Central middle school
2014-2015 Cheerleading Tryout Packet
Thank you for your interest in trying out for cheerleading. In this packet, you will find the following tryout information and the 2014-2015 Rules for Cheerleading. Please read and understand all the enclosed information before tryouts.
Cheerleading Tryout Dates:
· Cheer Tryout Practices will be held on Monday, February 24th right after school until 5:00. Tryout material will be taught during this time. You must attend cheer tryout practice to be able to tryout on the final day (PAPER WORK MUST BE TURNED IN NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, FEB. 21ST BY THE END OF THE SCHOOL DAY – 2:35. THERE WILL NOT BE ANY EXCEPTIONS MADE. IF PAPERWORK IS NOT TURNED IN ON TIME, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO TRYOUT.)
· Try-outs will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 25th from 2:30 – 5:00. All tryouts will be closed to any parents or spectators.
To be eligible in the fall/spring of 2014-2015 for cheerleading, a student must have:
· A completed physical form and all paperwork turned in on time
· Achieved a 2.5 grade point average for the 2013-2014 school year for the first semester grading period.
The following MUST BE turned in BEFORE you can participate in tryout practices and/or tryouts.
· Completed Information Sheet
· Completed permission slip and signature statement sheet signed by both parent and participant
· Completed physical form (please call early for appointment, form is in this packet for doctor to fill out)
· All teacher recommendation sheets
Note: The deadline for turning in ALL paperwork is no later than FRIDAY, FEB. 21ST by the end of the school day-2:35. THERE WILL NOT BE ANY EXCEPTIONS MADE. IF PAPERWORK ISN’T TURNED IN ON TIME, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO TRYOUT.
Selection of the cheerleaders will be based on the following:
· A cheer, chant, and dance that will be taught to the participants during the tryout practices
· Jumps- a toe touch (required) and then choice of second jump
· Scholastic achievement and eligibility
· Conduct during tryout practices and tryouts
· Attitude, initiative, teamwork, leadership, work ethic, enthusiasm, and coachability during tryout practices & tryouts
What do you wear to tryouts?
· During tryout practice days please wear comfortable, length appropriate shorts, and a t-shirt. Dress as if you would dress for cheerleading practice. Sports bras must be worn. Your hair should also be off your shoulders (put up).
· On official try-out day your hair should be off your shoulders, and no jewelry should be worn or artificial nails. All participants are to tryout in their PE uniform.
· Please do not wear any previous cheerleading or dance attire during tryout practices.
For those who make the squad:
There will be a mandatory parent meeting Thursday, February 27th at 2:45. Please mark your calendar. A deposit of $200.00 (cash) for cheer gear will have to be made at the meeting.
**Total Estimated Maximum Costs of Uniforms= $500.00 Total Balance due by May,22nd .
Cheer gear will not be given out until balance is paid in FULL.
**Total Estimated Maximum Costs of Cheer Camp=$160.00 Balance due before end of May. More information will be given at the parent meeting. Date of camp will be July 28th - 30th from 9-2. All cheerleaders MUST attend camp.
If you have any questions, please contact M. McClure or
B. Ricks .
Approved: ______& ______
Information SheetPlease complete the following information. Please write LEGIBLY.
Student Name:Current Grade Level:
Full Home Address:
Home Phone: / Cell Phone:
Email address: / Birthday (DD/MM/YYYY)
Parent/Guardian Name:
Home address (if different from above)
Parent/Guardian Phone (If different from above)
Mother’s Work Phone: / Mother’s Cell Phone:
Mother’s Email:
Father’s Work Phone: / Father’s Cell Phone:
Father’s Email:
Emergency Contact Name: / Relationship to You:
Emergency Phone: / Emergency Cell Phone:
Allergies/Health Problems/ Medications (Please describe in detail):
Were you given any TOR, after school clinics, or suspensions during the 2012-2013 school year? Even one time counts. Please be honest because we will be checking.
If yes, please explain on a separate sheet of paper.
