CATA Curricular Activities Code Scrapbook


Revised 6/2008

Purpose & Standards

The Scrapbook Career Development Event seeks to actively prepare the students to document the history of the chapter by using different forms of media. Communication skills are developed through the collection and creation of multi-media materials from various events attended throughout the year. The scrapbook will serve as a recruitment and advertisement tool, within the chapter, school and community.

Foundation Standards: 2.0 Communications including Writing 2.2, Written and Oral English Language Conventions 2.3, 3.0 Career Planning and Management, 4.0 Technology, 7.0 Responsibility and Flexibility, 9.0 Leadership and Teamwork, and 11.0 Demonstration and Application.

Agricultural Business Pathway: A7.0 Students understand agricultural marketing systems.

Tie Breaker

If there is a tie, use the total scores (eliminating the highest and lowest), in the following order: Historical Content; Quality of Contents; Neatness; Diversity of Media, Category Title Pages/Table of Contents; Logical Pattern; Creativity.



A.  The contest will be held on the Region and State level.

B.  The State contest will be held during the State FFA Conference and the State Reporter will be the contest chairperson.

C.  Two books from each region will be permitted to progress to the state contest.

D.  Following the state contest, the scrapbook judges will select one page from each category to be posted on the CalAgEd web site as samples of exemplary pages.

E.  Upon completion of the critique, the scrapbooks will be returned and the results sheets will be distributed with the general results booklet.


A.  Contents must be contained in one scrapbook.

B.  Front and back pages are allowed to be used.

C.  All work is to be done by students – not by an adult or professional person.

D.  Scrapbooks must be official FFA scrapbooks purchased from the National Supply Service. Scrapbooks must be in good working condition.

E.  Scrapbooks with additional covering are not permissible.

F.  The scrapbook must be divided only in four categories. Categories must be: Supervised Agricultural Experience, Community Service, Leadership, and FFA Activities.

G.  The scrapbook must be the documentation of the history of the chapter’s activities from the previous state conference to the current state conference.

H.  The scrapbook must have an official FFA scrapbook title page.

I.  The scrapbook must have one table of contents located at the beginning of the book.

J.  All media must be trimmed, permanently attached, identified, and dated. Nothing can extend beyond the page itself.

K.  No laminated pages.

L.  Collages can be used as art, but cannot be the only historical content on page (ie: collage pictures used in a border of a page would be scored as creativity).


A.  There will be five judges for this contest. The judges will be: two FFA representatives appointed by the State FFA Advisor and three representatives from industry (such as newspaper, graphic designer, scrapbook consultants, etc.).

B.  Only the points indicated on the sample scoresheet are to be given in each category.

C.  All judge’s scorecards will be added for a winning total. Winner is the scrapbook with the highest grand total.

D.  SCORECARD: The region and state will score books using the following scoresheet:

Score Sheet / Possible
Points / Points
Neatness / 15
Historical Content / 25
Diversity of Media / 10
Quality of Content / 20
Category Title Pages/Table of Contents / 10
Logical Pattern / 10
Creativity / 10
TOTAL / 100

1.  Neatness (15 points) All items are neatly trimmed and secured on pages. No unsightly marks or smudges, accurate spelling, and printing on pages is legible.

2.  Historical Content (25 points) Scrapbook items are identified as to first and last names of people involved, activity and place. The items should answer the question: "Who, what, when, where, and why?” Memorabilia should connect chapter members to the activities.

3.  Diversity of Media (10 points) Varying types of media. News articles should be from local, city, county, state, and national sources. News source and date should be listed. Radio and TV should be listed with broadcast dates, times and stations. Other forms of media could include but not limited to programs, leaflets, handouts.

4.  Quality of Content (20 points) Photographs are of good quality and could include digital camera technology. Articles and memorabilia are not wrinkled and are original.

5.  Category Title Pages/Table of Contents (10 points) Must consist of the following categories: Supervised Agricultural Experience, Community Service, Leadership, and FFA Activities.

6.  Logical Pattern (10 points) Scrapbook items are placed in a logical pattern.

7.  Creativity (10 points) Originality and ingenuity of pages illustrate understanding of color, quality, variety, and relationship of each picture on the pages.

Scrapbook Scorecard

Chapter: ______Judge ID: ______

Notes: Complete in ink. Circle only the points designated below.

Excellent / Very Good / Good / Fair / Poor / Judges Score
Neatness. All items are neatly trimmed and secured on pages. No unsightly marks or smudges, accurate spelling, and printing on pages is legible. / 15 / 12 / 9 / 6 / 3
Neatness Suggestions:
Historical Content. Scrapbook items are identified as to first and last name of people involved, activity and place. The items should answer the question: “Who, what, when, where, and why?” Memorabilia should connect chapter members to the activities. / 25 / 20 / 15 / 10 / 5
Historical Content Suggestions:
Diversity of Media. Varying types of media. News articles should be from local, city, county, state, and national sources. News source and date should be listed. Radio and TV should be listed with broadcast dates, times and stations. Other forms of media could include but not limited to programs, leaflets, handouts. / 10 / 8 / 6 / 4 / 2
Diversity of Media Suggestions:
Quality of Contents. Photographs are of good quality and could include digital camera technology. Articles and memorabilia are not wrinkled and are original. / 20 / 16 / 12 / 8 / 4
Quality of Contents Suggestions
Category Title Pages/Table of Contents. Must consist of the following categories: Supervised Agricultural Experiences, Community Service, Leadership, and FFA Activities. / 10 / 8 / 6 / 4 / 2
Category Title Pages/Table of Contents Suggestions:
Logical Pattern. Scrapbook items are placed in a logical pattern. / 10 / 8 / 6 / 4 / 2
Logical Pattern Suggestions:
Creativity. Originality and ingenuity of pages illustrate understanding of color, quality, variety, and relationship of each picture on the pages. / 10 / 8 / 6 / 4 / 2
Creativity Suggestions:

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