Bulletin Contents
President’s Report……………………………………………………… 3
Executive Director’s Report……………………………………………. 4
Membership, Necrology and New Dentists……………………………. 5
Meeting Minutes from Special Executive Council Meeting………….....6
Proposed Bylaws Changes………………………………………………7
Proposed Administrative Code Changes………………………………..8-9
147th Semi-Annual Meeting Schedule.………………………………….12
Calendar………..………………………………………………………. 13
Officers and Executive Council 2015……………………………………14
Elected & Appointed Representatives on State Councils………………. 15
County Dental Society Officers ……..…………………………………..18
146th Annual Meeting Minutes……………………………………….....19-24
Attachments to the Executive Council Meeting …………………………25-32
146th Membership Meeting Minutes ……………………………………33-34
Statement of Accounts…………………………………………………...35
Treasurer’s Report and Summary of Meeting Income…………………...36
Summary of Income 2012-2014…………………………………………..37
Summary of Expenses 2012-2014………………………………………..38-39
President’s Report
I am honored to serve as President of the Sixth District Dental Society. I hope that I will be worthy of your support. I follow in the large footsteps of Dr. James DeSantis who served two terms as President. He graciously agreed to serve a second year when Dr. Joseph Speicher was unable as he was appointed to the New York State Board of Dentistry. Dr. DeSantis provided wonderful mentoring and guidance. I wish him and all members of the Executive Council well and thank all for serving your society. The Executive Council is composed of dedicated volunteers. I hope that younger members will choose to participate in the leadership of your society when asked. You are the future of your profession.
Political forces will be arrayed over the next several years to the detriment of our profession and patients. We must be aware that the effort on the federal and state level to influence health care delivery is directed by persons outside of the practice of medicine and dentistry. Principally lawyers and bureaucrats will determine how we function. As private medical insurance is negatively impacted by The Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA), dental insurance as an add-on will be challenged; this deprives our patients of the financial assistance that has enabled superior dental care. This is the role of EDPAC, to help guide our state legislators to pass helpful legislation and limit damaging legislation. I hope that every member will choose to participate in additional financial support for EDPAC, by joining the Capital Club. Regardless of your personal views of the ACA, the impact will be substantial for practitioners and patients.
The state of the Southern Tier economy is problematic. Upstate New York faces serious issues for economic growth. This impacts office bottom lines and desirability for younger practitioners to come to our area. Tax and employment pressures need not affect our office ethics. Financial statistics across the nation demonstrate declining income among dentists. Coupled with the increased cost for dental education, there is greater financial pressure upon younger dentists. The ADA has observed this trend and is concerned, as is NYSDA. There is a disturbing trend for younger dentists to opt out of ADA membership. This may be related to cost, though there are reduced fees for younger members, or antipathy to group alignment. Whatever the reason, we must attempt to encourage membership among recent graduates and unaffiliated practitioners. There is power in numbers.
For almost 25 years our Society has been served excellently by Dr. Alfonso Perna. He has been a mentor, friend, and “uncle” to me. Dr. Perna has professionalized the Executive Director position and made our Society into a modern organization. He has served as the President of NYSDA and is well respected throughout the state. He will be a hard act to follow and will be missed when he retires in mid 2016. Ms. Nicole Bruster will serve as our next Executive Director. I thank her for her dedication to our society. The Executive Committee has decided to create a new position of Dental Advisor to aid Nicole in her position (as she is not a dentist). This will require approval by the membership as a By-laws change. Please support this change. It will allow us a substantial savings in operating budgetary costs. This will allow the Sixth District financial stability for years to come.
I congratulate and thank Dr. Scott Farrell who has agreed to serve as our nominee for NYSDA President from the Sixth District. He will move into the NYSDA chairs shortly. Please give him your support and encouragement. We will have an election to replace him on the NYSDA Trustee Board with Drs. Payam Goudarzi and Rick Lacey both running for the position. I hope that you will give both the courtesy to read their statements and listen to their presentations. The membership will elect one as the new Trustee at the Friday May 1 meeting. Both are excellent candidates. Later in the year we will elect a replacement for the then vacated House of Delegates seat.
