Pre AP Physics Energy, Momentum, Collisions Test Review

1)A 740 kg roller coaster starts from rest at a height of 69 m. What is its speed when it is 21 m off the ground?

2)A 6 kg ball of clay traveling at 10 m/s collides with a 20 kg ball of clay traveling in the same direction at 2 m/s. What is their combined speed if the two balls stick together when they touch?

3)A bowling ball has a mass of 3.4 kg and is traveling with a velocity of 24 m/s down the lane. How much momentum does it have?

4)A 3 kg ball rolls off of a 1 m high cliff traveling at 3 m/s. If it lands directly on top of an unstretched spring with a spring constant of 21 N/m, how far does it compress the spring?

5)A car with the breaks applied comes to a stop in 4.0 s. During these 4.0s the total force of friction is 2231N. What is the change in momentum experienced by the driver of the car?

6)A horizontal spring is compressed 0.17 m and has a spring constant of 900 N/m. If this spring is used to launch a 5 kg ball, what is the velocity of the ball just as it leaves the spring?

7)What is the mass of an object moving at a speed of 8 m/s with a kinetic energy of 770 J?

8)How much energy does it take to accelerate a 17 kg object from rest to 82 m/s?

9)A stationary hockey puck has a mass of 0.10 kg. A hockey player uses her stick to apply a 2.6 N force over a distance of 1.8 m. How much work does this force do on the puck?

10)A sphere of mass 6 kg is moving at 7 m/s to the right until it smacks into a second stationary sphere of mass 4 kg. After the collision, both spheres travel to the right: the first sphere at 1.40 m/s, and the second sphere at 8.40 m/s. What kind of collision took place?

11)A 85 kg stone falls from the top of a 640 m cliff. Neglecting friction, how fast will the stone be moving just as it hits the ground?

12)A 3 kg ball is placed on a vertical 930 N/m spring that is compressed 19 cm. When the spring is released, how high above its starting point will the ball go?

13)George does 71 joules of work to lift a 9 kg box at a constant speed. If he drops it, how fast will the box be going when it hits the ground?

14)A moving object with a mass of 8.9kg has linear momentum of magnitude 16kg⋅m/s. What is the kinetic energy of the object?

15)Ball A with a mass of 6.8kg and ball B with twice as much mass 13.6kg collide and stick together in a perfectly inelastic collision. The combined balls are at rest after the collision. If the velocity of ball A before the collision was 9.1m/s, what was the velocity of ball B before the collision?

16)How much energy is stored in a spring with a spring constant of 160 N/m if the spring is compressed a distance of 0.3 m from its free length?

17)An air bag applies a force of 1100 N to bring about a change in momentum of 66.0 kg·m/s. How much time did it act over?

18)Dennis drops a quarter from a skyscraper with floors spaced 5 m apart. If the quarter hits the ground at 36 m/s, then how many floors above ground is Dennis? (Ignore air drag.)

19)A 24 kg ball is thrown straight upwards with a speed of 47 m/s. What is the maximum height the ball reaches?

20)A 1400 kg car sliding on frictionless ice at 23 m/s hits a stationary, 2100 kg minivan. The two vehicles are locked together after impact on the ice. What is their speed after impact?

21)In an inelastic collision, what quantities are conserved?

22)A 2700 kg truck at 49 m/s collides with a stationary 1400 kg passenger car, and the two stick together. Assuming that they are free to move afterward, what will themomentumof the truck+car object be?

23)Car A is moving to the right with a speed of 14m/s and car B is moving to the left with a speed of 7.8m/s. Both cars have a mass of 1000kg. What is the total momentum of the system consisting of cars A and B? (You may define positive direction to be to the right)

24)A steel ball traveling at 6 m/s hits a stationary line of three steel balls. Which statement is true if the collision is perfectly elastic? Describe what happens after the collision.

25)A vertical spring withk= 1500 N/m is compressed 0.8 m. A 4.9 kg ball is placed on top of the spring and released. How far above its starting point is the ball when it has a speed of 3 m/s?