2014-2015 CMS Cheerleading By-laws
The objective of the CMS cheerleading squad is to effectively execute a school spirit program that supports the athletic teams and promotes the school itself. Cheerleaders will serve as positive role models and leaders for CMS, and should promote sportsmanship within our school and among other schools. The highest priority should be to display and encourage spirit and pride for CMS.
Squad Members and Practices
· Members will be chosen at a formal tryout session.
· Members MUST participate in all tryout practices.
Practices and Games
· Squads will have practices each week. A schedule will be given out at the beginning of each month. All practices are mandatory and other schedules should revolve around cheerleading practices. Additional practices may be added when needed and we will try to do it a week ahead of time so parents and cheerleaders can plan for it.
· During football season, games are usually held on Tuesdays; however the CMS football schedule will change this year. You will also be given a schedule at the beginning of the season, and cheerleaders will be expected to be present at all games that are assigned on the monthly schedule. We will try to follow all schedules as close as possible.
Attendance Requirements
· ABSENCES CAN BE THE DOWNFALL OF A GREAT CHEERLEADING SQUAD! If one or more squad members are absent from a practice or game, the other members are forced to make last minute changes. This can be both stressful and dangerous to squad members.
· You will be expected to be at all games and practices. Jobs, club activities, extracurricular activities, doctor’s appointments, etc. must not interfere with cheerleading. Academics first, CMS cheer second to all other activities.
· If you commit to cheerleading you are committing to attend every game. Unexcused absences are those caused by anything other than illness or family emergencies. In addition, just because a cheerleader asks to be excused doesn’t mean that the excuse will be granted. Absences must be asked for and excused.
· If you are ill or have a family emergency, the coach needs to be notified by a parent or guardian in order for this absence to be excused. Please notify the coach before the absence.
· Students must be present half the school day (full 2 class periods) to be eligible for practices and games scheduled for that day.
· If a student is assigned to TOR, the student may not participate in any scheduled event for the time the athlete is assigned to TOR. In addition, the athlete will be benched for excessive ZAPS. School suspension will result in dismissal from the squad.
· A minimum of 2.5 GPA must be maintained throughout the cheering season (each 9 weeks).
· Because cheerleaders are students first and athletes second, progress reports will be brought to the Coach to monitor academic progress.
Expected Behavior
· All CMS guidelines must be followed at all times.
· A demerit system will be implemented from day one.
· Promote a positive image for the school community—your peers, parents, teachers, and community members.
· While representing CMS, cheerleaders must not:
· Drink alcoholic beverages
· Use controlled substances
· Use tobacco products
· Show unsportsmanlike conduct
· Use profanity
· Vandalize any areas in and around the school, or in the community
· Show displays of affection (No PDA)
· Be academically dishonest
· Attend all practices and games.
· Your attitude and ability to work with other different personalities must be exceptional.
· Lying or fabricating the truth will not be tolerated and can result in immediate termination from the squad.
· Part of a coach’s job is to know where you are at all times during practices, games, and special events. Consequences will be issued for failure to follow the coach’s direction or to stay in assigned areas during events.
· While safety is our number one goal, please understand that you should expect bumps, bruises, and other occasional minor injuries. This is all part of cheerleading.
· All official cheerleading decisions and activities will be made by the Coaches. All coaches are to be given respect and cooperation by cheerleaders and parents at all times.
· Lack of respect will not be tolerated and can be grounds for dismissal.
*Being in correct uniform means wearing the appropriate uniform—sports bra, bloomers, hair ribbon, socks, shoes having hair pulled up. Complete uniform also means wearing no jewelry, glitter, or fingernail polish. Your nails must be trimmed short, and no acrylic nails or tips will be worn.
Coaches, sponsors, and/or principals reserve the right to make changes/additions to the rules as needed. In addition, if you have any questions or concerns, please respect the following chain of command:
· Monica McClure or Brittney Ricks
· Jason Fountain and - Principal
Central Middle School Cheerleading Demerit System
Note: Excused absences include illness (must be absent for the entire school day) and attending another school-sponsored event (field trips, participation in other athletic contests, etc.). The cheerleader must produce a note from a parent, doctor, or school activity sponsor the following school day for the absence to be counted as excused. Injury or illness that will require a cheerleader to miss 2 or more consecutive events requires a doctor’s excuse. Lack of participation in 2 or more consecutive events without a doctor’s excuse will be considered an unexcused absence.
Unexcused absence from practice or a game 5
Late to a games 4
Late to practice 4
More than 10 minutes late for pick up from games or practice 4
Leaving early from a game without permission or not staying to clean up 4
Improper uniform for game (briefs, bow, shoes, etc.) 2
Not having materials for practice / practice 2
Improper nail polish or nail length 2
Wearing jewelry at practice or games (includes belly and tongue rings) 2
Uniform not clean 2
Using cell phone at games or practice without permission 3
Chewing gum or eating food during practice or a game 3
Inappropriate PDA during games or while in uniform 3
Using inappropriate language during games (includes taunting and name calling) 5
Showing disrespect to coach or squad member 5
1st TOR & after school clinic assigned 5
2nd TOR & after school clinic assigned 10
3rd TOR & after school clinic assigned dismissed from squad
Any suspension dismissed from squad
· Accumulation of 10 demerits will result in the cheerleader being suspended for one game. The cheerleader must still dress in uniform and will be required to attend all home and away functions and sit with the coach during her game suspension.
· Accumulation of 15 demerits will result in the cheerleader being suspended for two games. During her suspension the cheerleader must dress in uniform, participate in any in-school cheerleader related activities or travel to away games with the squad.
· Accumulation of 20 demerits will result in automatic removal from the squad.
· All demerits will be erased at the end of a school year.
** Please don’t throw away. Keep these forms for the year in case a question arises about the rules and/or demerit system.
Approved: ______& ______
My child, ______has my permission to be a cheerleader at Central Middle School. I understand that he/she must abide by the rules and regulations set forth by the Coach and the principal of Central Middle School, and be present for all practices and games. I have read the rules and regulations and understand that the violation of any of these rules may lead to temporary or permanent suspension from the squad. I understand and give permission for my daughter/son to ride with the Coach and/or other parents when necessary. I understand that all forms attached must be completed by April 29th or my child will not be allowed to tryout. I understand that my child must attend all practices (unless excused by the Coach) and tryout sessions, or my child will not be considered for a cheerleading position.
I understand that my child will be evaluated by qualified judges, and we agree to abide by the decision of the judges.
I understand all costs involved as stated in the rules.
I understand that I provide the transportation for my child to be picked up or dropped off ON TIME. If I can’t fulfill this obligation then this is not the activity I should sign my child up for.
I understand by the very nature of the activity, cheerleading and gymnastics carry a risk of physical injury. No matter how careful the participant and coach are, how many spotters are used, or what landing surface is used, the risk cannot be eliminated. The risk of injury includes minor injuries such as muscle pulls, dislocation, and broken bones. The risk also includes catastrophic injuries such as permanent paralysis or even death from landing or falls on the back, neck, or head. I understand these risks and will not hold Central Middle School or any of its personnel responsible in the case of accident or injury at any time.
Parent or Guardian Date
I am interested in being a cheerleader at Central Middle School. I understand the risks stated above. If selected, I promise to abide by the rules and regulations set forth by the Coach and the principal of Central Middle School. I promise to cooperate and follow the instructions of the cheerleading coach.
Student Signature: ______Date: ___/___/___
Teacher recommendation sheets are below. Participants are responsible for giving them to each of their teachers to fill out. Do not wait till the last minute to do this. These totals will be averaged and used on each participants score sheet for tryouts.
SUBJECT / HOUR / TEACHERCheerleading Teacher Recommendation Sheet
Student Name: ______Grade: _____Teacher:______
Students should have the top filled out for you. Please take a minute to rank the characters and abilities of the above student.