Please continue to support our educational meetings. I thank Dr. Stuart Rouff for many wonderful years of meetings. I thank Dr. Ryan Comfort for accepting the position as Program Chair; he will have hard shoes to fill. Finally, this is your Society and I hope that you will always feel free to let us know where we can improve. Please feel free to let us know when we perform well too. I would like to remember the many people who are not longer with us, for they have formed a great path that we follow. I hope that we are equal to their efforts.
Respectfully submitted,
Howard Warner, DDS
Executive Director’s Report
As you know I am retiring on June 30, 2016. I am pleased to announce that my Executive Secretary, Ms. Nicole Bruster is the leading candidate to replace me. The Executive Council will consider the nomination this year.
The E-prescribing difficulties continue to involve us but there is a ray of hope that the Legislature and Governor will extend the deadline. But it is important that members sign up before the deadline.
We have several elections this year. In May, we will vote to replace our NYSDA Trustee Dr. Scott Farrell. Drs. Payam Goudarzi and Frederick Lacey have indicated that they wish to be considered for this seat. That will open a seat in our representation at the NYSDA House of Delegates.
Any member in good standing who wishes to run should send their CV to the central office here at the Sixth District Dental Society by April 1, 2015. We have two candidates already, and I am hoping for more.
Our Spring meeting will be held at the Double Tree in Binghamton on May 1st and Dr. Robert Vogel will be speaking on denture supported implants. I do hope many of you will attend. The Doubletree offers us increased exhibitor’s space in a central location, great parking and if all goes well may be our hotel of choice for future meetings.
Dr. Stuart Rouff our excellent program chair for many years is retiring. Dr. Rouff has asked Dr. Ryan Comfort to secede him and Dr. Comfort has agreed. If any member has an idea for a course to be given let Dr. Comfort know so he can look into it. His email address is .
Respectfully submitted,
Alfonso J. Perna, DDS
Executive Director
Membership 12/13 12/14
Active Members 199 195
Life Members-Active 26 24
Life Members- Retired 67 72
Retired Members 1 2
First Year Graduates 3 4
Second Year Graduates 8 3
Third Year Graduates 1 2
Fourth Year Graduates 2 8
Fifth Year Graduates 0 1
Permanent Disability 10 8
50% Waiver 0 0
75% Waiver 0 0
Full Waiver 9 3
Associate Member 0 0
Honorary Member 0 0
TOTAL 326 322
New Members:
Dr. David Rogers-General Dentistry
University of Pittsburgh-2007
Johnson City, NY
Dr. David Yu-General Dentistry
Columbia University-2009
Oneonta, NY
Dr. Susan Minchin-General Dentistry
Elmira, NY
Dr. Jennifer Livermore-General Dentistry
Ohio State University-2004
Ithaca, NY
Dr. Ernesto Bonaparte-General Dentistry
Columbia DSM-1993
Ithaca, NY
Dr. Edgar Schmidt-General Dentistry
Binghamton, NY
Dr. Morton Levy-General Dentistry
Binghamton, NY
Respectfully submitted,
Alfonso J. Perna, DDS
Executive Director
Summary/Minutes Executive Committee Meeting: Jan. 20, 2015 Little Venice, Binghamton, NY
Meeting called to order by Dr Howard Warner, President, at 6:40 p.m. Present also: Ms. Nicole Bruster, Drs. Mario Silvestri, Luis Mauleon, Frederick Lacey, Betsey Clark, and Alfonso Perna. Absent: Dr. James DeSantis.
The agenda included many items to be resolved prior to the Executive Council meeting in May, 2015:
1. Finalize the By-laws changes offered by Dr. Mario Silvestri at the October 15, 2014 Executive Council meeting, debated then amended by Dr. James DeSantis.
Another modification was made to avoid conflicts within the Executive Council when multiple qualified candidates exist and are members of the Council. These will be posted prior to the spring meeting for membership approval.
2. Create By-laws and Administrative Code description for new position of Dental Advisor.
This is necessary when the Executive Director is a non-dentist. This person will serve as a professional advisor to the Executive Director, be available to assist the Executive Director with fiduciary and accounting responsibilities such as signing checks and going over reconciliation report for all accounts, and communicate with other Sixth District Dental Society members when necessary. It has been decided that once Dr. Alfonso Perna retires in 2016, our next Executive Director will be Ms. Nicole Bruster. The majority of NYSDA Components have non-dentists serve as Executive Director. These changes will be posted prior to the spring meeting for membership approval.
