City of Leeton, Missouri
Notice is hereby given that a public meeting of the Board of Alderman will take place
Tuesday, April 11, 2017 at 7:00 PM
Leeton City Hall, 108 West Summerfield, Leeton, MO 64761
Tentative Agenda
- Call to order
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Approval of agenda
- Resolution 2017-02, A Resolution to Accept Candidates for Municipal Office
- Adjourn sine die
- Oath of office for newly-elected officials by Terry Bond, City Clerk
- Call to order of new Board of Aldermen
- Roll call
- Election of Mayor Pro-Tem
- Consideration of Mayor’s Recommendations for Appointments of Commissioners
- Consent Agenda
- Approval of minutes of previous meeting(s)
- Treasurer’s and financial reports
- Utility reports
V.Tennie Seward – Cost of Liquor License
VI.Public comment- limited to 3 minutes unless otherwise approved by the Board
IX.Reports and communications:
- Park Board report
- Mayor’s report
- City Clerk’s report
- Police report
- Public Works report
- Commissioners’ reports: Water, Sewer, Police, Cemetery, Streets
X.Old business:
- Nuisance code enforcement update
XI.New business:
- Bill No. 17-04, An Ordinance Amending Chapter 75 Pertaining to Offenses for the City of Leeton, Missouri
- Citywide Cleanup – set dates
- Truck purchase
XII.Public comment- limited to 3 minutes unless otherwise approved by Board
XIII.Adjourn into executive (closed) session, pursuant to RSMo 610.021(3)
The City of Leeton strives to maintain open lines of communication through a variety of means. Those with comments for the Board are reminded that public input is welcome during public comment periods or when a citizen has requested to be placed on the agenda. Requests to be placed to the agenda must be placed with the City Clerk no later than Thursday at noon prior to the Board meeting. Comments outside of these designated times are a distraction to the meeting and not allowed.
Agenda posted April 6, 2017 at 3:00 Terry Bond, City Clerk