens or spaces to divide the word below into syllables.


Use hyphens or spaces to divide the word below into syllables.

cámera (ANSWER BOX)

Use hyphens or spaces to divide the word below into syllables.

ciudad (ANSWER BOX)

Use hyphens or spaces to divide the word below into syllables.

también (ANSWER BOX)

Use hyphens or spaces to divide the word below into syllables.

océano (ANSWER BOX)

Use hyphens or spaces to divide the word below into syllables.

miércoles (ANSWER BOX)

Use hyphens or spaces to divide the word below into syllables.

ayudar (ANSWER BOX)

Use hyphens or spaces to divide the word below into syllables.

elección (ANSWER BOX)

Use hyphens or spaces to divide the word below into syllables.

coméis (ANSWER BOX)

Number of question to review:

Number of question to review: 1

Use hyphens or spaces to divide the word below into syllables.


To leave your answer as it is, press the Enter key.


To change your answer, type corrections plus Enter.

Number of question to review:

1 correct 9 correct

2 incorrect 10 incorrect

3 incorrect 11 incorrect

4 incorrect 12 incorrect

5 incorrect 13 correct

6 correct 14 incorrect

7 correct 15 incorrect

8 incorrect

Pre-Test Score Post-Test Score

0/0/0 3/29/2001

Total correct: 0 Total correct: 0

Total incorrect: 0 Total incorrect: 15

Percent correct: 0 Percent correct: 0

Pre-Test Score Post-Test Score

0/0/0 3/29/2001

Total correct: 0 Total correct: 5

Total incorrect: 0 Total incorrect: 10

Percent correct: 0 Percent correct: 33.33334


│ Review the Tutorial and the Exercises │

│ again. │


You may now review those questions from the Pre-Test which you answered incorrectly, or you may return to the Lesson Menu. Indicate your choice by moving the box with the arrow keys and pressing Enter (◄─┘).


│Review Wrong Answers │


Return to Lesson Menu

leer | le-er

feroz | fe-roz

nación | na-ción

estar | es-tar

pluma | plu-ma

pared | pa-red

aquí | a-quí

cámara | cá-ma-ra

ciudad | ciu-dad

también | tam-bién

océano | o-cé-a-no

miércoles | miér-co-les

ayudar | a-yu-dar

elección | e-lec-ción

coméis | co-méis



Melissa’s note: you are given 2 times to try and get the answer, then the correct answer and the associated rules are given.

During these exercises you may access the Command Menu by pressing

the F1 key.

Access the Glossary by pressing the F3 key, or select the Glossary

option from the Command Menu.

You will be given three chances to answer each question. There will

be feedback to help you if you should enter an incorrect answer. If

you cannot answer the question, enter a question mark (?).

Using hyphens or spaces, divide each of the following words into

syllables. Be careful to use only one hyphen or space to mark the



ejercicio e-jer-ci-cio

Using hyphens or spaces, divide the following words into syllables.

Be careful to use only one hyphen or space between each syllable.

Esclavo (ANSWER BOX)

Using hyphens or spaces, divide the following words into syllables.

Be careful to use only one hyphen or space between each syllable.

Esclavo (es-cla-vo)

■ Muy bien.

■ The correct division is es-cla-vo.

■ Single consonants between vowels will join the following vowel

to form a syllable: ca -sa ho -ra a -ho -ra

■ Three consonant combinations usually divide after the first:

ten -dré tem -plo tiem –bla

Exercise: 1 of 25

Using hyphens or spaces, divide the following words into syllables.

Be careful to use only one hyphen or space between each syllable.

oveja (ANSWER BOX)

Exercise: 1 of 25

Using hyphens or spaces, divide the following words into syllables.

Be careful to use only one hyphen or space between each syllable.

oveja (ovej-a)

■ Single consonants between vowels will join the following vowel

to form a syllable: ca -sa ho -ra a -ho -ra

■ Try again.

Exercise: 2 of 25

Using hyphens or spaces, divide the following words into syllables.

Be careful to use only one hyphen or space between each syllable.

oveja (ove-ja)

■ The correct division is o-ve-ja.

■ Single consonants between vowels will join the following vowel

to form a syllable: ca -sa ho -ra a -ho -ra

Exercise: 3 of 25

Using hyphens or spaces, divide the following words into syllables.

Be careful to use only one hyphen or space between each syllable.


■ The correct division is se-ñor.

■ Single consonants between vowels will join the following vowel

to form a syllable: ca -sa ho -ra a -ho -ra

■ Remember that ch, ll, rr, and ñ are considered single consonants.

Therefore they will join the following vowel to form a syllable:

ca -ña ca -rro se -ño -ri -ta mu -cha -cha ca –lle

Exercise: 4 of 25

Using hyphens or spaces, divide the following words into syllables.

Be careful to use only one hyphen or space between each syllable.


■ Sí, ésa es la respuesta correcta.

■ The correct division is co-sa.

■ Single consonants between vowels will join the following vowel

to form a syllable: ca -sa ho -ra a -ho –ra

Exercise: 5 of 25

Using hyphens or spaces, divide the following words into syllables.

Be careful to use only one hyphen or space between each syllable.

callejero (ANSWER BOX)

■ Bien hecho.

■ The correct division is ca-lle-je-ro.

■ Single consonants between vowels will join the following vowel

to form a syllable: ca -sa ho -ra a -ho -ra

■ Remember that ch, ll, rr, and ñ are considered single consonants.

Therefore they will join the following vowel to form a syllable:

ca -ña ca -rro se -ño -ri -ta mu -cha -cha ca -lle

Exercise: 6 of 25

Using hyphens or spaces, divide the following words into syllables.

Be careful to use only one hyphen or space between each syllable.

arroz (ANSWER BOX)

■ The correct division is a-rroz.

■ Remember that ch, ll, rr, and ñ are considered single consonants.

Therefore they will join the following vowel to form a syllable:

ca -ña ca -rro se -ño -ri -ta mu -cha -cha ca -lle

Exercise: 7 of 25

Using hyphens or spaces, divide the following words into syllables.

Be careful to use only one hyphen or space between each syllable.

hacha (ANSWER BOX)

■ Sí, muy bien.

■ The correct division is ha-cha.

■ Remember that ch, ll, rr, and ñ are considered single consonants.

Therefore they will join the following vowel to form a syllable:

ca -ña ca -rro se -ño -ri -ta mu -cha -cha ca -lle

Exercise: 8 of 25

Using hyphens or spaces, divide the following words into syllables.

Be careful to use only one hyphen or space between each syllable.

hombre (ANSWER BOX)

■ Consonant + l and consonant + r cannot be divided except when

the consonant preceding l or r is an -s- or belongs to a prefix:

ha -blar, ce -le -brar BUT: sub -lu -nar, sub -ra -yar, es -pa -ñol.

■ Try again

Exercise: 8 of 25

Using hyphens or spaces, divide the following words into syllables.

Be careful to use only one hyphen or space between each syllable.

hombre (ANSWER BOX)

■ Sí, ésa es la respuesta correcta.

■ The correct division is hom-bre.

■ Consonant + l and consonant + r cannot be divided except when

the consonant preceding l or r is an -s- or belongs to a prefix:

ha -blar, ce -le -brar BUT: sub -lu -nar, sub -ra -yar, es -pa -ñol.

■ Three consonant combinations usually divide after the first:

ten -dré tem -plo tiem -bla

Exercise: 9 of 25

Using hyphens or spaces, divide the following words into syllables.

Be careful to use only one hyphen or space between each syllable.

accidente (ANSWER BOX)

■ The correct division is ac-ci-den-te.

■ Single consonants between vowels will join the following vowel

to form a syllable: ca -sa ho -ra a -ho -ra

■ Two consonant combinations usually divide, the first combines with

the preceding vowel, the second with the vowel that follows:

on -za ac -ción yer -ba ac -tor mon -ta -ña

Exercise: 10 of 25

Using hyphens or spaces, divide the following words into syllables.

Be careful to use only one hyphen or space between each syllable.


■ Sí, ésa es la respuesta correcta.

■ The correct division is ac-triz.

■ Consonant + l and consonant + r cannot be divided except when

the consonant preceding l or r is an -s- or belongs to a prefix:

ha -blar, ce -le -brar BUT: sub -lu -nar, sub -ra -yar, es -pa -ñol.

■ Three consonant combinations usually divide after the first:

ten -dré tem -plo tiem -bla

Exercise: 11 of 25

Using hyphens or spaces, divide the following words into syllables.

Be careful to use only one hyphen or space between each syllable.

vendré (ven-dre)

■ Good; but don't forget the accent next time. Remember that

Alt + vowel = accented vowel.

Exercise: 12 of 25

Using hyphens or spaces, divide the following words into syllables.

Be careful to use only one hyphen or space between each syllable.

monte (ANSWER BOX)

■ Sí, ésa es la respuesta correcta.

■ The correct division is mon-te.

■ Two consonant combinations usually divide, the first combines with

the preceding vowel, the second with the vowel that follows:

on -za ac -ción yer -ba ac -tor mon -ta -ña

Exercise: 13 of 25

Using hyphens or spaces, divide the following words into syllables.

Be careful to use only one hyphen or space between each syllable.

neutral (ANSWER BOX)

■ ¡Correcto!

■ The correct division is neu-tral.

■ Consonant + l and consonant + r cannot be divided except when

the consonant preceding l or r is an -s- or belongs to a prefix:

ha -blar, ce -le -brar BUT: sub -lu -nar, sub -ra -yar, es -pa -ñol.

■ Diphthongs do not divide unless broken by stress.

Exercise: 14 of 25

Using hyphens or spaces, divide the following words into syllables.

Be careful to use only one hyphen or space between each syllable.

alumbrar (ANSWER BOX)

■ The correct division is a-lum-brar.

■ Single consonants between vowels will join the following vowel

to form a syllable: ca -sa ho -ra a -ho -ra

■ Three consonant combinations usually divide after the first:

ten -dré tem -plo tiem -bla

Exercise: 15 of 25

Using hyphens or spaces, divide the following words into syllables.

Be careful to use only one hyphen or space between each syllable.


■ Muy bien.

■ The correct division is Ma-drid.

■ Consonant + l and consonant + r cannot be divided except when

the consonant preceding l or r is an -s- or belongs to a prefix:

ha -blar, ce -le -brar BUT: sub -lu -nar, sub -ra -yar, es -pa -ñol.

Exercise: 16 of 25

Using hyphens or spaces, divide the following words into syllables.

Be careful to use only one hyphen or space between each syllable.

codorniz (ANSWER BOX)

■ The correct division is co-dor-niz.

■ Single consonants between vowels will join the following vowel

to form a syllable: ca -sa ho -ra a -ho -ra

■ Two consonant combinations usually divide, the first combines with

the preceding vowel, the second with the vowel that follows:

on -za ac -ción yer -ba ac -tor mon -ta –ña

Exercise: 17 of 25

Using hyphens or spaces, divide the following words into syllables.

Be careful to use only one hyphen or space between each syllable.

gallina (ANSWER BOX)

■ ¡Correcto!

■ The correct division is ga-lli-na.

■ Single consonants between vowels will join the following vowel

to form a syllable: ca -sa ho -ra a -ho -ra

■ Consonant + l and consonant + r cannot be divided except when

the consonant preceding l or r is an -s- or belongs to a prefix:

ha -blar, ce -le -brar BUT: sub -lu -nar, sub -ra -yar, es -pa -ñol.

Exercise: 18 of 25

Using hyphens or spaces, divide the following words into syllables.

Be careful to use only one hyphen or space between each syllable.

subterráneo (ANSWER BOX)

■ The correct division is sub-te-rrá-ne-o.

■ Consonant + l and consonant + r cannot be divided except when

the consonant preceding l or r is an -s- or belongs to a prefix:

ha -blar, ce -le -brar BUT: sub -lu -nar, sub -ra -yar, es -pa -ñol.

■ Combinations of two strong vowels always break into separate

syllables: le -er, le -o, ca -o -ba, de -se -o.

Exercise: 19 of 25

Using hyphens or spaces, divide the following words into syllables.

Be careful to use only one hyphen or space between each syllable.

espuela (ANSWER BOX)

■ Sí, muy bien.

■ The correct division is es-pue-la.

■ Single consonants between vowels will join the following vowel

to form a syllable: ca -sa ho -ra a -ho -ra