3. Compensation and allowances for the Executive Director and Dental Advisor positions.
The new Executive Director will assume the duties of the Executive Assistant in addition to his or her duties as Executive Director. It was agreed upon by the Executive Committee in attendance that a beginning salary of $19,000 for Ms. Bruster as the Director, with allowance for meetings of $3,000 and two weeks of vacation was agreed upon. The Advisor will be offered a salary of $6000 with a $2500 allowance for meetings. This arrangement will allow a savings to the district of over $10,000. This will avoid a dues raise or any increase in CE meetings fees to members for the near future.
4. The details of replacing Dr. Scott Farrell when he vacates his NYSDA Trustee position in 2016.
Two candidates have been announced. They are Dr. Frederick Lacy and Dr. Payam Goudarzi. A statement of up to one page and resume by each interested candidate will be posted before the spring meeting. At the fall meeting both candidates will make a statement and then the election by the membership shall take place. Due to the conflict, Dr. Lacey (as VP) will not serve on the nominations committee during the 2015 period. We also discussed the line of succession for the House of Delegates position and Presidency of the Sixth District dependent upon the election. We will meet again later in the year to develop the alternate plans.
5. CE certification will continue as presently done after Dr. Perna’s retirement.
Thank you for your attention and work.
Respectfully submitted,
Howard Warner, DDS
Proposed By-law Changes
Article VIII
Section 8. Executive Director Emeritus
a. Upon the retirement of the Executive Director, the person may be appointed by the Executive Committee with the approval of the Executive Council.
b. The Executive Director Emeritus may attend all educational meetings of the Society without any fee.
c. The Executive Director Emeritus may attend Society business meetings, ex officio, without voting rights.
d. In the event that the Executive Director is temporarily unable to serve, the Executive Director Emeritus may serve in that duty at the request of the Executive Committee.
Section 9. Dental Advisor
a. In the event that the Executive Director is not a dentist, the Executive Committee may appoint a Dental Advisor subject to Executive Council approval.
b. The Dental Advisor will take direction from the Executive Committee and work in concert with the Executive Director. The Dental Advisor will assist the Executive Director as possible.
c. In the advent that the Dental Advisor is unable to serve, the Executive Committee may appoint a temporary Dental Advisor. The President and Treasurer shall carry out the duties of the dental advisor until a temporary Dental Advisor is appointed.
d. Compensation of the dental advisor is subject to the budgetary process.
Proposed Changes to the Administrative Code
· Notably: approval of these changes requires simple majority vote. There are two pages to this document.
· In an attempt to become more in line with the NYSDA Bylaws, there are two proposed changes to the Sixth District Administration Code that require approval. Specifically, we are forced to modify our current guidelines to be in compliance with the state format in regards to establishment of an outline to deal with vacancies of positions as well as the establishment of a coherent nominations committee to deal with vacancies of necessary posts, and selection of the district nominee for the NYSDA Trustee position.
· We find our current guidelines to be inadequate. For example, in addition to other issues, there is reference made to the “Board of Governors” which no longer exists at the state level (this was essentially replaced by a similar body known now as the House of Delegates). It is necessary to clearly define any current areas of ambiguity and to simplify our districts approach to any future vacancies.
· The proposed changes are respectfully submitted after much work by the current Bylaws Chairperson, Dr. Mario Silvestri. They were reviewed and discussed at great length during the Executive Council meeting of Wednesday, 15 October 2014. With exception of non-substance wording changes for clarification, they have been available on-line for greater than or equal to the thirty days as required. The final draft appears below. The Executive Committee offers thanks to the Bylaws Chairperson and presents these proposed changes the Administrative Code for your review as outlined.
· The current Administrative Code will be presented (in italics) followed by the proposed change in normal font.
Page sixteen, line ten of current code:
8. Nominations Committee
a. The composition of this committee shall be a Chairperson and at least three (3) members of this Society. Whenever possible this committee should be composed of recent Past Presidents. The Vice President of this society shall be a member of this committee. The chairperson of this committee must be a serving member of the NYSDA Board of Governors, or a person who has served as a NYSDA Board Member within the previous two years. The term of office shall be one (1) year.
b. It shall be the duty of this committee:
1) To prepare a slate of nominees for officers and Chairpersons, as required, for submission to the Executive Council at each Semi-Annual Meeting.
Proposed Change: